Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: oxiD on January 16, 2012, 08:46 pm

Title: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: oxiD on January 16, 2012, 08:46 pm
For two days I see different problems on SILKROAD?!

1) My listing does not appear sometimes in the results list of : Cannabis/Weed or only in : Cannabis section!  Sometimes the listing change and sellers are mixed and are not in the right categories!
2) In addition articles in scrolling on the home page as many images not correspond to it.
3) Today I make no sales! 0 !!!!! 8-( And Yesterday only two sales... It's good to take a break but still strange ...
4) The tumbler and Auto-withdraw of bitcoins seems to work only at certain times, at the time of writing this, the tumbler and Auto-withdraw does not work for me...
5) The text boxes in the section on SR: Profile Setting/List an Item : are very small compared to before, impossible to make a correct layout...
6) Auto-Finalizing takes longer than usual...

Have you seen these bizarre phenomena too?
All worked very well there a few days, I do not understand...
 What is the problem?

 An update?

Best regards,
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: tordemon on January 16, 2012, 11:40 pm
I know that the home page was being edited and had some problems recently, but I also know that those were fixed. I unfortunately don't know about any of the other issues. =/
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: OldGuard on January 17, 2012, 12:35 am
I noticed some of those strange things as well, one vendor had a listing and when I clicked to see their profile the listing did not show up but it was still there when I did a normal search. I did notice a few hours later everything seemed back to normal as the listing showed up in both places.
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: oxiD on January 17, 2012, 10:27 am
When to write this, my 1 and 10 gram of White Widow not listed in the category : Cannabis/Weed . But they are listed in the category : Cannabis. (Sometimes the reverse, or sometimes they are nowhere)
While it should appear in two categories ! The problem is random, sometimes it disappears at the time of the day.
Is a serious bug that handicaps sales. Now someone a buyer just write me a message telling me that my listing had just reappear and he was happy that I'm back. The problem is that I've never been on vacation !!!!

I just changed the country of shipment of my products and I just saw that in the categories it is not changed ?!

For the homepage, the problem seems solved so effectively :-)

I do not understand this we must explain...

Best regards,
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: JamesDeansSkull on January 17, 2012, 10:18 pm
.... You're stoned?
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: drgreenth on January 18, 2012, 10:12 pm
Here is one who noticed that ahaa oxid must have a vacation because his listings does not show up here anymore. Then I checked his profile and it said that no listings. Well I ordered from somewhere else and next day when I came back his/her listings were there! And oxid is one of the best vendors for EU weed so I would really want to buy from his/her shop. And now when I check cannabis section, I will NOT see his/her listings!! But when I check the profile there they are.

Probably he/she is stoned because this person has so awesome products that will get you definitely HIGH, but I'm out of stock and fully sober. And can confirm that his/her listings does this described weird things.
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: Dread Pirate Roberts on January 19, 2012, 12:07 am
We started caching the category, item and user pages to ease server load, so you may see some discrepancies between these three pages lasting up to an hour.  The other problems you mentioned were temporary and should be fixed now, except for the homepage images, haven't gotten to that yet.
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: oxiD on January 19, 2012, 06:35 pm
I'm not stoned, I'm extra lucid. The problem number 1 : ( My listing does not appear sometimes in the results list of : Cannabis/Weed or only in : Cannabis section!) is still there and elsewhere, it appears with other vendors too. But other vendors have not remarked because they make less sales than me.
 Today a lot less sales than usual for me ...

Cache saves resources of server for sure, but at the expense of quality...

Hoping that one day this problem will be solved. :-(

Best regards,
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: xx138xx on January 19, 2012, 07:02 pm
I've noticed something like this from time to time. Let's say I go to check out the weed section. The number of listings and the results that show up rarely ever match time after time even within moments of each other. It's as if certain listings get selectively left out when the page loads. My guess is maybe the database has certain tables locked when it goes to pull up the listings for someone else, and the listings in the locked tables don't get added to the results, or maybe the database is giving up on pulling all the results after a set time limit to avoid timing out completely.

In either case, SR might wish to check into a project called Percona Database and a table format it offers called XtraDB.  It's a drop in for mysql and will get him some nice performance gains, and the xtradb format gets rid of table locking also.
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: oxiD on January 19, 2012, 07:43 pm
I've noticed something like this from time to time. Let's say I go to check out the weed section. The number of listings and the results that show up rarely ever match time after time even within moments of each other. It's as if certain listings get selectively left out when the page loads. My guess is maybe the database has certain tables locked when it goes to pull up the listings for someone else, and the listings in the locked tables don't get added to the results, or maybe the database is giving up on pulling all the results after a set time limit to avoid timing out completely.

In either case, SR might wish to check into a project called Percona Database and a table format it offers called XtraDB.  It's a drop in for mysql and will get him some nice performance gains, and the xtradb format gets rid of table locking also.

Congratulations we beginning of an explanation, thanks xx138xx ! A problem with SR mysql tables...
I enjoy a little to create a few websites, but I'm not an expert in mysql database. I can not be an expert in all fields ;-)

I go on vacation until this bug is not corrected :-(

Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: artvandalay on January 20, 2012, 09:41 am
I've noticed this a few days ago as well. I couldn't find oxiD's listing in the cannabis section.
After refreshing several times I was able to find it but only under the "weed" section, which is weird cause I could see a lot of other sellers in both sections.
This bug needs to be fixed, oxiD is the best EU seller. Others don't even compare.
I hope the staff will look into it. (I see a staff has already said that the bug was fixed, but I still can't see oxiD's listing).
I'm running out of bud and I desperately need some of oxiD's ganja.

Happy toking.
Title: Re: Problems on Silk Road ??? An explanation?
Post by: oxiD on January 20, 2012, 10:33 am
My listing does not appear today because I put myself on vacation. I expect an Admin to keep me informed as soon as the bug is fixed, then I am back to work.
Thanks artvandalay for this bug confirmation !
