I didn't read all of the posts, so I apologize if someone else said most of this, I know it's long-winded. Sorry, heh.
I'm getting flustered with so many people talking shit about all the different markets. WE'RE LETTING THE FEDS WIN. We should all stand as one gigantic community.
Veetano, if you can post the handles of those users (and they have more than 51 posts) who claimed to have been able to log in to PBF with their SR account details, along with links to the threads in which they stated this information, I for one will take you seriously! Until then, I think it's absolutely rude and absolutely barbarous to make such claims about mettaDPR's marketplace.
I will admit, I thought it was a wee bit indecorous that he/she was going to use Silk Road's name without having any ties to the original site besides buying and/or selling on it, but now that I saw the official name is "Project: Black Flag", I have no qualms what-so-ever, and I'll personally start vending there once I can sign up for a vendor account.
As for your claims that mettaDPR is a known scammer, if you can give me his/her handle(s) in which people were scammed, and I can actually find multiple posts about it on these forums, I'll retract my last statement and will stay far away from the site. Obviously, there will also need to be proof that mettaDPR is whoever you claim he/she is if and when you reply with the handle they scammed with.
Again, I think you should stop making unsubstantiated claims. If you are going to try to steer people away from this PBF, please at least try to back it up some how. It's absolutely unfair to mettaDPR and whoever else he/she is working with on their new marketplace to have their site badmouthed without anything to back it up. You've probably already scared an assload of people away from their hard work, seeing as how this thread has been read 936 times (at the time of making this post).
And honestly my friend, if they had a backup of the servers, it would only take a day to slap the site up. I'm a web designer, and if I had a backup of the SR server (or even just the source code and supporting files alone), I could have a working site replicated and launched within 5 hours. If it was law enforcement's plan to set up a honeypot, the site would have been prepared before SR was seized, and would have been launched within a day. Even if FBI were to reconstruct a brand new marketplace, it wouldn't look as shitty as PBF does. I was making nicer layouts when I was 10 years old (not talking shit, it kinda sounds like it though). You think FBI would pussyfoot around and launch an ugly site in beta? No, they'd launch an exact replica or a much nicer site without a beta testing stage so people wouldn't question the creators' coding skills.
All of that said, Veetano, if you honestly experienced what you claimed about logging in with out details, along with multiple other people, I sincerely apologize and truly want to say thank you for giving myself and the community a heads up. Unfortunately, with everyone talking trash about each others' markets of choice, we can't go on trust... you need to give some supporting evidence to your claims. If you seriously had the aforementioned experience with your name and password, PLEASE post links to other people stating such as well.
Honestly, if it actually did happen, and the creator of the site was working on the site after launching it, he/she could have been editing script with the login form to where you could have typed "UTR87asdfjhkbsfiuh" as username and "&TVIYTBB&%FYKJ)*&" as password and it could grant you access and say "Welcome UTR87asdfjhkbsfiuh!" However, this obviously wouldn't hold true (it technically COULD, but would be HIGHLY unlikely to hold true) if when you stated, "According to some people when they tried to create an account with their old login info, it said the account was already created, at which point they tried to log in, and did so successfully." was the real, honest truth. If you could please post links, I (and probably MANY others) would GREATLY appreciate it! Thank you buddy!
I'm not trying to bust your balls, I really just feel like these cats deserve a chance and think there should be something to validate your claims, just so we know you're not talking mess.

Thanks for the time you spend posting this information! If it's true, please respond with usernames and links to their statements, as well as proof that mettaDPR is a scammer. Thanks brother! Namaste!
Love, Love, Love!