Forgot your password.. wow. How many shill accounts till you get bored? How did you "place an order"? You emailed me a privnote first telling me "you" placed an order the day before the site went down and lost a few hundred dollars.. I recognized the buyer name but told this guy that SR being seized is no vendors fault and that I'm sorry he lost money.. but so did I. I didn't even log on till after the site was seized and the buyer claims he placed an order the day before. Fair enough, but that doesn't mean I (or any vendor) is liable. Vendors, buyers, scammers, everyone lost money and nobody is responsible so you need to get off the crack pipe.
I sympathized with the guy and said when the site is up, I have no problem making a custom order and giving him a reduced price. That's fair enough, right??
Then he starts hurling obsencities and demanding I give him what he deserves or he'd go on the forum and reveal my stealth and packaging for the LE to see, and that he'd tracked my information down from the return address of a previous order (which is hilarious the since the return addresses were always random supermarkets) and will unless I either send him free pills or pay him, he will fuck me over.
And then comes the shill accounts sending me cryptic privnotes to my email with little "clues" about my stealth (that I haven't used since months ago and are meaningless) and demands to pay or send pills. My response was, is and will always be the same: fuck off.
I am not intimidated by childish threats to out my stealth (LOL) or am I liable you placed an order the day before the feds seized the SR servers. SHIT HAPPENS.
Feel free to post the address of a Walmart 20 miles away from where I'm located, along with stealth methods I ditched half a year ago.
You will get nothing from me. Nothing. I'm done with this shit. I have hundreds of customers who have never had a problem and know I always kept and WILL KEEP them satisfied when SR re-opens. This one junkie fuck making multiple shill accounts, dying for a fix, attempting to extort me because he placed an order the day before the federalis took the site is not my problem.
Why am I even wasting my time with this shit?