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Messages - DrDeepWood

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Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: May 06, 2013, 05:10 am »
He's using the Hoffman rearrangement for the MDA synthesis -- it's a 25% yield from Helional.

I'm wondering why he avoided the NaN3 reaction to yield the desired amine -- with typical 80% yields.

The reaction scheme using NaN3 will always be an armchair chemists circlejerk session.  Sure it looks easy enough but its not practical at all.  You do realize that NaN3 is used in airbag ignitors.... Its one thing to play with flammable chemicals, its another to play with explosives.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: April 08, 2013, 07:40 am »
Motek and Jm, gert your shit slinging out of my customers thread!

You have your own 20 page thread where you hate on me, stop attacking me and my customers for no reason.

You seriously think that I somehow delete negative reviews of myself and am a total fraud? How about the simpler explanation: I have more than 100 happy customers and consult on SR every day.

Im sorry that I havent given you enough attention in your shit slinging thread, no need to bring that negativity into this one.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: March 22, 2013, 01:02 pm »
I'd be glad to exchange d-lysergic acid diethylamide synthesis with you, including the conditions it was done it.
Yields are constantly high, maleate salt was obtained.

Sure man, I never claimed they were mine, some of them are, some are not. Most of my synthesis are kept private which I use to make money from, else it would be retarded since I'd ruin my own market.

P.S: why aren't you selling anything compound related? are you really that pv-paranoid? or is it all a la uncle fester style, technically yes, practical no.

Are you telling me you guys are blasting me for having copy and pasted information (which isnt true), not posting my own information for free yet white knight ruth steps up and does exactly that for free.  You get what you pay for, I think this helps illustrate why my services are worthwhile.

No, my information is not "a la uncle fester style, technically yes, practical no."  But your free information in that thread is so its funny you bring up that point.

Product offers / Re: Ron Paul's "Super Heroin" (US ONLY)
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:54 pm »
Motek: You claim read internet chemistry boards but when all the evidence is infront of you - you cant put 2 and 2 together.  You ask where on the morphine molecule the extra carbon goes? This method involves an anhydride.... How about acetic anhydride with an extra carbon.....: propanoic anhydride!
This is just morphine which instead of acetylated has become propnylated or whatever you call it.
The body breaks it down slower which accounts for the longer halflife, and the added lipophillity due to the extra carbon helps it cross the blood brain barrier more easily.

Stop posting in all my threads because I insulted you while you were talking shit about my services.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:49 pm »
DDW: Please refer me to any point in this thread where my posts could be considered trolling.  I've done nothing but point out potential fallacies in advertisement and some logical fallacies which has lead me to question the validity of the product.  I've also put forth several possible remedies for this and so far the responses have been both lackluster and ego-centric.  Get your head out of your ass for a second and stop thinking this is a dick waving contest.

You are one of the more reasonable critics in this thread but still, you are determined to constantly illogically criticize my services.  You constantly point out that since my advertising markets toward beginners that its not safe.  My guides include tons of setup, safety and tips and tricks for reducing vapors, smells, doing things discreetly.  Just because I can't post them openly doesn't mean they aren't there.  You act like people are going to go throwing boiling xylene flasks around or something.

Quote from: fractalglobal
The problem is that Fester/BS/(All the other bees from synthetical/the hive) etc. all have material that is probably at least 'as good' as the DDW synths, without asking for $600, added to that, some of the pure misinformation in his advertisements could easily result in people getting hurt/arrested.

This is a good example, for no reason at all you act like my information is on par with things published online in those ancient guides/books.  It isn't but without posting it openly then there is no way I can prove it, so it opens the door for mindless chatter.  Don't you think if one of my customers saw a synthesis they just bought free online they would post something here or in my feedback? No, its original information.

Motek constantly just posts rubbish in all of my threads, including a recent customers thread.  He is the least logical and just likes attention.  If motek agrees to delete his posts in my review thread and all other threads except for this one then I will give my notes to a 3rd party for verification.

This 3rd party must have rep on the forum, agree to not publish the notes and give an unbiased opinion/review.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: March 22, 2013, 01:31 am »
It wont matter or not what a 3rd party chemist would say.
You guys would just call him a sock puppet and continue to troll.
You're solution is too logical for a bunch of trolls that do not employ logic in their argument.

If a 3rd party chemist who would not release the notes could look at them and review, would motek and ruth find someone else to talk shit to? And specifically motek deleting all his slander from my review thread?
If so I would be open to that, as I am an open minded, decent human being, not the scammer that all you haters think I am

P.S. Ruth your chemistry thread is just a copy and paste circle-jerk fest.  trashcan helional based synthesis using sodium azide? I am willing to bet you never tried 90% of those synthesis you post.  And you think my services are bogus?

If you think for a second my services and product are anything like ruths info please get that out of your head! Im not just gona nail you with a few theoretical reaction schemes that were copied off zoklet or some old drug synthesis compliation you are dead wrong.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: March 18, 2013, 05:28 pm »
I like the evolution of haters on this thread:








you guys are grasping at straws

I have posted tons of info for free on this board and not a single person has had a legitimate complaint with any errors , etc.  Even when this is information not freely available online.  I post legit info that you find anywhere else, and all my haters just copy and paste shit

Motek keeps looking stuff up on google and pasting it into this thread to try and see smart, all the while thinking there is a giant conspiracy. (Motek cant figure out that the extra carbon in "super h" that I advertise resides right next to the carbon on the acetyl group, its di-proponyl-morphine as opposed to di-acetyl-morphine, instead hes gona blast shit all over my threads as well as my customers threads because he doesnt understand basic chemistry nor can he read correctly)

Ruth tries to act like he and all the chemistry forums online serve the same function as I do for free, but I dont see him or the forums spoonfeeding beginners all day and night.  Still waiting on you releasing your free labnotes ruth, lets see what you are made of.

I think if you look at my haters you will realize there is not a single legitimate complaint.  The only reason I am responding is because I once read that every criticism from a hater is an opportunity to explain and advertise why your services are awesome.

BUT my haters are such shitty haters that maybe 1 post in every 3 pages has a halfway intelligent criticism the rest is just mud slinging and "I dont like him because...", just a bunch of cheap opinions.

I will stop responding to this thread soon because the longer it gets the more useless it gets.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: March 07, 2013, 04:39 am »
I was giving constructive criticism  ;) ;D
really DDW, do you want me to offer all my lab notes for free? quite sure you would run out of business.

yours truly,


No, you were showing off.  Please offer your lab notes for free if you are such a crusader for chemistry truth and wisdom, put your money where your mouth is.  I will go over your notes and add my 2 cents, I have no problem with your lab notes being published because mine are still far superior.  Just because I charge for my notes doesn't mean I am not all for educating the community.

Please, post some notes.

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: March 06, 2013, 04:20 am »
motek: you realize you shouldn't eat your reactions right? Ergotism cannot be caused by inhaling submilligram amounts or transdermal.  Even if you laid acid with ergot type impurities they would be in too low of a concentration to have a dangerous effect. 

ruth: the difference between me and you is that you like to show off and talk about things less than 1% of the people reading this will understand so everyone thinks you are sharp, I speak in plain language, hemmingway style.

fractal: none of this information is available through a google search.  It was pieced together using hard experience and scientific literature.  There is good information online but most of it is outdated.

I love how all the haters don't have any real argument or contradiction, they just hate the idea of me and talk shit.  motek seriously thinks the mods are deleting all negative posts and I have 1000 fake accounts.

Product offers / Re: Ron Paul's "Super Heroin" (US ONLY)
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:57 am »

1 extra carbon molecule would not make it more fat soluble. You are supposed to be a chemist and you are seriously saying that? I'm not a chemistry expert but a lot of the information you presented there makes me think you aren't either. Cutting heroin with naltrexone would not give it a little extra kick. That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

Yes it will make it lipophillic, also even though the naltrexone idea is counter intuitive its the truth.  It helps temporarily unlock opiate receptors from previous tolerance in much less than 1mg amounts.  Taking a lot would indeed be terrible as you would experience instant withdrawal.  Thats why I mentioned its a nasty trick street dealers use. Look it up. 

Rumor mill / Re: Any drdeepwood/ ron paul succesfull synths?
« on: March 05, 2013, 10:25 pm »
ruth: I noticed you offered free consulting in your signature, if you are really trying to do good for the community I will advertise it on all my pages.

Product offers / Re: Ron Paul's "Super Heroin" (US ONLY)
« on: March 05, 2013, 10:21 pm »
This stuff is orders of magnitudes safer than street grade H.  Since super H is made from pharmaceutical grade morphine you knock about 99% of the problems with H out of the equation.  Street dealers cut H with all kinds of nasty shit to get a little extra kick, such as mephedrone and naltrexone, and these are only the educated dealers, the nasty ones, god knows what.  Also H from natural sources can include botulism producing spores and other disease causing organisms.

The difference between this stuff and normal H is a) this stuff is pharma grade which you will never see in your life and b) this stuff has 1 extra carbon molecule attached to the morphine.  This extra carbon makes it more fat soluble so it hits you much easier and also your body takes longer to break it down so it lasts longer.

this stuff is about 10-30x more potent than H on a weight by weight basis so obviously be careful.  Its a real treat and those that trust this vendor will love it.

Id like to repeat again that this is 90%+ purity, something you will not see in ANY other H on the silk road.  Other than being more potent it is so much safer.

Drug safety / Re: Is it possible to beat a drug dog?
« on: March 01, 2013, 11:53 pm »
There are very few dogs that are trained for mdma
I do have a method for beating dogs that works great
I will be writing it into a guide soon, keep an eye on my page

Product requests / Re: Plastic or black cocaine
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:15 am »
I am actually incorporating this into a large smuggling guide with other methods/tricks.  It will be priced along similarly to my other guides and will be well worth the value.  Of course the people that asked originally will get a much discounted price.  I am swamped with consulting and backlogs of messages not to mention that my laptop went down so writing is currently on pause until I get my laptop fixed.  Its coming don't worry its just on the back-burner for me due to my consulting clients taking precedence. 

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:32 pm »
brian: just sent you your guide.  You had special circumstances because we did the sale out of escrow, either way its been less than 24 hours since you paid me, no need to worry.  You got a good deal why the impatience?

Anyway guys its finally happened, I got a bad feedback.  Ill explain what happened.  User Bob**** purchases a guide from me, its all good.  He received the guide but refused to finalize.  We talked back and forth for a month or so about the synthesis.  He then asks me "I am in australia, do you provide sources?" I tell him no. no sources can't help you but give him advice anyway on how to find/make the chemicals needed in a pinch.  Even told him which chemicals are used for what industry, etc.  He couldn't even find acetic acid which is glorified vinegar so that speaks to his level of searching.  Anyway he started saying since he can't find the chemicals he wants a refund.  He keeps weaseling around saying since he cant find the chemicals he didnt get what he paid for and refusing to release payment after receiving which is against the rules.  He literally kept rewording the phrase "What I paid for is not sitting in front of me because I cant find the chemicals."  Trying to make it fit the qualification of product not received for a refund. 

before it went into finalization I told him that if he sent me a decent apology for being manipulative I would still consult with him but otherwise I will blacklist him from consulting.  He is actually the reason I had to not guarantee consulting services.  Anyway SR sided with me, he didn't get his money back and left me a 1/5 and lied about that fact that I would not help him.  He got help and a second chance after being a snake.  These are the kind of situations that make SR vendors bitter.

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