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Messages - Dread Pirate Roberts

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 46
Silk Road discussion / some withdrawals delayed
« on: April 03, 2013, 05:35 pm »
UPDATE (1753 UTC): We are all caught up on withdrawals.  If you have any outstanding withdrawals that are over 6 hours old, there could be an issue.  Read the FAQ on the wiki and follow the directions for dealing with a missing withdrawal.

UPDATE (0100 UTC): Ok, everything is on track to get caught up now.  Right now our best estimate is 24 more hours until the last severely delayed withdrawal goes through.  All others are going through normally, with the current delay still around 4 hours, but shrinking.  I'll keep you updated here on that 24 hour estimate.

UPDATE (2252 UTC): Finally got to the bottom of the situation.  Current withdrawals are flowing again, and are about 4 hours behind right now.  The withdrawals that were severely delayed are almost 2 days old at this point and my best estimates doesn't have them complete for several more days at the current rate.  That is too long to wait, so we are working on a solution to roll these back and redo them.

UPDATE (2020 UTC):  There are a few hundred withdrawals taking up to 36 hours to get into the blockchain that are holding up the show.  We are going to section these off to deal with them separately and get current withdrawals flowing again. 

Just a heads up that we are aware that some withdrawals are delayed right now.  They are in the system and accounted for and we will get them out asap.  I'll let you know here when we are all caught up so if your withdrawal is still missing you can follow up on it.

I'm closing the site for about an hour for maintenance.  We should be back up before 0146 UTC.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Maintenence today
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:32 am »
OP updated

Silk Road discussion / Re: Maintenence today
« on: March 25, 2013, 11:12 pm »
OP updated

Silk Road discussion / Re: Maintenence today
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:18 pm »
running into some technical difficulties are are having to transfer a lot of data over tor and it's taking a while.  Sorry for the delays.

Silk Road discussion / Maintenence today
« on: March 25, 2013, 06:45 pm »
UPDATE: Ok, we're back up again.  Unless there are any more unforseen hangups, we should be back to normal.

UPDATE: Spoke too soon.  One of the changes made is not working out.  We have a solution, but it is going to take more time.  I won't rest until we are back to business as usual.  Please hang in there and I will give you an ETA as soon as I can, but that might be a couple more hours.

UPDATE: If you haven't noticed, we're live again.  Thanks for your patience!

UPDATE: Best guess is we'll be down for another 6 hours, so 1700 UTC or so.  I'll let you know if that changes by much.

just and FYI, Silk Road will go down for maintenance today.  My hope is we'll only be down for about an hour, but sometimes these things can take a few hours.  I'll post here if anything doesn't go as planned.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road down, redeploying backup...
« on: March 22, 2013, 07:58 am »
OP updated

Silk Road discussion / Silk Road down, redeploying backup...
« on: March 22, 2013, 07:07 am »
UPDATE (03/22 0913 UTC): The site is up and stable.  We are still working through the details of what happened and may have to take the site down again.

UPDATE (03/22 0755 UTC): We've discovered the source of the problem.  It is not a security breach.  It may not be necessary to redeploy and roll back, but I'm not 100% on that.  The site may also come back online briefly and go out again in the next few hours.

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Silk Road has gone offline unexpectedly.  The reason for the outage is as yet unknown.  We are redeploying from the most recent back up which appears to be as much as 3.5 hours old.  We've prepared for this eventuality and will hopefully have the site up and running soon.  I will keep you informed via this thread.

- -Dread Pirate Roberts

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


Silk Road discussion / cartel formation and the vendor forum
« on: March 21, 2013, 02:03 am »
I've been informed that some vendors are attempting to form a cartel.  In such an arrangement, they would agree on what price to charge so they can charge more than they would be able to if they were competing with each other.  Another vendor has re-posted their plans in order to warn the community at large of the plan.  There are two things I'd like to say about this:

1) Up until now, it has been our policy to delete any reposts from the vendor roundtable in order to preserve the privacy of that forum.  Because it is nearly impossible to prevent the reposter from creating new accounts and reposting over and over, we will no longer attempt to control this behavior.  This will just be a limitation of the vendor roundtable and vendors should act accordingly.

2) Cartels are nearly impossible to maintain without the use of violence, especially in an environment as competitive as Silk Road.  There is also nothing morally wrong with them.  If a cartel were to form, I would not attempt to break it up unless its members were breaking other rules.  If you want an explanation for why cartels are nearly impossible to maintain in a free market environment, please read "Man, Economy and State" chapter 10, part 2, section D.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Delayed withdrawals
« on: March 15, 2013, 02:06 am »
ok, were on the new system now.  Withdrawals are being processed about 10x faster, and we should be able to scale out another 10x w/o much trouble if need be.  There are a few more things to put into place to make sure this runs smoothly, but all looks good.  Thanks for your patience.

Silk Road discussion / Delayed withdrawals
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:28 am »
We've had some withdrawal issues over the past few days.  Right now, they are delayed up to 5 hours.  We've been working to expand our capacity to process withdrawals without compromising their anonymity or the security/anonymity of our servers.  I believe we have a good solution that will help us get up to speed, but it will delay things a little more as we deploy.  I'll keep you all posted via this thread.

If any of your withdrawals have gone missing in the past few days, please just message support with the amount and time of the withdrawal and the address.


Silk Road discussion / Forum downtime
« on: March 12, 2013, 05:06 pm »
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Dear Silk Road community,

A combination of bad luck, bad timing and lack of preparation has led to our forums being down over the last 72 hours or so.  I am terribly sorry for any trouble this has caused you.  The main market is equipped with a semi-automated backup and redeploy system to minimize this kind of down-time, but I hadn't gotten around to setting the forum up in that way, and this is the consequence.

The cause of the downtime was not security related, nor was it caused by a malicious party.  Sometimes technology just breaks, and because of the constraints from the nature of our business, it can take time to recover if proper precautions haven't been taken, or don't work as expected.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, so hopefully we can enjoy each other's company even more now that we've had some time apart.

- -DPR

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


This topic has been moved to Rumor mill (https://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion.to/index.php?board=7.0).


This topic has been moved to Rumor mill (https://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion.to/index.php?board=7.0).


Customer support / Re: Can't withdraw anything.
« on: February 22, 2013, 03:17 am »
Thanks for the heads up.  This has been fixed now.

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