Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: Dread Pirate Roberts on April 19, 2012, 09:23 pm

Title: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Dread Pirate Roberts on April 19, 2012, 09:23 pm
Not sure what to get for that special someone?  Want to let them know you REALLY care?  How about getting them a Silk Road gift code!  Convert any amount from your available account balance into a Silk Road gift code and give it to whomever you like.  Then they can use it when checking out toward their purchase.  You may create a code that can be used site-wide, or you can create one for a specific vendor.

Vendors, this is also a great way to give store credit to your customers you find most deserving.  Just create the gift code with your username and give the code to your customer.

To create a gift code, click the "Gift codes" link from your account page.  From there, enter the amount of the gift code, and the vendor it can be used with.  If you leave the vendor field blank, the gift code will be useable site-wide.  Once created, the code and value will appear at the bottom of the page until the gift code is all used up.

Have fun!  8)
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: tony76 on April 19, 2012, 09:29 pm
Haha that's awesome! Now i know what i'll be giving my friends for their birthdays
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: wretched on April 19, 2012, 09:36 pm
are you able to revoke them, or change them once created? if not, I guess I have .09BTC tied up that I can only spend on myself.. :(
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Trinitron421 on April 19, 2012, 09:40 pm
I'm assuming this will also be the method of giving away BTC for prizes during the sale?
Seems nifty !
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: wretched on April 19, 2012, 09:45 pm
can someone use the gift code

sled grounds

to buy this listing

Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Gary Oak on April 19, 2012, 09:53 pm
Wicked! I needed an excuse to get into prostitution! :P
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: ninjaman on April 19, 2012, 09:55 pm
I need to show my girlfriend how to use SR, I have a birthday coming up!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: torrador on April 19, 2012, 10:10 pm
Just noticed this on my account page and it's a damn nice idea!

Thanks for the addition.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: hunter2 on April 19, 2012, 10:32 pm
Great addition to The Road!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: wretched on April 19, 2012, 10:36 pm
would be nice if it could be narrowed by section also, instead of just vendor/whole site. maybe someone would be inclined to give out gift codes for anyone in, say, the LSD section. then the code could be used on tony's or MITANOX's acid, but not tony's smack or MIT's molly. NOT that I have anything against H or molly, it's just that there is a very warm spot in my heart for LSD.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: sourman on April 19, 2012, 10:39 pm
About time. lol

This seems like a good time to spread some Karma to DPR :D
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: n0n00dz4u on April 19, 2012, 10:50 pm

Just another feature to give SilkRoad that open market feel :)
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Horizons on April 19, 2012, 10:56 pm
With all these new features, soon eBay will be looking to SR for ideas on how to improve their website.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: MagicMan on April 19, 2012, 11:07 pm
With all these new features, soon eBay will be looking to SR for ideas on how to improve their website.

I was just about to say something along those lines!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: BenJesuit on April 19, 2012, 11:42 pm
Haha, sweet. Can I hug you DPR? It's a man hug. No worries man.  ;D
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: philter3 on April 19, 2012, 11:44 pm

Vendors, this is also a great way to give store credit to your customers you find most deserving.  Just create the gift code with your username and give the code to your customer.

This will be so helpful. Gentlemen (and ladies) THIS is how a wise market-maker keeps his market the place to buy and sell without coercion.

He's like.. a Mises on a Mission :D
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Dread Pirate Roberts on April 20, 2012, 12:02 am
Haha, sweet. Can I hug you DPR? It's a man hug. No worries man.  ;D


hugs not drugs....  no wait, hugs AND drugs!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: anon4ever6969 on April 20, 2012, 12:33 am
This is awesome! SR just gets better and better every day.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: divinechemicals on April 20, 2012, 12:51 am
Haha, sweet. Can I hug you DPR? It's a man hug. No worries man.  ;D


hugs not drugs....  no wait, hugs AND drugs!

Haha I love you way too much DPR. Hugs and drugs all around! It's funny because just last week me and like 10 of my friends took some molly and we all ended up in this huge group hug together and loving each other, so that's what your post reminded me of.

Anyways, this is a great idea! Too bad I don't know anyone that actually uses the Silk Road because this would be the perfect gift for me! Something else this can help with: when forum members come in asking for like half a bitcoin or whatever, we can now buy them store credit to make sure that they're not just going to make off with the bitcoin and never return. At the very least their loan will be tied to the site. Excellent idea!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: febbraio2468 on April 20, 2012, 05:45 am
Someday we will tell our grand kids about this, I love you guys!   ;D
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on April 20, 2012, 01:51 pm
Wicked! I needed an excuse to get into prostitution! :P

How long before someone gets a BTC Job?  ;D

Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: German Kraut on April 20, 2012, 04:24 pm
I want a gift code  from Santa Claus ....
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: OuterLimits on April 20, 2012, 05:50 pm
Great idea! What happens if you have a code for a specific vendor and they suddenly stop offering products on SR before you have the chance to redeem it?
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: benomatu3 on April 20, 2012, 10:28 pm
It's cool that you can do site wide or vendor too so you can give someone a gift of forced but very pleasant diversity lol
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: PriscillaMarie90 on April 21, 2012, 01:37 am
I love this idea.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: ijumz on April 21, 2012, 02:18 am
Greatest. Idea. Ever.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: mybodymychoice on April 21, 2012, 02:45 am
Haha, sweet. Can I hug you DPR? It's a man hug. No worries man.  ;D


hugs not drugs....  no wait, hugs AND drugs!

haha nice to see you hangin, huggin & high with your peepz! ;)  DPR thank you for this awesome service you've created for all of humanity.  Maybe you realize it, maybe not, but you have changed the world for the better. SR is an invaluable service which is used by people of all walks of life, all races, countries all over the globe,  multiple languages, and even LE per their personal needs (as indicated from a Canadian Border Services Agent who buys pain killers for his back or whatever). Point being you have made getting drugs safe from violence and also allowed us access to the highest quality and purity drugs in all of the world! I would love to meet you in real life but unfortunately that will never happen. Or maybe it has by some freak chance but we will never know! I hope you keep safe, secure and very anonymous. Im sorry if it sounds like I'm a crazy fan. I dont idolize you or anyone for that matter; I just want to thank you and let you know that I think what you've done for us all is just plain n simple: GREAT! And maybe it's the weed n oxy but I you deserve a big pat on the back! And a man hug too my brother. Live long and prosper!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: cis4cat on April 22, 2012, 11:52 pm
Saw this earlier and was curious.

Actually a very neat feature, will definitely find a way to use this amongst my friends.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: qvel on April 24, 2012, 01:55 am
Splendid work, and a decidedly awesome idea!

I like it a lot, and intend to make good use of it in the future.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: spd on April 25, 2012, 12:31 am
and mothers day is only a couple days away!!   ;D
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: kissbang on April 26, 2012, 03:09 am
This is pretty sexy. Can we expect this feature to show up on The Armory? Really helps out people who are too stupid to handle a bitcoin wallet of their own.

If stupid people are excluded from any market, that market is pretty much doomed as most people are stupid. Opening up the marketplace to stupid people will create a huge influx, but also, creates new problems. Stupidly Dangerous now becomes a more common encounter...
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: LainOfTheWired1984 on April 26, 2012, 03:24 am
This is a hilariously great idea DPR. SR owns.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: TwoToneMan on April 28, 2012, 05:58 am
would be nice to be able to set a date until the gift code has to be used.
say I give out some as a promotion - If people wouldn't use it, my money is just gone...
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Synaptic on May 03, 2012, 08:37 am
Complimentary code of the week for Team Synaptic

creek law
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: i3lazd on May 03, 2012, 09:04 am
wait so vendors give out a code to discount product basicly?
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Synaptic on May 03, 2012, 10:34 am
wait so vendors give out a code to discount product basicly?
We do. Can't speak for other vendors, but the codes can be set to be used site wide or for specific vendors. In our case, it's only for us.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: i3lazd on May 03, 2012, 02:26 pm
Complimentary code of the week for Team Synaptic

creek law

how much is discount?
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: cosmicwizard on May 10, 2012, 05:07 am
would be nice if it could be narrowed by section also, instead of just vendor/whole site. maybe someone would be inclined to give out gift codes for anyone in, say, the LSD section. then the code could be used on tony's or MITANOX's acid, but not tony's smack or MIT's molly. NOT that I have anything against H or molly, it's just that there is a very warm spot in my heart for LSD.

I totally back this! LSD will always have the warmest spot in my heart <3
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: raveryote on May 11, 2012, 10:49 am
oh, cool, gift codes. that would be a unique gift to give someone for christmas ;)
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: NeonLeon on May 13, 2012, 08:51 pm
oh, cool, gift codes. that would be a unique gift to give someone for christmas ;)

Or Uhhh...  Mother's Day?  ;)  hehe..  this place beeze pretty fun I hope it lasts forever.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: PlaneMode on May 15, 2012, 01:45 am
Sweet, I always wondered what the code thing was >.<
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: RR on May 18, 2012, 12:25 pm
DPR you should make the gift code thing as an option in the resolution center so refunds can be given in store credit so to speak :)
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Horizons on May 20, 2012, 02:13 pm
DPR you should make the gift code thing as an option in the resolution center so refunds can be given in store credit so to speak :)

Store credit isn't a refund. It's trapping the customer's money. This sort of option would make scamming vendors very happy.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: RR on May 20, 2012, 02:19 pm
i dont agree, i think in some situations store credit can be a good option, like if something gets damaged in the post, the buyer still has the product but isnt 100% happy cos 1pill out of 10 got crushed for example, you can then offer 25% store credit off there next purchase to make up for the damaged one. big retail stores do this all the time.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: simulacra on June 06, 2012, 03:02 am
A little off topic, but whoever thought up, set up or designed Silk Road is an absolute pioneer and genius! Thanks to it's founders, you have liberated thousands, perhaps millions of people like me who feel paranoid when ordering online. From the title 'Silk Road' (Marco Polo's trading route journey?), the logo and most of all the freedom, you guys deserve to have your dreams come true like you are making dreams come true for others. You saw the future and seized it. Thank you so much - Silk Road is the gift that keeps on giving!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: RR on June 06, 2012, 01:24 pm
i think vendors should be given a free gift voucher each month (amount depends on sales) to allow them to purchase without paying commission on buys, if you sell and item then you get charged 10% then if you buy with them same coins (like many do) you get hit with a 10% fee again... this dont seem fair, thoughts? 
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Horizons on June 06, 2012, 03:52 pm
in some situations store credit can be a good option

Yes, but I believe that, as a resolution center option, it'd do more harm than good. Imagine, if you will, a vendor who practices selective scamming. He claims to send you a package but never does. In the resolution center, he blames it on the mailman. He offers you a 50% of the purchase price in store credit and promises to give you a little extra on your next order. Oh boy, what a stand-up guy! Yo you make another order, which, again, he doesn't send. This time, he's so embarrassed that the mailman misplaced his package a second time that he gives you a 100% refund! But what actually happened is that you lost 150% of the original order's value, and all you have to show for it is credit with an untrustworthy fellow. Money that you should own, but is actually locked to him.

Not cool.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: RR on June 06, 2012, 04:25 pm
in some situations store credit can be a good option

Yes, but I believe that, as a resolution center option, it'd do more harm than good. Imagine, if you will, a vendor who practices selective scamming. He claims to send you a package but never does. In the resolution center, he blames it on the mailman. He offers you a 50% of the purchase price in store credit and promises to give you a little extra on your next order. Oh boy, what a stand-up guy! Yo you make another order, which, again, he doesn't send. This time, he's so embarrassed that the mailman misplaced his package a second time that he gives you a 100% refund! But what actually happened is that you lost 150% of the original order's value, and all you have to show for it is credit with an untrustworthy fellow. Money that you should own, but is actually locked to him.

Not cool.

+1 good point agree NOT cool  :)
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: HardHustle on June 07, 2012, 03:55 am
Haha that's awesome! Now i know what i'll be giving my friends for their birthdays

Fuck you.

That is all.
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: RR on June 07, 2012, 11:44 am
seems to be a few issues being reported, message support on the man site with specific  problems 
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Magic Ceelo on August 08, 2012, 05:35 pm
Me love you long time DPR!
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: fasttrip on August 09, 2012, 02:57 pm
Thanks DPR
Title: Re: The gift that keeps on giving
Post by: Elnora.Demski on November 01, 2012, 04:54 pm
are you able to revoke them, or change them once created? if not, I guess I have .09BTC tied up that I can only spend on myself.. :(

I haven't seen any answers to this question! Related question: can the code that I created be used for multiple transactions (at different points in time) or does it need to be used all at once?