UPDATE (feb 7th): The PIN reset process is now automated. https://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion.to/wiki/index.php?title=PIN If you locked your PIN within the past few days, there's a chance you'll see a message at the top of your homepage. If anything seems off, just message support and we'll get you sorted out. We've made a few small changes to the site to help people get answers to their questions more quickly and to lighten the load on our support staff. When you click on the support link in the footer of the site, instead of being prompted to send a message, you are sent to a page with instructions for finding an answer to your question, which includes an FAQ page on the wiki, searching these forums if you can't find your answer there, and posting to the customer support section of these forums. My hope is that the mods and senior members of the forum will spend some time on these boards helping out the newbs. We also get way too many people asking for PIN and password resets, so I've changed the account page to show a warning message about making sure you know your PIN and password before making a deposit if you've never made a deposit on the account, or haven't in a few months. We'll see how well this works, but my hope is that it will cut down dramatically on the number of messages we get each day. cheers, DPR