I've been informed that some vendors are attempting to form a cartel. In such an arrangement, they would agree on what price to charge so they can charge more than they would be able to if they were competing with each other. Another vendor has re-posted their plans in order to warn the community at large of the plan. There are two things I'd like to say about this: 1) Up until now, it has been our policy to delete any reposts from the vendor roundtable in order to preserve the privacy of that forum. Because it is nearly impossible to prevent the reposter from creating new accounts and reposting over and over, we will no longer attempt to control this behavior. This will just be a limitation of the vendor roundtable and vendors should act accordingly. 2) Cartels are nearly impossible to maintain without the use of violence, especially in an environment as competitive as Silk Road. There is also nothing morally wrong with them. If a cartel were to form, I would not attempt to break it up unless its members were breaking other rules. If you want an explanation for why cartels are nearly impossible to maintain in a free market environment, please read "Man, Economy and State" chapter 10, part 2, section D.