Once Opted in, as well as the vendors current taxes, a percentage between 0.1 and 1 of all the vendors sales will go to Tor, Tails, Whonix and Various Charities. In exchange, the vendor would receive a small icon, or emblem at some point in their profile, not large enough to make the opt-in anything of any significance to buyers without any vested interest in anonymity but still visible for those who do care. With even a small fraction of the market adopting the feature, the amount of money would be significant.
The publicity surrounding hitmen, murder, guns and hacking is slowly seeping into Silk Roads reputation, hopefully this could be a step in the right direction?
I understand that proceeds from Silk Road are already going towards Tor development and we are frequently encouraging others to setup their own nodes, but I'd like to see a more personal touch.
Let me know what you think.