It will keep getting deleted for the multiple posts of this. If you want to keep making multiple posts, I will ask the moderator team to delete every version of this on sight so do not try to frame this as an attempt of censorship when you are spamming here. I would also like to point out two iterations of this post were deleted by the person posting it, not any of my moderators. As others have pointed out, we receive a lot of criticism for many things as we cannot please everyone but such threads are not deleted, only those which are obviously Coachella or in violation of our rules. We do not use Coachella as an excuse to mass delete posts either - many of the staff here have worked on the team for a while now and as their full time profession so when it comes to identifying stylography of a meth induced spammer, they have become quite proficient. Our team are human too, we can make mistakes, so let's cut this masquerading of small mistakes and overblown fanaticism of censorship and get on with what we do best - that is doing something positive for the community.