I agree with the point on hand, I should give a part of the proceeds of Silk Road to the development of the network but I would like to ask you understand the nature of donations. Just as in politics, an organization which attracts controversy must be careful who it accepts donations from so it is not seen as having an interest in particular groups donating to them. So for example, if Tor Project were to accept donations from Silk Road I have no doubt that they would be scrutinized and it would not be long before the media create another sensationalist headline stating Tor Project is supported by child pornographers and drug dealers. Tor Project does not accept bitcoin donations for this reason - so they cannot be seen as linked to illegal organizations such as this and this makes donating to them more difficult if done on a larger scale. I would also highlight Tor Project would be better suited to smaller individual donations by many people, one larger funding source like the US Govt risks their future as they understand that funding can be cut at any time whereas streams of smaller donations are usually more stable. I do have plans to help the Tor network, the staff and I did not plan on releasing this early but in a few days I will actually be posting on this very issue of how to help the network overall and increase the security of users from what is to be our biggest threat for the next 2-3 years.