UPDATE: I created a wiki page that might help clarify some of these changes: https://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion.to/wiki/index.php?title=Ratings_%26_Reviews ok, we're ready to push out the next update. I'll be closing the site for an hour or two while we do this. In this update we'll see a few changes. When you have finalized your order, you won't have to leave a review or a rating. When leaving a rating, you will see phrases next to the 1 - 5 scores giving you a sense of what they represent. If you have unreviewed transactions with a vendor, a link will appear on their page where you can leave a review. Reviews on a vendors page now have the buyer's stats, and the transaction stats. A vendor's rating widget links to a dedicated ratings and reviews page where you can see a breakdown of a vendors ratings, both weighted and unweighted, along with all of their reviews broken down by 1 - 5 groups. Also, all ratings and reviews will be final and uneditable. That means, if you have not received your order or tested it, you should not rate or review it! Oh yea, and you'll be able to sort reviews by weight or freshness. I hope you enjoy it! Once we get this pushed out and running smoothly, we'll move on to the next phase which will be looking at giving vendors more tools to judge buyers and protect themselves from scamming buyers.