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Messages - DrDeepWood

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Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 25, 2013, 10:41 pm »
Well Its a paradox:

Anyone who gets my guides and notices its not a ripoff wouldn't post them publicly
If my guides were a ripoff then there would be nothing to post

Its ocolms razor:
Is it simpler to believe that over 100 people were scammed and somehow I have been guessing the correct answers to advanced chemistry questions on the forum and nobody has bothered to out me as a scammer


Is the more simple solution that I know what im talking about and have 100 happy customers who don't necessarily want to come to the forums and brag about their synthesis

Product offers / Re: Unmanned delivery drone 10/100/1000km distance
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:34 am »
 I dont know why people are still talking about this.
The numbers OP posted were totally bogus, even military grade equipment doesn't get that high stats.
I have experience in this field and if you want to build a drone I can advise you as an extension of my chemistry consulting services.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: February 18, 2013, 12:06 am »
motek: I would never give you a free guide, I was being sarcastic.  You are totally delusional, what makes you think I would ever give a free guide to someone whos stated that A) they would never accept one B) has made outright lies in an attempt to lower my credibility and C) someone who would abandon logic and make himself look like an autistic 12 year old with an internet connection just to attempt to discredit me.

You are accusing me of deleting negative commends? You LITERALLY think that there is a huge conspiracy to hide negative reviews of me? How about the more simple alternative, there are very few people who purchased that have negative things to say.  You act like dissonance has your back against me, he apologized and changed his stance after talking with me on this thread!

Looks like you did some googling and made a list of ergoloids, what exactly are you trying to prove?
Yes, some of those compounds can be broken down to lysergic acid used for LSD synthesis but almost none of them are available commercially and many of them are 100% unrealistic to use. 
Most of those compounds are very very expensive and the ones available commercially in pill form contain doses around 1mg per pill, AKA 1000 pills per gram, before the weight loss of hydrolysis!
You are much better off using my method and producing 1 gram for every liter of fermentation broth.

your list of ergoloids means nothing! a few of them are even totally useless!

So your favorite ergoloid for LSD production is LYSERGOL?
You really don't know anything about organic chemisty except for how to copy and paste fancy looking names from the internet.

LYSERGOL is next to impossible to utilize!  Lysergol requires a selective oxidation to convert the alcohol into a carboxylic acid.  Do you know how hard it is to find an oxidation agent that will leave the rest of that fragile molecule alone and only oxidize the alcohol group?  You realize that this was only recently accomplished in very low yields in a professional lab right? It was done as a proof of concept and would never be practical in any other way.  TOTAL GARBAGE.   Only looks good to someone that has never done any synthesis before in their life.

"  **AND I 'forgot' to ask you how you about " amine protection"
      becoz you will have to protect your amine first and then deprotect it.  "

Oh really? thats funny because Im pretty sure that lysergic acid does not have any reactive amines in this sense, just a tertiary and secondary amine in a ring.  They don't need protection at all using peptide coupling.  This is basic stuff motek, you are really showing your ignorance off here.

You are failing at even copying and pasting information! We should talk chemistry more often!



Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 18, 2013, 12:04 am »
motek: I would never give you a free guide, I was being sarcastic.  You are totally delusional, what makes you think I would ever give a free guide to someone whos stated that A) they would never accept one B) has made outright lies in an attempt to lower my credibility and C) someone who would abandon logic and make himself look like an autistic 12 year old with an internet connection just to attempt to discredit me.

You are accusing me of deleting negative commends? You LITERALLY think that there is a huge conspiracy to hide negative reviews of me? How about the more simple alternative, there are very few people who purchased that have negative things to say.  You act like dissonance has your back against me, he apologized and changed his stance after talking with me on this thread!

Looks like you did some googling and made a list of ergoloids, what exactly are you trying to prove?
Yes, some of those compounds can be broken down to lysergic acid used for LSD synthesis but almost none of them are available commercially and many of them are 100% unrealistic to use. 
Most of those compounds are very very expensive and the ones available commercially in pill form contain doses around 1mg per pill, AKA 1000 pills per gram, before the weight loss of hydrolysis!
You are much better off using my method and producing 1 gram for every liter of fermentation broth.

your list of ergoloids means nothing! a few of them are even totally useless!

So your favorite ergoloid for LSD production is LYSERGOL?
You really don't know anything about organic chemisty except for how to copy and paste fancy looking names from the internet.

LYSERGOL is next to impossible to utilize!  Lysergol requires a selective oxidation to convert the alcohol into a carboxylic acid.  Do you know how hard it is to find an oxidation agent that will leave the rest of that fragile molecule alone and only oxidize the alcohol group?  You realize that this was only recently accomplished in very low yields in a professional lab right? It was done as a proof of concept and would never be practical in any other way.  TOTAL GARBAGE.   Only looks good to someone that has never done any synthesis before in their life.

"  **AND I 'forgot' to ask you how you about " amine protection"
      becoz you will have to protect your amine first and then deprotect it.  "

Oh really? thats funny because Im pretty sure that lysergic acid does not have any reactive amines in this sense, just a tertiary and secondary amine in a ring.  They don't need protection at all using peptide coupling.  This is basic stuff motek, you are really showing your ignorance off here.

You are failing at even copying and pasting information! We should talk chemistry more often!



Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: February 16, 2013, 06:06 am »
motek delete your post, you already have your own thread where you can run your mouth all you want.  The fact of the matter is that you just want to troll me and the only thing you have managed to say in 10 pages of babbling is that you THINK my methods dont work.  Funny how 2 professional chemists, one backed by a moderator on this site both looked over my methods and gave them a thumbs up.

Take your speculation back to your thread, only hard information is needed in this thread.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:07 am »
I'm really surprised more people dont come forward praising my synthesis.  I answer questions for my customers day in and day out and then their last question is about the very last step and POOF

All of a sudden posting on an internet message board is not nearly as exciting as the pound of molly they are sitting on.  I gota say, selling wholesale molly that you have made is FUCKING FUN. Knowing that you made it yourself and your profit margins are enormous is the best kind of high. 

Silk Road discussion / Re: Anyone have any info on pill presses?
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:41 am »
The trick is to order them from overseas and get them shipped in pieces.
Whole units especially on ebay, etc are watched but little metal machine pieces is nothing to worry about  ;)

Newbie discussion / Re: The tales of a drug fueled insomniac
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:24 pm »
scopolamine and nazi meth, which had left me with a rather nasty combination of sleep deprivation, psychosis and a razor sharp hard-on, which led to,

Newbie discussion / Re: The tales of a drug fueled insomniac
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:15 am »
the express mail arriving to the PO boxes at 6:30am which will bring,

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 08, 2013, 02:30 am »
Haha  gota love it
Thanks for starting the thread but motek is the real hero for getting me so much attention

Thanks Motek!

I will give you a free guide of your choosing motek

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 05, 2013, 12:48 am »
Also, more than one person has come here and said that my notes check out with chemists...
NOBODY has come here and said they had problems except for grammar/spelling

Anyone who posts something positive gets written off as a "sock puppet"

Tell me who the delusional one is?

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 05, 2013, 12:41 am »
The reason it takes 5kg of helional for 1kg of product is because it is actually a 2kg synthesis, I just don't advertise it that way.  I have a special method of doing the last step which 50% of your yields comes out super pure with no acid/base extraction or distillation, and the other 50% is stuck in a hard to clean tar.

So you actually get twice the amount but only half is advertised because its so easy, the other half requires more steps.

Chlorox bleach is very low concentration, so you need a lot of it.  Considering 5L is like 2$ its not really a big deal.

Motek: By SO3 I ment PO3, remember earlier in this thread where you kept calling me out for taking about "PO3" when I never even mentioned it? And you made like 100 posts talking about how I wont answer your questions about PO3?
You need to go re-read your posts and realize that nobody here is taking you seriously.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: February 04, 2013, 02:18 pm »
Arguing with motek is pointless, you can not reason with someone who has abandoned logic.

If motek was anything other than a total idiot he would have stopped posting on this thread already due to the fact that he made such an idiot of himself in previous posts.

motek, tell me about that SO3 method you kept blabbing about?

If motek had the balls to do real work he would not be spending his time here, but instead of putting on his big boy pants and making some product he just wants to argue with chemists online because thats what gets his rocks off.

Motek: thanks for bumping this thread! 3k views of free publicity for me, keep it up!

Newbie discussion / Re: Free Legal Help Right Here!
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:45 am »
lawyers are just doing their jobs, they fill a niche just like everything else in this world.  There are a lot of people worth directing your anger at in this world, even entire classes of people.  Lawyers are not one of them, especially if you have ever needed one.

If you can't get bail lower than 10K, I will pay some of the difference for sure.

Newbie discussion / Re: Diethylamine and Acetic Anhydride
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:41 am »
You can get everything you need for AA synthesis on ebay

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