Silk Road forums
Discussion => Philosophy, Economics and Justice => Topic started by: Dread Pirate Roberts on September 18, 2013, 10:32 pm
I was asked a couple of questions privately the other day and wound up going on a bit of a rant in response. Thought it would make a good forum post:
"Can you talk a little bit about why (or whether) you feel like the recent rise in MDMA-related deaths make for a good argument for sites like Silk Road?"
Of course it makes a great argument for Silk Road. People die from ecstasy because of overdose and low purity. These people don't know what they are taking and how much, but it's the best they can do because of all the damage prohibition has done to the market for drugs. Silk Road is repairing that damage. We are giving consumers choice and allowing the invisible hand to shape the market to their desires. One of their biggest concerns is purity and dosage, so it's no surprise SR has some of the purest drugs on the planet with well defined dosages and a community of support for people seeking harm reduction advise. The market works if given a chance. We have some of the most responsible, dedicated and brave individuals that make up our community. The vendors are heroes in our eyes. The discourse is enlightening. Growth has been phenomenal without a single dollar spent on advertising. You don't get that kind of result by being a control freak. You get it by holding yourself and others to a sane and liberating credo: That an action is moral in all cases except when it initiates the use of force or fraud. If that last sentence went over your head, read it again until you get its implications. Beyond that, Silk Road users are free to do as they please and we just do our best to support what they are already doing, and it's truly inspiring to see what they have come up with.
"Do you feel like legalization would be an even better avenue, or whether the ideal scenario is to leave the drug market black, so that Phillip Morris doesn't come in and screw things up."
Legalization is a whole other matter. First of all, I'm not at all opposed to competition. If the management and shareholders of Phillip Morris want to run an anonymous market online, they are free to do so just as I have, and I wouldn't stand in the way of the loosening or eliminating of drug laws so that we could all more easily provide the service Silk Road does. What I AM against is the agents of the state being involved at all. If they had simply left people to their own devices and allowed them the freedom to choose as I have at Silk Road, we'd have an economy so productive and robust it would be generating wealth for centuries to come, with more than enough for everyone. Instead we have giant war machines, surveillance states that are looking more and more like prisons, debt that won't be paid off for centuries if ever, oppression, strife, and hunger in varying degrees all over the world
Humanity is at a critical juncture. Either violence will dominate the future of mankind, or peace will. The way of the sate is the way of violence, oppression and death. The way of the market is freedom, dignity and peace. If you understand this, it is your moral duty to protect the victims of the state in any way you can. Drug users have been victimize for too long and it's time everyone start treating them with some respect. I'm a drug user. I've smoked pot, I've tripped on shrooms, MDMA, and others. I never hurt a living soul any time I did either. If anything I was even more loving, empathetic, creative, bold, thoughtful, etc. than when sober. Of course legalization would be a tremendous win for drug users and freedom lovers and you'd have to be a cruel, cold person to still support the drug war at this point. Maybe when it got started you could plead ignorance, but now it's plain to see it has completely failed to meet its stated objectives and done immeasurable damage. There are people in this world who are starving and you are worried about whether I smoke a joint or not? That is insanity. Don't ignore it. Don't explain it away. Let that sink in. How many people have starved to death because the agents of the state use up all of the resources to fight endless wars, subsidize invasive and destructive projects and do their best to keep everyone else under their thumbs? There is nothing redeeming there. The little good they do eek out is just enough to get elected and avoid revolt. The damage they do is so immense most don't even see it, like water to the fish. I only hope enough of us wake up to this reality before it is too late to do anything about it.
In short, Silk Road is an example of a moral culture where peace, cooperation and ethical competition are the norm, and violence and fraud are found only on the margin. This is opposed to the nation states of the world, where violence and fraud are used as a means to control their citizenry and to dominate one another. The people that make up human society at large need to adopt the Silk Road credo or we may all perish, or live under the thumbs of tyrants indefinitely.
Well stated chief, I couldn't agree more :)
There is no empires like the ones we got now that has stood for very long so this will come to a end, and they know it..
Silkroad could have been used in other ways then drugreasons.
The thing is that SR shows you that the injustices between the countries prices on food and things could be erased by the people in poor countries buy cheap thins and sell them to the richer countries for a cheaper price then what it would cost in the rich countries.
In other words the poor people of the world would get richer and the richer people in the world would get a bit richer by buying the cheaper products from the countries where food and things dont cost much.
NWO is about to start when the Hoover Dam breaks just like they show on the 50-dollar bill.
And they dream is that Sr would be used for more good in this world, BTC enables anonymous donations and the only thing we need is donations to be able to send large amounts of letters filled with truths.
If you got a letter telling you about world peace, and you knew that everyone in your country got the same letter.. Then would you even be able to say that wars can be used to create peace?
Since thats what they are doing now, they go to war to create peace and they think they can vote for normal people to lead the world yet thats a impossibility since you have to be a psycopath to be able to want to have power over peoples lives.
There can never be a leader o the free world since its not a leader in sight if it was a free world.
If vendors could come together and share a list of all homeadresses in a country, or have it online somewhere, so they will be able to send info to peoples homes while collecting donations from people who want truths to get out there.
People want to pay for this and i have already created a voting thread and it is a great thing that more people want it then the ones who dont want to pay to share truths with a entire country of people.
Its up to us if SR and bitcoin was a easier way to get drugs or if it was used to change the world by spreading info anonymously.. Shure its a big idea, but is that not what we need right now when NWO is about to jump off?
Media would run and hide if SR and bitcoins was used to spread info that none has any idea who payed or printed the info, but goodhearted people agreed on sending it and they payed for it baceuse they cared about others enough to do it.
I say you cdo care about yourself when you care about others, specially on a round planet.
The lecture on drugs from Professor David Nutt highlights the exact problems with current controls on drugs. There is no logic at all to current drug law.
As for ecstasy related deaths, it was interesting to see that media reports almost 100% of those cases when they clearly represent such a small percentage of all deaths where ANY substance (illegal or legal) were involved.
With Silk Road if somebody is selling a highly dangerous chemical that they claim to be ecstasy when in fact it has little or no MDMA content; they are going to be pulled up on it pretty quickly and the community will become aware.
There is no empires like the ones we got now that has stood for very long so this will come to a end, and they know it..
Silkroad could have been used in other ways then drugreasons.
The thing is that SR shows you that the injustices between the countries prices on food and things could be erased by the people in poor countries buy cheap thins and sell them to the richer countries for a cheaper price then what it would cost in the rich countries.
In other words the poor people of the world would get richer and the richer people in the world would get a bit richer by buying the cheaper products from the countries where food and things dont cost much.
NWO is about to start when the Hoover Dam breaks just like they show on the 50-dollar bill.
And they dream is that Sr would be used for more good in this world, BTC enables anonymous donations and the only thing we need is donations to be able to send large amounts of letters filled with truths.
If you got a letter telling you about world peace, and you knew that everyone in your country got the same letter.. Then would you even be able to say that wars can be used to create peace?
Since thats what they are doing now, they go to war to create peace and they think they can vote for normal people to lead the world yet thats a impossibility since you have to be a psycopath to be able to want to have power over peoples lives.
There can never be a leader o the free world since its not a leader in sight if it was a free world.
If vendors could come together and share a list of all homeadresses in a country, or have it online somewhere, so they will be able to send info to peoples homes while collecting donations from people who want truths to get out there.
People want to pay for this and i have already created a voting thread and it is a great thing that more people want it then the ones who dont want to pay to share truths with a entire country of people.
Its up to us if SR and bitcoin was a easier way to get drugs or if it was used to change the world by spreading info anonymously.. Shure its a big idea, but is that not what we need right now when NWO is about to jump off?
Media would run and hide if SR and bitcoins was used to spread info that none has any idea who payed or printed the info, but goodhearted people agreed on sending it and they payed for it baceuse they cared about others enough to do it.
I say you cdo care about yourself when you care about others, specially on a round planet.
DPR,You should write an autobiography if you ever get the time.You would have to use creative anonymity tactics.But it could definitely be done. Maybe after your retirement to a tropical beach.
I say you cdo care about yourself when you care about others, specially on a round planet.
I was reading an article today about a rise in deaths due to heroin overdose impacting teens. The article of course was focused on painting the stronger and more widely available heroin has a major devastating factor in the community, but one line in the article stuck out to me of course as the real cause of ill in the community. It was about a study that showed that teens who communicated and felt loved by their parents were more likely to stay drug free in order to not disappoint their parents. This to me is the underlying cause of all woes, lack of communication and the lack of love for our fellow man. You don't communicate and show love to your kids then you leave them to fend for themselves in ignorance and without love in this world, and that can be applied to the extended human family.
Governments force parents to force their kids to go to slavetraining since they know its best for the kids to be happy slaves later in life..
So parents are basicly forbidden to hit their kids but forced to force their kids by the old government aka the monopoly on using voilence and force for everyones own good.
This world suffers from misdirected love, its all misdirected love and stupidity since you cant fight wars to create peace, but the soldiers still believe it..
You cant let psycopaths have the power over taxmoney and a monopoly on using voilence and force since it will be used against you if you votes on them psycopaths giving the democracy credibility. It would be just as hard to vote on where the taxmoney should go instead of voting between 2 psycopaths who gets to play with the taxmoney and the monopoly, and act like thats fair since it is far from fair to all people.
:'( DPR, that almost made me cry - exact way I feel... preach on brother! It's just a shame we are in such a tiny minority ;-( so many people live blind to reality preferring to be comfortable.
Roger - it's hard to follow your logic sometimes, I understand the rage - just not the explanation ^.^
Doubtwater you might be filled with doubt in your water, maybe the water in the pineal gland is filled with doubt..
Goverments are all about governing mentals and it is nothing else. The truth is there right infront of your eyes, hidden in plain sight.
They even put up the Georgia Guidestones 33 years ago telling you they will kill 90% of the population since humans aint needed "any more" to do the slavejobs they did before since robots can do them "now" but really they have always been the real slaves and humans have just thought they was needed to be slaves while cmoputers and machines "evolved" some more.
But its all a lie since this techonolgy has been around for billions of years and humanity was even created by GMOtechnology way before you even believe that electricity existed.
I aint here to be logical if you cant see that i am, Im just here to promote a way to create world peace by using SR and BTC to give people the chance to pay for truths to be sent to a entire population, and by doing that makin a real change.
I say lets give children their highest wish about world peace by using SR and BTC for the right reasons instead of dumbing ourselves down with drugs because the world is to scary to see. =(
Probably wont happen Im not logical enough to gt thru to most people in this forum and the other forums have blocked me for speakin to much truths infront of to many sheeple.
People die from ecstasy because of overdose and low purity. These people don't know what they are taking and how much, but it's the best they can do because of all the damage prohibition has done to the market for drugs.
This point can't be made enough times. Back when alcohol was illegal countless people died each year due to alcohol poisoning. These numbers pleased the progressive fucks who pushed for it to be outlawed in the first place. Fact is that most of these poisonings were NOT due to the alcohol itself but due to its cutting agents like formaldehyde and other yummy chemicals. You can look at the numbers today and feel very confident that so many people who OD aren't legitimately dying from taking the drugs in question but from outright dangerous cutting agents, not knowing what is being consumed (like thinking it's oxy when it's really fentanyl) and having no idea about the purity. An orderly marketplace like SR cuts down on this kind of bullshit dramatically. Anyone who tries to get around it selling polluted or diluted product usually gets found out almost immediately.
Growth has been phenomenal without a single dollar spent on advertising. You don't get that kind of result by being a control freak. You get it by holding yourself and others to a sane and liberating credo: That an action is moral in all cases except when it initiates the use of force or fraud. If that last sentence went over your head, read it again until you get its implications.
Fucking A!
What I AM against is the agents of the state being involved at all. If they had simply left people to their own devices and allowed them the freedom to choose as I have at Silk Road, we'd have an economy so productive and robust it would be generating wealth for centuries to come, with more than enough for everyone. Instead we have giant war machines, surveillance states that are looking more and more like prisons, debt that won't be paid off for centuries if ever, oppression, strife, and hunger in varying degrees all over the world
I think I REALLY need to start reading some of your other stuff because this is textbook libertarian thinking. Exactly what I believe in and I couldn't be happier that someone like you with this kind of true understanding of the marketplace and human existence is running the show here.
Humanity is at a critical juncture. Either violence will dominate the future of mankind, or peace will. The way of the sate is the way of violence, oppression and death. The way of the market is freedom, dignity and peace. If you understand this, it is your moral duty to protect the victims of the state in any way you can.
I couldn't agree with you more. Seeing as we've chosen a record amount of death over the past century (over 100 million killed in wars and nearly another 100 million people killed by just the two largest communist states) I'd like to think that we'll choose peace this time around. We just need a real economic collapse before that'll happen. At that point people will either cry for MORE government. Or less. A lot less is what I'm betting. Libertarian thinking is being seeded all over the world and its roots have already taken hold. Large vines intertwining their ways throughout societies worldwide will make their way everywhere. It's only a matter of time. The only question is, do people start cutting them down or water them for a long time to come?
If anything I was even more loving, empathetic, creative, bold, thoughtful, etc. than when sober.
We can't have that now can we!!! ;)
Of course legalization would be a tremendous win for drug users and freedom lovers and you'd have to be a cruel, cold person to still support the drug war at this point. Maybe when it got started you could plead ignorance, but now it's plain to see it has completely failed to meet its stated objectives and done immeasurable damage.
It's meanness and cruelty. I guess some of the War on Drugs supporters are well meaning but hypocritical thugs with ZERO understanding of the utter fucking embarrassment that their cherished war has become. Useful idiots.
How many people have starved to death because the agents of the state use up all of the resources to fight endless wars, subsidize invasive and destructive projects and do their best to keep everyone else under their thumbs? There is nothing redeeming there. The little good they do eek out is just enough to get elected and avoid revolt. The damage they do is so immense most don't even see it, like water to the fish. I only hope enough of us wake up to this reality before it is too late to do anything about it.
"The bigger the lie, the more people who will believe it."
In short, Silk Road is an example of a moral culture where peace, cooperation and ethical competition are the norm, and violence and fraud are found only on the margin. This is opposed to the nation states of the world, where violence and fraud are used as a means to control their citizenry and to dominate one another. The people that make up human society at large need to adopt the Silk Road credo or we may all perish, or live under the thumbs of tyrants indefinitely.
Right on! Freedom from coercion. Freedom to choose. Freedom to think for yourself. Freedom to produce, trade and create. Freedom to live peacefully without government goons breathing down your neck or shoving a gun or taser in your face. Responsibility for your own actions. Caring for yourself and your friends and family instead of FORCING other people to take care of you instead. The belief in the supremacy of the individual not the collective or the state. The belief that you can't run society based on the lowest common denominator of chaos, violence and terror. And that people aren't inherently evil and made good by laws backed by the monopoly of violence of the state. SR proves that every single day that it operates. Thank you for that DPR.
You are like a good Grateful Dead album to my ears brother I could not agree more. Open up the markets, free the people, stop the oppression all great points... If you ever need any help with the site let me know and I will do my best to help because I truly believe in this site. Long Live DPR!!!!
Awesome view on how a truly free market might work. I love it DPR and feel smarter having read it. Thanks.
If SR and BTC is used to send drugs to homes all over the world, while we sit here writing about how wonderfull everthing would be if people knew a little more then what the tv delivers to them informationwise..
And I say, because we are all in WW3 right now and they are attackin us thru food, water and air..
Then MAYBE BTC and SR could be used to send a bit of info about that thru letters, I say people would not fight wars if everyone got a letter about the fakeresons wars are created from and why they are created, no normal humans would be able to shut their eyes to the truth that wars cant create peace, and democracys cant create goodhearted leaders since goodhearted leaders dont want power over peoples lives.
Im just here saying that I want that service avalible from vendors who is willing to send some "world peace" letters and maybe expose the ways they are attackin us so people all over the world stop buying the products that contain poisons for example.
Or we just use SR to send some more drugs to homes hahahaa while we watch people die from eating the poisons they put into foods, tapwater and air..
Thats probably the way it will be and we will probably be here writing about how terrible everything is and we dont have a chance to stop some psycopaths who is trying to kill 90% of humanity while talkin about it and putting up masive stonemonuments telling humanity they will kill 90% of the population.
Maybe a letter could be sent to all homes in the world showing people the guidestones message about killing most of humanity?
Imagine that, what would happen if all homes in the world started recieving a letter showing them the Georgia Guidestones with its message?
Maybe some info about the dangrs of GMO foods, aspartame and flouride, people would not use those products again and the evildoers would have trouble doing evil ever again.
Or lets people die wtf we have been watchin for ages and ages so why stop watchin them die now, Im sorry sheeple on the way to their slaughter but we did not have time to share some info on how youre bein attacked from air water and foods, we was to bussy sending drugs anonymously and the drugsellers did not wanna send some truths to you even tho people wanted to pay for that service of sending truths to peoples homes instead of waiting for media to start telling some truths to the people.
Media woould have to write about stuff if letters started to show up in peoples mailbox all over the world..
I think its embarresing that BTc was not used for anonymous donations to projects like truthspreading thru letters to avoid mediainfluense on the info.
BTC was created for stuff like that so its ridiculus when we could not even figure out that we could sent the truths to peoples homes totaly anonymously since thats the key that I guess we will loose to drugabuse instead of worldpeace.
But hey im just rambeling now, I just want that service avlible on SR and please let me know if there ever was a add placed on SR that gives anyone the chance to pay to get letters systematicly sent out to every homeadress in a entire town or country.
I will probably have to watch peope die anyway since this will probably only be a dream about saving some unsavable people/talkin monkeys when the entire planet is destroyed beyond the repeairstate.
The spraying from airplanes are kinda annoyiing to see tho when children play outside in the poisons they spray daily. Maybe a letter about that could be sent to all homes in a country? hahah Im just joking but I still want that service.
Take care folks
Much love
Roger, so what your proposing is that vendors collaborate and use addresses to disseminate bizarre conspiracy theories? If I get any such reading material with my drugs I will be very annoyed.
If you got the info on how to cure cancer anfd all disease, thru a letter with your drugletters.. Then its up to you to ignore it and try to have a straight face when everyone in your town got the same letter and knows that you got a letter to and they wanna know if you are getting yoursekf healthy or sick by ignoring or reading.
If you got a letter saying there are hydrogen and electrical cars ready for massproduction when everyone got a letter and the world became ready, since BMW said in their commercial for their hydrogen car that they are ready for massproduction when the world iis ready, in other words when they have burnt all of mother Earth's blood.
Of course you would wanna have a hydrogen car and drive it using seawaater instead of paying your slaveprivileges to get fuel in the tank.
Yees vendors could work together and make this service avalible since we are alot of people who want this avalible, so i can just pay anyone of the trusted vendors and they will go to the list and get the adresses to be able to send the info systematicly to all homes, I would pay instantly and continue to pay until everyone in a country got a letter. Specially if I could "follow the action" in the add and see where people gets the letters and how many letters have been sent.
none would know where the letters came from or who payed for them to be sent.
but the media would had to answer alot of questions why the public was not informed that carmanufacturers have hyrdrogenmodels or why the cure and cause of cancer was found 84 years ago while media failed to inform the public about it.
Just to tackle one point. Hydrogen cars: where do you get the hydrogen from? Extracting it from water? But that will take more energy than will be released when combusting it back into water. So you will still need an energy source. Electricity? Still needs to be generated.
Cancer is not a single condition but the name we give to any out of control cell growth that does not encase itself in a sac (benign tumour) and so is difficult to seperate from healthy tissue. As such its unlikely that anyone will ever find a single 'cure' for all cancers as they have many different causes and symptoms. If anyone did find an improved general way of treating cancer it would be a huge income generator and 'they' would have no incentive to suppress it.
I don't know why I'm bothering with this charade. Let me just say this. Be very careful about these lies you are spreading. If you become a threat to our plan we will crush you. Like a bug. A bug. Roger. A bug.
Cancer is not a single condition but the name we give to any out of control cell growth that does not encase itself in a sac (benign tumour) and so is difficult to seperate from healthy tissue. As such its unlikely that anyone will ever find a single 'cure' for all cancers as they have many different causes and symptoms.
Cancers may be caused by different things but ALL cancer cells operate on glucose and ONLY glucose for their energy source. All due to mitochondrial dysfunction which makes the cancer cell possible in the first place. This is unlike regular cells which can use oxygen, ATP, ketones or creatine as well as glucose for energy. And all cancer cells need an adequate blood supply for nourishment and growth. That's why so many modern (and extremely expensive) cancer meds target either either glucose or the growing of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to control growth. Sadly so few of them are effective at extending life beyond a few months.
If anyone did find an improved general way of treating cancer it would be a huge income generator and 'they' would have no incentive to suppress it.
;D Not if that one substance or cocktail of substances were not patentable and therefore NOT protected by a government-granted monopoly for 17+ years.
Under the current status quo cancer treatment in America ALONE exceeds $200 billion a year. R&D is another several hundred billion a year. That includes all the national cancer drives to local donations to taxpayer funds. All of that would be gone if a cure were ever developed. And countless jobs gone with it. GONE.
So clearly 'they' would have no incentive to suppress it ;D lol
But why did Otto Warburg get a nobelprize for finding the cause of cancer 84 years ago, if the cure is not found already?
Are you so dumbed down you think the cure is not found when we have the cause?
i dont know but you seems kinda lost in the matrix.
Warburg never found the cause or the cure. He only discovered the mechanism behind cancer's respiration and its energy source. That would be glucose.
I don't know if an actual cure exists because cancer is a really complex organism with many metabolic pathways but those base similarities are very real and can be treated. The only problem is that the barriers to entry to introducing just a single drug are about $1 billion and many years of trials. People who come up with any suggestions of treatment online can be sued into bankruptcy by the government. If you decide to use an unproven treatment to help someone else the government can throw you in the big house for practicing medicine without a license. And if you decide to exercise your own parental guidance in treating your own child's cancer then your kid can literally be taken from you and forced to undergo treatment.
If a free market existed in medicine, bound only by the various doctors' organizations to license their own practitioners then cancer would already be either cured outright or very controllable over the long term with little negative effect to the patient. Not to mention cost to the patient. The intellectual property regime and extreme government protection that rules the big business of chem, pharma and medicine today is an abomination.
But why did Otto Warburg get a nobelprize for finding the cause of cancer 84 years ago, if the cure is not found already?
Are you so dumbed down you think the cure is not found when we have the cause?
i dont know but you seems kinda lost in the matrix.
If you blast off on a space ship into the sun you will die from burning to death. How do you propose you stop this from happening when blasting into the sun, the cause of death is known.
Otto Warburg changed the blood of a cancer patient to a healthy alkaline blood filled with oxygen and cancer cant survive that because of the immunesystem..
I cant believe I had to google for you dummies to stop repeating lies, look at one of the pictures I found when searching for "cancer foods":
Welcome to the information age but you cant repeat lies anymore because you dummies and have never heard of google and lies from the media and governments, or the cancer or foodindustry.
The cause and cure of cancer is in the design of the human body since we are herbavores, and if we think we are omnivores then we will get sick since all animalproducts lowers the Ph in your body, thats nothing Im just makin up.
Watch that movie called Forks over Knives since they are curing all types of diseases by teachin people how to eat raw. I eat my alkaline sandwitches every day, raw veggies mixed and spread on some thin bread, now mosquitos and tics cant even bite me since they need blood from the people who is kiling themselves by lowering their Ph of the blood. They even made blind people able to see again and i dont think they are lying since we are made to eat some foods and we will die if we eat wrong foods that our bodies cant process.
When we eat meats and dairy and dead foods it creates mukus in the body and lowers the ph that forces the body to take calcium from bones and teeth to be able to fight the acidity in the bloodstream.
Hahahaha we aint going in spaceships thru the sun, we are the spaceship dummy we are sungods.. Look up what the third eye is all about.
If you wish to stop eating animals and start caring about yourself and the animals then have a look at this video for some bloodraw truths about foods: Fruits & Veggies VS Animal Flesh & Blood foods
The same guy who did that video is the one who is honest about all the things im honest about, and a little more to since he is more into the spiritual then me sinnce i just managed to get out of my body a few times but he lives in the spiritual world for days sometimes , talkin to his ancestors.
He is the real life Morpheus from the matrixmovies and Im one of the Neo's who has been sitting by the computer for 10 years day and night searchin for the truth since I felt something is wrong, I dont know what but it bothers me..
then Morpheus came and told us we are special and got superpowers and we live in a matrix, you a slave neo, born into bondage, into a cage you cant touch, smell or feel.. A cage for your mind.
Or something like that he sad in the matrixmovies, Hollywood knew a messenger was coming, the letter M is the 13th letter of the alphabet.. So they created the matrixmovies to make the truthseekers confused like wtf am i Neo from the matrixmovies or wft is going on, where are the agent, lets fuk them up with our powers hahaha
He is talkin about activating your third eye just like I am doing. That would be Morheus telling Neo how to get his powers so he can dodge bullets in slowmotion by astraltraveling in the time and spacefield.
Take it or leave it, you know in your hart if youre ready to be human or if you wanna be neadertahl.. Now or never.
Take care peace!
Warburg never found the cause or the cure. He only discovered the mechanism behind cancer's respiration and its energy source. That would be glucose.
I don't know if an actual cure exists because cancer is a really complex organism with many metabolic pathways but those base similarities are very real and can be treated. The only problem is that the barriers to entry to introducing just a single drug are about $1 billion and many years of trials. People who come up with any suggestions of treatment online can be sued into bankruptcy by the government. If you decide to use an unproven treatment to help someone else the government can throw you in the big house for practicing medicine without a license. And if you decide to exercise your own parental guidance in treating your own child's cancer then your kid can literally be taken from you and forced to undergo treatment.
If a free market existed in medicine, bound only by the various doctors' organizations to license their own practitioners then cancer would already be either cured outright or very controllable over the long term with little negative effect to the patient. Not to mention cost to the patient. The intellectual property regime and extreme government protection that rules the big business of chem, pharma and medicine today is an abomination.
The laws and regulations you seem to refer to VERYspecifically forbid anyone making claims that they can cure cancer unless they can prove, using the long established testing protocols (double blind trials, you know the drill) that their method has better than placebo effeciacy.. This is to prevent unscrupulous snake oil merchants and peddlers of homeopathy and other nonsense ( who all have shown great willingness to claim cancer curing powers without regulation) from fleecing desperate dying people , or when they offer their 'services' gratis, from preventing the patient from seeking genuine medical help.
There are problems with the barriers to entry and the incentives for development of new medicines. But the regulations are there to prevent medicines being released on the public that turn out to be poisonous or have unfortunate side effects, like thalidomide.
The incentives problem partly consists in that there is more money to be made treating some diseases than others, so diseases that affect mostly poor people in the third world get ignored, while others that are more likely to affect people who can afford expensive drugs get more money thrown at them. There is also a slight problem where it is perhaps more profitable to treat a condition than cure it completely, however this would be offset by the huge profits made by the developers of a cure.
None of these problems seem like they would be alleviated by a 'free market' in fact they would be made worse.
If you are proposing removing all regulation and letting anyone sell any substance as a cure for anything, and 'let the market decide' then yes, all the ineffective compounds will eventually be removed from the market by competition, but at the cost of millions of lives of the people who made the wrong choice. Drug companies already spend a worrying chunk of their budget on advertising, it seems under your system they would do well to increase it to 100%.
As for the 'can't patent nature' fallacy you insist on peddling. Yes you can. Morphine, Cocaine, Heroin and Aspirin are all brand names for products that were patented after being fairly simply extracted from natural substances.
Once again, libertarians are pointing out very real flaws in current institutions and and once again suggesting the solution is to get rid of all regulation and government (with a small g) and let the market decide.,and once again here I am on the wrong side of the looking glass banging on the glass shouting "no!!! NOOOOO!"
I keep hearing libertarian arguments and being partially convinced, after all the government DOES do many things I disagree with. Maybe we could just regulate ourselves through mutually beneficial agreements and institutions?
Then we consider a specific example like medicine and I realise sadly, "no, these people don't have a very firm grip on reality. That would beva terrible idea"
Wtf are you talkin about?
I want this and I want that hahahaaa No, you want to paint the picture that i want that bullshit you write.
Monsanto even got patent on the pig and if they GMO something the own that DNA according to their laws they created for themselves to be able to fuk humanity up real good.
There would be no drugs, cures or diseases if humans knew that raw fruit and veggies is the real medecine that makes us immune thru the immunesystem.
And no they would not make profits from fruit and veggies since everyone can grow them for free as long as the sun shines, and it will for a few more years I hope until it changes form from carbon to crystal.
Otto Warburg found out that diseases and cancer cant survive the immunesystem if the blood has alot of oxygen in it, in other words if you eat raw fruit and veggies and drinks alkaline water then you cant get sick since its meats and dairy and processed foods that make people sick, dead foods, since you are what you eat.
On Tv you never see rawfood-shows they always show "kill-your-food" cookin shows and then comes the commercials about finding the cure for cancer since none knows where the disease come from hahahaa yes we do know where it comes from.
That movie "Super Size Me" was a good example on how sick you can get from eating cloned meats and dairy for a month or two.
A alkaline blood is high in oxygen, unhealthy blood is low in oxygen it has everything to do with what people eat and there is no damn secret.
You just blind to the truth since you wanna poison yourself by eating animals and dairy and you dont have the balls to change eating habits or care for yourself since what would the other slaves think when you have acted like a manly meateater for all theese years. I can feel youre an real actor in your privatelife and you probably ont care that youre a part of animal cruelty because you wanna eat unhealthy and unnatural foods and kill yourself basicly since now it goes faster and faster to get the cancer since the radiation is rising in the solarsystem since the sun is changing form. =(
They dont make any money if people did not get sick, but you pobably dont wanna see that they are killing people totaly without reason since the cause and the cura for all disease is already found, since it is the immunesystem and Otto Warburg found out why the immunesystem dont work in some people and why they gets cancer and disease, and it is because the lack of oxygen in their blood.
Im sorry to say but youre just a big noob in the game of life =(
I'm sorry to say but you're a complete mental case and I am only reading your posts because they are so funny
real recognise real, and I dont know who the hell you are..
I know dumbasses think that everybody else is a dumbass and the expert on tv are really experts and not propaganda mindcontrollers.
And I know dumbasses cant tell the difference betwen a clever and a dumbass human.
I know you probably fall into that cathegory of people who cant really tell if im clever or a idiot when I write about fully provable things online like how to cure all diseases and cancer and how to create world peace with the tools we got like btc and SR.. And the design of the human body, the herbavore design you think is a omnivore hahahaaa
everything they thaught you was a lie.
You know people online cant be trusted tho, they told you to repeat it thru media, even if they talk about nobelprizes and provable things like that most carmanufacturers have hydrogenmodels ready for massproduction and evidences, you still should not trust the people online they said, and now youre here telling me that my evidences are not real?
Youre hired by the goverments to troll around on the internet and make jokes out of evidences that prove the governments goals..
Thats logical since if you wanna kill 90% of the populatioon thru attacking them thru water, food and air then you would probably hire some dumbasses to go online and discuss the conspiracy proofs and write to the hypnotized sheeple that the evidences are really theories..
dude, no one here cares what you have to say. why did you have to jack DPR's thread?
we're all sheeple dummy retards according to you, so why don't you go talk at a Mensa meeting where i'm sure you'll be much better received, and let us blind fools talk about our consensual version of reality.
"Humanity is at a critical juncture. Either violence will dominate the future of mankind, or peace will. The way of the sate is the way of violence, oppression and death."
I think this little thought of DPR's is the point we need to beware of. If you look at human history, when an old, corrupt empire is starting to show cracks (cough cough the U.S.), one of two things happen. Either it is replaced by a new order (Like South Africa's overthrow of the Apartheid) and peace follows, or it falls into countless greedy warring factions (Like the end of China's Han dynasty). Every person's actions can push humanity in one direction or the other.
DPR is aying what Im saying, but I also have a solution on how we can make that change.. Or perrish because we was to busy sending drugs instead of info.
I use 60% of my time to write and talk to others and help them out, and I do 40% to help myself and eat right..
I will switch those numbers tho since I can see most people aint gonna make it, youre just to far gone into the matrix and you will not make it out of it.
But I will still always share knowledge to help others, I just wanna do it on a bigger scale and thats why I came here to ask if people are interested in using SR and BTC for sharing knowledge with the people who will never go online.
This would be a thing that would make millions of new coustumers to all vendors on SR since if letters was sent to peoples homes telling them some secret truths while letting ppeople know how to join and sent more letter, then people would come to SR to find the add that enables them to pay to get more letters sent.
Im talkin around 5 million homes just in the small country i live in. 9 million people.
SR would be invaded by rich swedish slaves that just found out they are slaves that have been lied to by the governments and media.. around 3-4 million of them probably.
We humans have a good heart and if a relative died in cancer and i got a letter telling me what the cause and cure for cancer is, then i would most defenetily "join in" and pay to get more of them letters sent to peoples homes until every home in a country got one.
im not jackin any threads im a part of the forum just like every other user right?
Grown-ups can work together to make good in the world, human clones can not, grown ups can sit down and talk and collaborate, human clones can not..
I mean just loke at politicians, they aint there to collaborate they are there to have different opinions and put them against eachothers like small children. they are mentalcases/psycopaths and they should not have power like media and taxmoney.
My Captain,
Your words are like eargasms :P Thank you for sharing more of yourself lately, it's fucking awesome.
I strongly agree with your entire post but all I can think about right now is
Me + DPR + MDMA= OMGGGGGGG ;D :-* :-X :'(
I love you,
the problem as i understand it is that the authorities are trying to kill off the mdma trade by restricting movement of ingredients, as a result less safe compounds are being passed off as mdma and subsequently the mortality rate rises.....brilliant harm reduction result there from the twats in charge.
dont worry, we'll save your kids from the horrors of clean killing the little fuckers in a heatstroke pma nightmare.
the problem as i understand it is that the authorities are trying to kill off the mdma trade by restricting movement of ingredients, as a result less safe compounds are being passed off as mdma and subsequently the mortality rate rises.....brilliant harm reduction result there from the twats in charge.
dont worry, we'll save your kids from the horrors of clean killing the little fuckers in a heatstroke pma nightmare.
and then when the kids die from the PMA everybody says it is MDMA and they all rally around the war on drugs to restrict it even more, and then even more kids die.
I know you probably fall into that cathegory of people who cant really tell if im clever or a idiot when I write about fully provable things online like how to cure all diseases and cancer and how to create world peace with the tools we got like btc and SR.. And the design of the human body, the herbavore design you think is a omnivore is actually a herbavore haha etc…
No. I can definitely tell. You're an idiot. And although I agree that it is a huge waste of agricultural resources to use land to rear feed for meat animals, rather than cereals and grains for human use, I think you will find that human anatomy has several features that indicate we have evolved to be omnivorous. Like incisors, teeth whose purpose is to cut meat.
The government has not hired me to 'troll the internet' discrediting barely literate conspiracy boffins who have half understood some real science and mixed it in with their persecution delusions. I perform this task on a pro bono basis as a service to humanity and scientific skepticism, the only route to true knowledge.
As far as the recent ecstasy deaths goes, agree completely. Like nearly all the problems caused by drugs, they can be laid at the feet of prohibition. Why we were unable to process the lessons of alcohol prohibition is beyond me. Perhaps some theorists are correct and the war on drugs is being used to criminalise and enslave a class of workers for whom government/the market (as your ideology prefers) has no further use?
One thing I know is this site has become an innovative way of circumventing their measures. No longer is it possible for DEA and other LE to 'flip' their way up the supply chain via indimidating drug users into snitching. The supplier/buyer anonymity inserts a 'firebreak' into this chain of informers and deprives our adversaries of their chief weapon. It is literally impossible for a buyer to inform on a supplier using this market, and that is DPR, whoever they are , contribution to freedom. A clever clever idea.
Hahahahaa bullshit you have no idea if im clever since you probably think grades from school is the only thing that proves if youre clever hahahaa and that because the schoolsystem is all about dumbing people down, telling children they gets forced to go to school for their own good..
And the kids gets to learn computers also hahaha only the dumbass kids will not feel a feeling in their stomach that theese computers and robots can do the jobs the kids are "getting educated"/trained to be slaves" to be able to do.
You cant watch 2 damn teeth thats leftovers from when we was created thru GMO-technology a couple of tousands of years ago, when the colon, guts and jaw are the exact same as herbavores, then those 2 teeth are nothing more then a leftover since the cavemandays.
Since they took the neadertahl and created humanity, thru GMO.. In other wods they made us smarter.. But some of you are still cavemans and youre basicly made to be eaten by aliens thats why you got them canines still and you love them so much that you ignores the rest of you body thats designed as herbavore.
Okey the governments did not hire you, youre just a dumbass idiot who thinks evidences are theories and you can go to war to create peace.. And idiotic shit like that. you got that stockholmsyndrome so look that up and seek help for it. Most other humans got it to tho so you should probably listen to what I write if you wanna be cured from it.
Yeah we can write about the war on drugs all we want but as long as we wait for other humans to start visiting websites like we do to get info, then nothing will ever end the war on drugs since the only thing needed to end it is to send info about it to all people in a country, and then people would know whats the problem with the war.
Media does not tell the tv-watchers that the war on drugs are lost the same day it started, they still think its a needed war but there is no such thing as a needed or a good war unless it a war to end wars but that can be twisted by the evildoers so people goes to war because they think that will end wars but it wont.
As soon as we find a way to send info about the war on drugs to every home in a country then the war is over.. until then lets send drugs all over the world since we can reach all homes on the planet thru the mailsystem. :S
I was asked a couple of questions privately the other day and wound up going on a bit of a rant in response. Thought it would make a good forum post:
I agree with you completely DPR.
I personally do wonder if drugs should be entirely uncontrolled. That is, being sold in supermarkets. I'm thinking the best situation is probably one where only the pharmacist can sell drugs, but they sell it to everyone upon request. No prescriptions, nobody who can tell you that can't have something. But the pharmacist could advise you on dosage, drug interaction and any dangers for an individual (e.g. someone who already has high blood pressure shouldn't take certain drugs).
At the same time I think alcohol, nicotine and caffeine should not be sold in supermarkets. (probably apart from chocolate since the dose is incredibly low) That way people would have to make the concious choice to walk into a liquor store and not be confronted with drugs every day while shopping for groceries. And people should become aware that alcohol and caffeine are also drugs. Seriously, 90% or so of all adults in the west using both an upper and a downer, often on a daily basis? But worst of all, they honestly believe they are not doing drugs because according to the law, these substances are not categorized as drugs.
I've been thinking for a while that someone should buy some caffeine powder, offer random people in public a cup of coffee and snort some caffeine themselves.. I actually doubt anyone would be able to realize that the snorter took the exact same thing as the person who just had a cup of coffee.. In fact whoever did this would probably get arrested, but it would make a great YouTube video.
On the other hand, maybe absolutely everything should be sold in supermarkets. And anyone who manages to kill themselves with high quality drugs, well, blame Darwin.