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Messages - Dread Pirate Roberts

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 [42] 43 44 ... 46
Silk Road discussion / a pic is worth 1000 words
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:17 am »
Hash: SHA1

You may now upload a picture of your items!  Only .jpg is supported at the moment.  Have fun and be creative :)
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)


Technical support / Re: new listings not showing up
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:14 am »
4) If you don't log in for 48 hours, your account goes on vacation mode.  Check your settings page.

Technical support / Re: Shorted some BTC on transaction
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:13 am »
When payment in escrow is hedged, the exchange rate we use is not the last price, nor is it the 24hr moving average we use when you peg your prices to the dollar.  Instead, it is the price of the best open order or orders for your transaction volume.  When hedging, this is the best asking price, and when un-hedging, this is the best bidding price.  So when hedging and then immediately un-hedging, your always going to lose this small percentage.  For those who know, this is called the bid/ask spread.

Technical support / Re: account not credited after two days
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:05 am »
Sorry we didn't see your message ggm.  We read every message, so I'm not sure how you slipped through.  Are you still having an issue?  Try contacting us again.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Seller ranking and feedback overhaul
« on: July 29, 2011, 09:31 pm »

Does this mean a small-scale seller with a previously stellar track record can get one bad review from a flakey buyer and have their rating totally fucked because the new feedbacks carry more weight and they don't have as many feedbacks as a large seller?

Or am I misunderstanding something here.  Because I'm not really digging the sound of that.

if you have a bunch of good feedback for a month, no feedback for a couple of months, and then start getting bad feedback, then yes, your avg rating will drop more quickly than if there wasn't more weight given to newer reviews, but this is what we want.  Basically you have to stay consistently good to keep a high score and can't rely on your performance from months and months ago.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Seller ranking and feedback overhaul
« on: July 29, 2011, 09:23 pm »

So this is currently on the front page at SR.

Not picking on Lexi, but still at 100 with this latest rating?


ranking and feedback is updated twice a day.  We don't do it in real-time to avoid using up alot of system resources.

Silk Road discussion / Re: SilkRoad Fees
« on: July 27, 2011, 09:34 pm »
Would this mean then that as the volume grows exponentially that there is a good chance that the fees will slide downward; both because of volume and the fact that there will be somewhat less to do in the way of major updates of the board because it will become both highly efficient and more bulletproof over time with each new iteration?  Based on your philosophy of money (the tool part is the same as my own, however I do *love* the creature comforts that come from having it) I would be very interested to hear your answer, even if it is just in a philosophical bent rather than any estimation or indication of future fee structures.  thanks!

Not necessarily.  Basically what I'm saying is, MUCH more is possible than just being able to buy drugs freely.  With the revenues from Silk Road (the more the better), we can invest in even more ambitious and revolutionary projects.  Money is a tool, but so is Silk Road.  Our aim is to one day live in a world where we won't need Silk Road, because we won't need to hide anymore.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Seller ranking and feedback overhaul
« on: July 27, 2011, 09:07 pm »
I think it is a bad idea to decrease the importance of past feedback.

My first customer is just as important as my last customer and they should hold equal weight.

I believe that this new system will skew results and decrease the amount of good feedback left by good buyers because they will realize it will eventually be meaningless or otherwise a waste of their time.

I think the opposite is true.  If a seller has a huge amount of feedback from a year of selling, then new feedback is a drop in the barrel and will barely change their rating.  So the vendor won't care about getting a good rating, and the buyer won't feel like their voice is heard.  However, if new ratings are more important than old, then the vendor will always have to work for good ratings from current customers.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Seller ranking and feedback overhaul
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:23 am »
(A shameless plug for my self-serving interests:)

I'd like to see a variable number tempered by a standard deviation of total reviews used as the base of the power function determining the aging weight; a general change in quality could increase the base and make past reviews have less weight and minimal change in quality could allow past reviews to hold higher weight. It just seems like a nice stability buffer for generally-consistent vendors (plus, I don't see why past reviews should lose half of their value every month if the vendor's staying consistent).

our thinking here is to keep established vendors from resting on their laurels.  If the weight of ones feedback doesn't fall off over time in some way, then new feedback becomes less and less important, and new vendors will have little chance of catching up with the senior sellers.

Silk Road discussion / Re: SilkRoad Fees
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:16 am »
added to the seller's guide:

"...when pricing your items, be sure to include shipping and handling in the price.  Whatever you set your price at will be your total compensation.  However, your listings will display a price that is higher than the one you set because we add a commission to each listing.  The commission is subject to change, but at the time of this writing it is 6.23%."

Sorry for the opacity.  I'd like to share with you how I view money, so you can get a better idea of what to expect in regards to the management of Silk Road going forward.

Money is a tool, a means to an end.  Our end here at Silk Road is not the accumulation of money, or the comfort and security it brings (not that there's anything wrong with that).  Our end is freedom from tyranny, and secured basic human rights for the people of the world.  As awesome as it is, Silk Road is just the beginning in what will likely be a long journey.  You can count on us to use the wealth created by it responsibly to produce ever more infrastructure and resources toward achieving these goals.  In the end, it won't be about the money, it'll be about what we've all achieved by thinking and acting for ourselves and refusing to compromise.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Seller ranking and feedback overhaul
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:07 am »
we can definitely share the detail, though it gets a bit technical, and we are tuning some the parameters, so the whole thing isn't set in stone.

basically, each feedback score is weighted by three factors: buyer activity, age, and purchase price.

The buyer activity weight is determined by finding the average and standard deviation of the log of the number of vendors reviewed by buyers who've ever left a review.  if the log of the number of vendors reviewed by the buyer who left the feedback is greater than the average, the review has a "buyer activity" weight of the number of standard deviations above the average plus one.  If it is below average, then the weight is the inverse of the number of standard deviations below the average minus one.

The age weigh is found by raising 1.02337 to the power of the review's age in days and then inverting it.  We got 1.02337 by making a review half as valuable after one month as one that's just been posted.

The price weight comes from the following formula: 0.2*log(0.02*($price)+1)+1 where $price is in dollars.

You then multiply the weights together to get the total weight for that review.  Add up all of the weighted reviews and divide by the total weight to get the weighted average, then do 25*(1-avg) to get "percent positive reviews" metric.

To get the seller rank, we find the averages and standard deviations of the "percent positive feedback" and the log of the total weight of the reviews for all active sellers. We then average the number of standard deviations a seller has above or below the average with a 4 to 1 weight on their average feedback over their total weight.  This is a seller's rating, and we rank everyone according to this rating.

There are a few little details left out for brevity, but that's basically it.

if a deposit doesn't show up after 12 hours, send us the address you sent it to using the contact us link on the main site.  We've implemented a new deposit system that should be much more user friendly, just send the coins to the address on your account page each time you make a deposit.

Silk Road discussion / Re: How good is escrow hedging working?
« on: July 26, 2011, 05:27 pm »
I was wondering, how do you know if an item is hedged or not? Does it tell you when you add it to your cart or something?
While adding an item to your cart, it specifies if it's hedged or not.

I don't get it - why does the buyer care?

If they get refunded fewer/more bitcoins, they'll know why.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Seller ranking and feedback overhaul
« on: July 26, 2011, 05:25 pm »
If you say a customer released escrow but didn't comment wouldn't then the number of sales and comments differ?  Mine are the same.  The only difference is in your count by +1 .  How does a customer go about releasing escrow without commenting?  How long does a customer have before they need to comment?  Thanks for your time SILKROAD  I just dont like my rep suffering for no reason at all.

Sorry I'm not being clear.  When a buyers finalizes an order, the funds are released, etc, and she is given the OPTION to leave feedback.  If she leaves the site and never comes back, for example, then your transaction count will always be higher than the number of ratings left for you by 1.  If your transaction count and number of ratings are the same, then it means all of your buyers left feedback for you.  All that being said, it doesn't affect your average rating one bit when someone completes a transaction, but doesn't leave feedback.  It's as if the transaction never happened as far as feedback is concerned.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Seller ranking and feedback overhaul
« on: July 24, 2011, 12:11 am »
Check how many sales you have listentothemusic.  I noticed they have me down for an extra sale that doesnt exist.  I have 19 sales and they have it down as 20 which really fucked up my ratio.  I have only 1 4 rating the rest are 5.  The math is off.  Check yours out and let us know as well as silk road admin.

This is due to transactions that have finalized but the buyer has yet to leave a review.

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