@hcnoise - since you wish to try and insult my staff I will highlight some of the things you have gone wrong at. You have not accounted for the traffic this site receives. Indeed try to replicate our traffic on many other hidden services and they simply cut out and also fall victim to traffic analysis attacks. Ours is still functional and we take it offline for upgrades without leaking information. We do not simply install Tor, we have a custom compiled version to suit our needs and right now we are hitting the limits that Tor network can support. As a programmer you should also be aware of the amount of flaws which can cause security problems. Just a single mishap can cost us the entire database and bitcoin which to law enforcement and hackers around the world is a huge reward and across Tor, the risk is reduced of them ever being caught. We are not some simple startup or web development company, we are the largest online black market in the world and we have knocked back thousands of attacks already not just from wannabe hackers or people with tall claims, but government agencies like the FBI, DEA, NSA and others. The site is not the same as a month ago. If you were a vendor you would realize this as much has changed on the back end. We also have over 200 mails a day to answer per staff and keeping up with bug reports too. Many vendors have already appreciated that we listen to their requests and implement things to make life easier for them as well as improve their security. "and my viewpoint comes from almost 10 years of programming... I wonder what's yours" My viewpoint comes from owning the largest online black market in the world and if media attention is anything to go by, we are already bigger than the last Silk Road. You can be a programmer for 60 years but that doesn't mean you are any good at it or that you'd last a minute creating this place. I am now the most wanted man on the internet, I have every world government after me and I am holding this together with everything I have. Now that is my viewpoint, I wonder what's yours? If you want to try and lecture my staff and users at least make sure you know what you're talking about which in my proven experience here, you do not.