UPDATE (2351 UTC 11/16/2012): Registrations are open again. Been monitoring the new set up and we are well within capacity, so we are going to open it up again (sorry to everyone left out in the cold the past few days). Still working out a few bugs, but it looks like we are pretty much back on track folks. I'll leave this thread pinned for now in case anything comes up in the next few days. I hope to see all of you at movie night tonight
UPDATE (0225 UTC 11/16/2012): Withdrawals are up to date, so if you sent a withdrawal and it is taking much longer than usual to show up, please contact support so we can investigate. Still a few things to iron out with the site (people getting logged off, etc), but I think we are just about there.
UPDATE (2326 UTC 11/15/2012): Might not have to take the site down after all. I'll let you know here if we do. A side note about withdrawals: There have been a ton of them (understandable), so we are getting through them as fast as possible. Please be patient if we haven't gotten to yours yet.
UPDATE (2254 UTC 11/15/2012): The site went down again and there are people claiming to be responsible for it and making threats. I don't want to take any chances, so the site is going to come down for a bit while we investigate what is going on. Hopefully this is short lived... what drama! Next update will come before 0600 UTC.
UPDATE (2355 UTC): Deposits are working. All outstanding deposits have been processed, and future deposits will be processed as usual. If you sent a deposit before or during the outage and your account has not been credited, message support so we can investigate your issue. Some withdrawals have been processed, but there is still a queue we are working through. I'll update when withdrawals are back to normal.
UPDATE (2052 UTC): Current members now have full access to Silk Road. Registrations are still closed until we are certain we can handle the additional traffic. We are still unable to process deposits and withdrawals, but are getting very close. I will start a new thread with some commentary on this whole situation once we are running 100%.
UPDATE(0850 UTC): Silk Road is available once again, but on a limited basis. New user registrations are closed for the time being. Access is limited to vendors only. New deposits and withdrawals (and any that were sent just before or during the outage) will not be processed until some time in the next 24 hours. Assuming all goes well, access for all current members will be made available some time in the next 24 hours.
UPDATE (0012 UTC): Sorry I'm late on this update, won't happen again. We're pretty much polishing and going down the final check list at this point. I'm confident we'll make our "matter of days" estimate and this won't be drawn out into week+ territory (assuming nothing goes wrong when we reopen). When we reopen, access will be limited to vendors only for a few hours so they can mark packages shipped that were sent but not marked before we went down. Also, auto-finalize and auto-vacation haven't been running since Sunday, and we won't fire those back up for a couple of days after we reopen so everyone can get square first. Can't wait till this is behind us
Next update before 1500 UTC Wednesday.
UPDATE (1113 UTC): I and the team need sleep. Getting really close now, home stretch (hopefully). Next update will come before 2300 UTC, Tuesday.
UPDATE (0924 UTC): I know you won't like hearing this, but we aren't quite there yet. We are working hard and getting closer though. Next update will come before 1600 UTC.
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Hello everyone,
I'm alive, I'm safe. Luck would have it that the first time I'm away for more than 24 hours, the site goes down and I'm the only one that can bring it back up. As soon as we are sure there haven't been any security breaches and taken all of the necessary precautions, we will get back up and running. If anyone's orders get messed up because of this (auto-finalizing, etc), we will take full responsibility and make things right, just contact support once we're back up. I'm terribly sorry for this and all of the recent problems. I promise it is my top priority to get things running smoothly again.
- -DPR
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