« on: October 07, 2013, 10:39:56 am »
To all former Silk Road vendors, we will be providing you free vendor accounts on the new marketplace, I do not believe you should have to pay again for the privilege of selling if you are already established and I further recognise the losses many of you unfortunately made during the seizure of the original site.
Therefore, users can message me in either a private message or post below, signing a message with their PGP key and I will fully reinstate your access to the roundtable. Please note you must use the same forum name as before as well as sign using the same PGP key as published on the previous Silk Road forums as we will be using this to verify you are who you claim to be for security purposes.
**Edited by Sarge**
Please refer all requests to me.. PM Me a signed message with a link to your PGP on the old forum and I will reinstate your vendor access.
You can PM me here