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Messages - Dread Pirate Roberts

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 46
Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 22, 2012, 03:30 pm »
Just got a strange WINNER message with no prize!

"You are a winner in the 420 prize giveaway!!! You have won:

Let the community know about your great luck by posting here: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=18311.0

Best regards,
Silk Road staff"

Prize to the one who can find my prize! :-) :-) :-)

oops!  ran out of prizes.  we'll make some more and hook up the ones that got blank messages.  Thanks to everyone for making this such an amazing weekend!

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 21, 2012, 09:46 pm »
Every time you complete a sale you can win one of our 420 second prizes, and for every btc you spend during the sale, we'll put in one entry for you for our Take a Trip to Paradise Grand Prize.
Suppose I ordered yesterday: Do I need to finalize early to be able to win any prizes?

you don't need to finalize

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 21, 2012, 05:04 pm »
This is soooooo much fun!!!!

a few points for clarity:
1) You may use the Silk Road platform to pay people directly.  You may not accept direct payment as a vendor.  vmm lost his vendor account, so no rule breaking there.
2) Put the gift code in the gift code field on the shopping cart page and hit the submit button next to it.  The rest should be clear.
3) I have no problem with what lothaun10 is doing, great idea!
4) I've said it before, but buying lots of little items doesn't improve your chances.  In fact there is no timing or distribution strategy like that that will help you.  Just spend your money as usual and trust me that the contest is fair.  In general, the more you spend, the more chances you have on all the prizes, but as you can see all kinds of folks are winning.

Oh yea, and have FUN!!!   Happy 420  8)

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:07 pm »
looks like there WAS a bug after all.  gift codes should be working now even if you have a zero account balance.

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 20, 2012, 08:00 pm »
Just tried to use a coupon code for a purchase costing 9 btc, but it said I didn't have enough funds in my account? Even if I have a 10 btc coupon do I need 10 btc to make a purchase?
I'm having the same problem with my gift code... I'm trying to order the exact 200 btc and am getting the same error.

this should be working.  if it is the exact amount, then it could be a rounding error somewhere, but if your gift code has a larger balance than your purchase, you should be ok to check out.  If you are still having trouble, contact support.

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 20, 2012, 07:03 pm »
the winners of these prizes that are going out now are drawn from current buyers, so you have to keep making purchases if you want more chances to win.  However, your chances to win the grand prize trip are based on the total spent over the whole sale.  and thanks for noticing that the server is holding up well, very happy about that  8)

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 20, 2012, 05:29 pm »
sorry to those who were expecting deeper discounts.  some of the vendors did not opt in to the "up to 10% off" part of the sale, so instead of their items being discounted, they stayed the same and the discount is passed to them instead.  Still, there are some amazing deals on the market right now, so keep looking if your original plan isn't panning out. 

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 20, 2012, 04:45 pm »
We got some awesome last-minute additions to the sale, so be sure to check out the latest on the main site.  still more to come!

This is an excellent thread.  If we can find a way to share the risk of being prosecuted in an insurance system of some kind, it could really be huge.  The trouble, as mentioned earlier, is protecting against fraud since we are all anonymous.  Philter3's idea about sharing the cost of legal counsel is awesome, and I think the right direction to consider.  Maybe the next step in that direction to think about is who would be our perfect candidate?  If I did hire someone to come on this forum and advise us, who would you want and what kinds of questions would you ask?

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 20, 2012, 04:10 am »
I'm so figgin' excited for this weekend!!!!!!!!  I can't wait to hear the reactions from all the prize winners!  Love you guys  ;D

Silk Road discussion / Re: The gift that keeps on giving
« on: April 20, 2012, 12:02 am »
Haha, sweet. Can I hug you DPR? It's a man hug. No worries man.  ;D


hugs not drugs....  no wait, hugs AND drugs!

Silk Road discussion / The gift that keeps on giving
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:23 pm »
Not sure what to get for that special someone?  Want to let them know you REALLY care?  How about getting them a Silk Road gift code!  Convert any amount from your available account balance into a Silk Road gift code and give it to whomever you like.  Then they can use it when checking out toward their purchase.  You may create a code that can be used site-wide, or you can create one for a specific vendor.

Vendors, this is also a great way to give store credit to your customers you find most deserving.  Just create the gift code with your username and give the code to your customer.

To create a gift code, click the "Gift codes" link from your account page.  From there, enter the amount of the gift code, and the vendor it can be used with.  If you leave the vendor field blank, the gift code will be useable site-wide.  Once created, the code and value will appear at the bottom of the page until the gift code is all used up.

Have fun!  8)

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 19, 2012, 05:16 am »

I feel lucky for this sale - good odds - but I got a tactic that I think might favour me. I might be VERY stoned right now but I got some math formula and a vision of me with the iphone and the holiday and maybe winning the 8-ball of coke or money to buy one.

yea, we did that math too, no funny business!

from the buyer's guide:
Escrow hedge
Unfortunately, the Bitcoin exchange rate isn't as stable as we would all like it to be, and can fluctuate wildly in a matter of hours, let alone the days or weeks it takes for a package to arrive. Because of this, there is a real danger that the Bitcoins being held in your escrow account will lose value by the time your vendor gets paid or you are refunded. So, we've given the option to vendors to hedge the future payments they are expecting from escrow such that the dollar value of the payment doesn't change as the Bitcoin exchange rate changes.

For example, a seller is hedging the escrow for a 10 btc order you place with them, and the dollar value of your order when you purchase it is $100. Now, let's say your order never arrives and your vendor agrees to a full refund, but those 10 btc are no longer worth $100, they're worth $50! Because your vendor hedged the escrow, you won't get a refund of 10 btc, you'll get 20 btc equaling the original value of $100. Of course, the opposite is also true. If Bitcoins appreciate in value while your order is in escrow, your refund will be fewer Bitcoins, but still equaling the original dollar value.

When checking out, you will see which orders will be hedged and which won't. After the order is placed, your escrow balance will reflect the dollar value of your hedged orders and the Bitcoin value of your unhedged orders. All hedged orders are hedged as soon as the order is placed. So when getting a refund for hedged items, don't be surprised if the number of Bitcoins you get back is not the same as the amount you paid.

If you need the most up-to-date USD/BTC exchange rate, we recommend mtgoxlive.com.

from the seller's guide:
You may also choose whether to set your price before or after commission is added. If you choose "pre-commission pricing", the price you set will be the amount of money you are paid when a transaction is complete, but your customers will see a higher price that includes the commission. If you choose "post-commission pricing", you set the price that your customers pay. When you get paid, the amount you receive will be less than this by the amount of the commission.

The commission is between the site and the vendors.  The price you pay at checkout is the price you pay.  The costs that go into that price are irrelevant to the checkout process.  Whether they are currency  exchange costs, labor costs, materials, cost from suppliers, or the commission.  If it's too high, don't buy.  the only thing you have to worry about is the part in the buyer's guide about the escrow hedge.  If you don't like it, don't buy from sellers who hedge.  And no, amazon doesn't display their commission at checkout for the same reasons.

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:15 am »
another slew of vendors are throwing their hat in the ring and putting on some awesome sales!  Check it out:


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