It is obvious this DPR has not learned from the last DPR.....A Twitter? '/DreadPirateSR' how fucking obvious is that? Then the new site is still gonna be called Silk Road? Change the name of the site to something different, DONT EVER MAKE A TWITTER AND OR EVEN TALK ABOUT THE NEW SITE THROUGH CLEARNET, DONT BLAB YER MOUTH ABOUT IT TO EVERYONE KEEP IT WITHIN THE COMMUNITY FOR NOW AT LEAST, DONT GO AROUND BLABBING ABOUT THE LAUNCH DATE ALL OVER THE GODDAMN PLACE (LE will probably break into this new SR within the first day of launch since everyone is talking about it all over the goddamn place they already know and then it'll just be another sting operation all over again for another 2 years or even shorter to get everyone they weren't able to get the first time.), DONT EVER DO ANY INTERVIEWS FOR ANYONE IN THE MEDIA OR MAINSTREAM, AND JUST DONT DO THE SAME SHIT THE OLD DPR DID.... LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES....
Surely you cant be that stupid. Do you really think changing the name will make ANY difference at all? And how the fuck do you propose to keep it a "secret" within the community? Have you ever tried to keep a secret with just one other person? what about 2 or 3? Now think of that task with a hundred, a thousand , 10 thousand people. It is impossible. Even if you restricted the launch address to just 100 people I would be willing to bet that the link would be published on the clear net within 24hrs, probably a lot less. Its futile to even attempt it. and I think you can quite safely assume LE is already monitoring these forums and the impending launch.
I imagine the idea with this launch is that they are aiming that security is water tight, the mistakes that were made last time that compromised the identity of individuals are not repeated. I would also imagine that that's exactly why the market hasn't launched yet, because they are making sure everything is perfect, checking everything twice, testing and retesting.
Not talking about it, changing the name, using nice language or a pretty color scheme is not going to bring ANY less heat nor will it result in less of an effort to get it shut down.
As long as the necessary security precautions are taken a twitter/reddit communication channel will not be any more risky than any of the other methods.