Author Topic: SilkRoad Marketing  (Read 51 times)

Dread Pirate Roberts

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SilkRoad Marketing
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:55:50 pm »
I figure this would be an ideal place to ask. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to further market Silk Road, even if it costs a fair amount it does not worry me too much. After all, this is Silk Road.
Quote 23: Criticism has plucked the imaginary flower from the chain not so that man may continue to bear the chain without consolation or fantasy but so that he may throw off the chain and cull the living flower.

Raoul Duke

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Re: SilkRoad Marketing
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 09:18:27 pm »
I could go on a whoring spree as Raoul Duke with my new press badge and submit something for VICE. Something written by a Silk Road user in the gonzo style compared to their usual stuff might work. I'm going on a whoring spree anyway.

I think you guys are above "Here's Charlie the Stoner." A Silk Road video would get pulled from YouTube in about three hours.

You ever consider banner ads? I wonder how many people would put a Silk Road banner ad on their website.

Free t-shirts.

Free hats.

Bake sale (someone gives out free hash edibles)

You have a mascot but no official slogan/motto. Something Latin. Latin is always good.

Does Silk Road have a new charter?

I'm trying to develop that blog/website for Silk Road users, as you are aware.

You just fed roughly 1000 Filipino orphans for about a month. Somebody could write about that. That's some Nino Brown/New Jack City stuff.

Christmas bonuses.

You can have a Silk Road Christmas. Make everything holiday themed for a week.

DPR + Santa collaboration.


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Re: SilkRoad Marketing
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2013, 06:09:05 am »
It depends what you mean by “marketing”.

If you mean “how do we convince those who have used the online black markets that we are not LE/scammers”, well I don’t really know (after all, I’m not sure you’re NOT LE/scammers, just like everybody else), other than provide a service, encourage security measures and shut down scammers as soon as you are aware of them.  With all the other markets going down it’s likely that old customers will gravitate back anyway.

If you mean “how do we find new customers that don’t use the black markets”, then I think you need to rethink your approach. For one, don’t call it “marketing”. You need to get the word out there about the role Silk Road can play in harm reduction.

What do (most) people want?

-                      They don’t want violence-prone organised crime gangs making millions of dollars

-                      They want a reduction in drug-related crime against person and property

-                      They want a reduction in drug-related deaths and health problems that cause a strain on essential services and the economy

Now some people are convinced that prohibition achieves this, others that legalisation would and still others think the answer lies somewhere in between.

Your public statements should concentrate on how Silk Road contributes to a safer experience for everyone – drug users and those affected by drug-related crime – than the current alternative.  You should probably try to completely avoid anything that looks like a sales pitch to come try drugs that you haven’t tried before.

Just my 2c
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Raoul Duke

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Re: SilkRoad Marketing
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2013, 08:03:48 am »
My proposal:

Step 1: I'm going to drink a bunch of scotch and look for some phenobarbital and recap the first few seasons of Mad Men. That will be a work in progress.

Step 2: I'm going to write up an article about DPR saving orphan children in the Philippines starting tomorrow to add to my CV.

I will figure out how much an average UN or American Red Cross meal is, add in some blockchain info and total amount sent and compare it to New Jack City or American Gangster (but in a good way) and do some math and that's how many orphans DPR saved for Christmas. Then you add in the Christmas bitcoin giveaway and DPR has become bitcoin Santa.

And I call dibs on all that. And I probably need a place to put it so that would be cool.

Dread Pirate Roberts

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Re: SilkRoad Marketing
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2013, 11:33:02 am »
Well SilkRoad does extensively play a role in harm reduction so I may go down that road Eileen, you are definitely right about making the distinction between a sales pitch and what you could call spreading a positive message about the benefit of online black markets overall perhaps since all online black market talk will eventually lead back to Silk Road anyway.

When it comes to videos - yes YouTube does not like SilkRoad one bit. I have contemplated reaching out recently for somebody high profile to compare online black markets such as SilkRoad to typical drug dealer activity, emphasis on we don't fund violence, you're statistically less likely to get busted using SilkRoad, there is a wealth of information here, we have an in-house doctor (Doctor X) answering harm reduction questions and soon we will be publishing a section in our knowledge base dedicated to harm reduction. Plus the obvious quality and peer review of substances here compared to street level operations where you can never know what you're getting.

From my position however it is very hard to achieve such things or make contacts since the channels by which I can communicate are limited.

I hope it wouldn't be too prudent to ask, but would any of you perhaps have commissioned some kind of video or high profile review of why an online market like SilkRoad would be better than a typical street deal? Of course I will more than happily cover the cost of such a thing and throw a tip in for you if you were comfortable to do so.
Quote 23: Criticism has plucked the imaginary flower from the chain not so that man may continue to bear the chain without consolation or fantasy but so that he may throw off the chain and cull the living flower.