It seems like I only ever post on the forums when there is something wrong that needs to be addressed. Today, I'm just happy to be here and wanted to let you all know that. I sincerely hope, wherever you are and whatever your current circumstances, you can join me in taking a deep breath, relaxing a little, and taking stock of our blessings. Just being alive and free is such a gift. I've been an enemy of the biggest and most dangerous organizations in the world for some time now. At this point I'm truly amazed and delighted to still be free and alive! Whatever amount of health each of us have, we can be grateful for that. Every person in our lives we hold dear, we can be grateful for them. I am grateful for each and every one of you in this community. Whether you found this place just yesterday, or have been here for years, I respect you for thinking for yourself and acting in your own best interest, despite what others would try to force on you. And I honor you as my fellow traveler as we walk this path together. So, to all the players in this crazy game we're playing: buyers, vendors, financiers, the leaders in the community, the mods and admins, the arguers and skeptics, the evangelists, the tech gurus, the post office, the open source developers and communities, all of the giants who's shoulders we stand on, the scammers, and even... no especially law enforcement and law makers... I love you all! I know the feeling isn't mutual in all cases, but still my love for you persists. It does because it comes from a deep respect for human life and for you as an individual. As always, it's an honor to serve you. See you down the road...