Damn it man.... this is my last day of being in business before the site closes for the holidays and I have a family with kids and a lovely lady AND BECAUSE I WANT TO BE THE BEST VENDOR I CAN POSSIBLY BE, I NEVER SPEND TIME WITH THEM. I AM ALWAYS ON THE COMPUTER 24/7 AND HAVE NO BOUGHT A SINGLE GIFT! This is is closing on the 22nd anyway THANK GOD lol as we will only not be vending for four days and I REALLY need that 4 days off unless I want to give my family the shittest Xmas ever AND THIS TIME I ACTUALLY HAVE A TON OF MONEY TO BUY THEM NICE STUFF UNLIKE ALL THE OTHER YEARS LOL! So, am not shipping out any orders that were not placed before midnight (EST) tonight as I NEED the time off to deal with Xmas. WE DO NOT EVEN HAVE A TREE YET BECAUSE THATS DADDIES JOB TO TAKE THE KIDS AND WIFE TO PICK ON UP AND LOAD IT ON THE ROOF, MY WIFE CAN'T EVEN LIFT A 4 FOOT TALL TREE PROBABLY HAHA.
So. my kids are freaking out as by now their is usually the biggest try we can fit stuffed with presents underneath as I have 4 kids and A SHIT LOAD OF FAMILY so do not think it is ME spoiling them (this year they will be spoiled because I could never afford to spoil my children and they deserve it after all the financial shit that happen to me which I can't get into.
So, I have been getting a FUCK load of orders. Like an INSANE amount everyday as everyone is trying to stock up before the site reopens after Xmas and over 100 people messaged me yesterday asking if they placed an order today if it would go out 100% and of course I said yes! THE SITE WAS WORKING GREAT 12 HOURS AGO

Man I feel so shitty for my customers if I can't get on it before tomrrow as I physically CANNOT ship anymore orders. I do not process, package and prepare the orders for shipping IN MY OWN HOUSE OBVIOUSLY as it would take about 2 seconds for my oldest son to figure out I am running a fucking drug shipping factory lmao. I have ONE trusted parter (please no talk about how you cannot trust anyone in this game. When you move as much weight as I do, you NEED a partner or it would be physically impossible to keep up. I have been working with my partner since we were 11 growing and selling weed together (no, I am not lying. I grew my first pot FIELD when I was 11 lol) to the high school kids across the street and HE is obviously not my wife BUT is blood family and he would NEVER do me wrong (he has proven himself, he got pinched for a grow op that I was simply paying him to run and he kept his fucking mouth shut. Luckily it was only a 4 light grow and you never go to jail here in Canada for a small grow op and he actually go it totally tossed out of court as they spelled his address wrong on the warrant so he has NO record and nither do I yet we have been moving serious amounts of any drug that turns the best profit for probably longer then half the people posting have been alive and never a single arrest other then one that did not happen to me and got tossed out so it does not even show up really, like it says he was arrested for cultivation but it says the charges were dropped so he is still as free as any of us and the cops are not allowed to use something like that as probable cause to search a vehilce and we NEVER drive to drop off the packages. We take buses into cites hours away from where we live to ship. You ever heard of someone getting pulled over and search on a bus? I haven't
BUT ANYWAY ENOUGH RANTING....SO many of my customers also said they were going to finalize early so I have TONS of available coins, TONS of orders that I promised people I'd ship AND BOTH THE MAIN LINK AND VENDOR ONLY LINK ARE DOWN?!?
Please someone save the day....PLEASE