Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts on this subject. First off, a couple of posts were made about vendors seeing buyer reviews on your "recent orders" page. This is going to get put back in. Regarding vendors reviewing buyers, there have been a couple of points brought up that I'd like to focus on. Consider the following scenario: Buyer leaves a 4/5, vendor says remove it or I'll give you a bad rating. To prevent this, it was suggested that vendors not see their rating until they have rated their buyer and vice versa. This sounds like a legitimate option, but I'd like to know if anyone sees a downside to it. The other point I heard is maybe we really don't need a buyer rating system at all. Vendors can already see a buyer's full stats when they place an order with them. quantity purchased, amount spent, # of vendors, percent of orders left to autofinalize, percent of sales refunded. Let's say we let vendors do a yes or no rating: "would you sell to this buyer again?", and then presented that to future vendors as a percent of sales, such as... 95% would do business again, or 37% would do business again. Would that be helpful? Could vendors abuse this? As a quick note, some of you have said that vendors wouldn't take the time to rate hundreds of buyers. We could default the rating to "yes, would do business again" and then have a batch process in one click, so all they would need to do is change the bad buyers to "no" and click "rate all". So that's not an issue. Thanks again for the discussion. Let's focus now on the points I've just raised and move the conversation forward.