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Messages - Dread Pirate Roberts

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Hey gang,

Who would we elect in the up coming USA presidential election?  Let this thread be for nominations.  In a few days, I'll make a poll thread with the top nominations.  Lucky for us we can nominate anyone we like!  Historical and fictional characters are fair game.  I'll keep an updated list in this post.  Let's get things started by nominating Dr Albert Hoffman, one of my personal heroes  8)

V from V for Vendetta
Psy of Gangnam Style
Albert Hoffman, psychedelics research
Ron Paul
Gary Johnson, libertarian candidate
Barak Obama
Mitt Romney
Dread Pirate Roberts
John Lilly, Psychonaut
Mickey Mouse
Malcolm Reynolds, space cowboy

Silk Road discussion / Re: What happened to Pot2Peer?
« on: October 23, 2012, 08:46 pm »
That's correct.  His account was suspended because this violates his vendor agreement.

I read somewhere else on the forums that he was redirecting customers to his own darknet site where they could buy from him with no SR fees. I don't know if this is true at all though.

I have no reason to suspect that ST is has done anything wrong except grow too quickly.  Vendors need to be responsible for tending to their customers needs and must refuse business they don't have the capacity to handle.  Everyone who has pending orders will be treated fairly in the resolution center as always.

I believe in the constitution however they bend it to fit there needs.  It is actually a constitution right to get high if you want.  But the judges the top ones at least are put in by the people that the corporations own.  Bush donates a shit load of money to the war on drugs every year even though they make the worst drug of all, they don't want to loose customers.  That's whats fucked up!  However I don't believe in Anarchy this place would be a shit hole if that was the case, I'm a libertarian, believe in limited govt and not raping and murdering people.  What is this book your talking about and where do I download it??  maybe I was lazy and missed it.
There is a link to the reading material in the first post of this thread.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: ***DPR's Book Club***
« on: October 22, 2012, 03:54 am »
Wow, haven't been on here for a good 3 weeks until this week, but am perturbed that I missed this popping up while I was absent.

Sorry for the off topic spam. Had to comment.

No worries monk.  Feel free to jump in in the middle, or catch up.

Silk Road discussion / Support messages
« on: October 20, 2012, 12:32 am »
Just a heads up, we are a few days behind on Support messages, but are getting through them as quickly as possible.  Should be caught up in the next couple of days.

Must things get really terrible to the point at which it suppresses the ease of living with idiocy?
I don't think it will take converting the masses to see a free society come about.  The vast majority just follow the herd instinctively.  We all do it to some extent.  But people do respond to pain, and if it is more painful to stick with the state and it looks like there are greener pastures elsewhere, people will act.

I would like to see some foolproof ways to move towards the way we want things to be.
Me too!  I don't think there is one though.  Agorism is a blueprint worth trying though, imho.

That part left me feeling that even if we had a country to start from scratch, there would be nothing we could do to prevent what ended up happening to America. Maybe their only mistake was allowing amendments to be made.  :-\ (Besides the bill of rights of course)

I have a pet theory about where the framers went wrong.  First off, I can't applaud them enough for what they accomplished given the circumstances.  It's easy to critique centuries later, supported by the wealth their system allowed to emerge.  But I wonder how things would have happened differently had the constitution been 100% voluntary.  As in, here are the rules our members live by and how those rules are amended.  If you want to be in the club, you must pay your dues and follow the rules, but if you want to go it alone, or join a different club, we won't bother you unless you bother us, and you are free to go at any time.  He mentioned how the intent was to give states the right to secede, but that Lincoln crushed that right in the civil war.  So maybe this was built in and no one tested it until then.

I hope it isn't just you and me in here docta.  We might have to spice things up if people are getting bored  8)

Security / Re: Vendor not using PGP, etc
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:09 pm »
Sorry this isn't clear in the contract/guide.  It might be due for a revision.  PGP is encouraged, but not required.  As part of your contract, you are required to read the seller's guide.  some parts of the guide outline actions you can take that will get your seller status revoked.

thanks docta.  I have to finish up the last bit of #2, then on to hearing Lew bash the Left :)  Did you have any takeaways from the last assignment?

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Rothbardianism VS. Agorism
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:24 am »
i think i just unwittingly gave a huge endorsement to investing in bitcoins before i figured out how to purchase them.... good thing this is an extremely small community and this thread has so few views. ;)

Don't worry.  Check out the speculation board at bitcointalk.org is you want to see a sea of opinion.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Rothbardianism VS. Agorism
« on: October 11, 2012, 09:32 pm »
rothbard would have dismissed bitcoins on face value simply because of the historical value money requires, part of the 7 characteristics of money.
History has to start somewhere.  We are writing that history.  What was Bitcoin's prior value though before being used as money?  Novelty?

   The political authors I have studied recently had dedicated their entire lives unconditionally to the solutions of the problems discussed in their literature, so naturally I am accustomed to a very serious tone.  It is important to understand that I am holding the author to the standard that I am only because I believe the subject matter he chose requires it.  I know absolutely nothing about the Mises Institute or the success that may or may not be attributed to it's efforts.  All I can say is that in my opinion of this one work, this author appears more concerned about the delivery of his sarcastic remarks than he is in conveying a message true to the heart.  When I read this work I don't get the feeling that the author is in the trenches on this one, and when I read political oriented material I very much enjoy feeling the author's passion and desperation for success.  But enough about my opinion of the author and his writing style… Let's get on with the issues.

This is a great critique.  I think the only course of action the author sees is "spreading the word".  I've heard him admit he's no entrepreneur or businessman, though he has overseen a big expansion in the Mises Institute.  So yea, I think he's developed a blow-hard tone just to try to compete with the other talking heads out there trying to penetrate the consciousness of the masses.

   Already things are starting to take shape.  Needs have arisen; needs that would shape the telecommunications industry.  But who's needs were these?  Did they belong to the people?  It would seem that regardless of how it required the funds, the state represents a huge demand in its own right, and just as the market thrives by satisfying the wants of the people, industry also sees huge improvement when met with the new and large demands of the state. 

There is an important point you are overlooking in your assessment of the positive benefits of warfare, and that is the costs, both seen and unseen.  The seen costs are obvious: death and destruction.  However, the unseen costs alone make the benefits you mentioned not worthwhile.  That unseen cost is lost demand in the private sector.  It's simple: the resources used in warfare are unavailable to private individuals.  We have no idea what people would've done with the trillions of dollars worth of resources that have gone into blowing people and things up, not to mention the resources that were directly destroyed.  Considering the efficiency with which people competing in the market operate, and the inefficiency of the military bureaucracy, I suspect that the innovation and wealth produced by a world without war would make any advances the military has made look negligible.

Because of the  life or death nature of the business, the military has more pressing needs than any civilian ever could.  Industrial development to them is a lot more important than an improvement in business logistics to increase stocks a of couple points.  Many lives are at stake and a tactical or technological edge is a requirement for any force that wants to remain on this Earth.  Such a demand cannot be felt in the private sector and for this reason I see militarism as a much more successful form of capitalism than free trade between civilians.

This is an interesting point.  It certainly cannot be denied that the conditions of war and peace and quite different.  Look at your example of Motorola, a private company, responding to the intense demands and needs of the military.  The life of Motorola's employees and stakeholders was not at stake.  They were simply responding the the huge profit opportunity that the military budget afforded.  Well, that goes back to my earlier point.  If the military wasn't spending that money, someone else would be, and the same amount of demand would be coming from other sources pursuing other ends and Motorola would be servicing those ends with the same ingenuity and intensity.

Another great point about TSA.  It is bigger than passenger security because of an airplanes capacity to be weaponized.  Kinda opens a can of worms about the state's role in national security.  Here's a market solution for ya: hold airlines accountable for any destruction that comes about as a result of misuse of their planes or other property.  They would then insure against it and actuaries would be able to put a price on this potential cost and the risk reduction of security measures in airports so airlines could make economic decisions about what measures to take.  Customers would also get a say as they choose their airlines based on cost vs. security measures taken.

Thanks for contributing to the discussion caesar :)

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: ***DPR's Book Club***
« on: October 11, 2012, 08:35 pm »
I would like to make a suggestion for a book I believe to be relevant and insightful.  It is less than 200 pg and he cites more that 100 sources.  I would consider it more of a thesis or dissertation than a book, but the author was self educated.  He was legally blind at birth he was deemed unworthy to attend school.  At the age of  14 he regained sight then began to read anything he could get his hands on.  Since he lacked a formal education he worked as a migrant field worker, and a longshoreman.  He wrote and did research in his spare time. He authored more than 10 books, numerous essays and wrote for the New Yorker, the LA Times and other publications.  He is regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of modern time.

The book is The True Believer, by Eric Hoffer. it breaks down mass movements to a fundamental level, while providing great insight into human nature.   Basically giving us a blueprint on how to succeed.

Sounds like a cool book.  I'll check it out.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: ***DPR's Book Club***
« on: October 09, 2012, 11:04 pm »
Welcome Joy :)

regarding marketing, I started a thread on the bitcoin forum.  everything else has been word of mouth.

Actually, I think its mainly google and that gawker article driving new business.

google has a big mouth ;)

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