Ultimately NightCrawler is correct. No one voted for any of us because that's simply just not how it works. It isn't a popularity contest. Take a moment to step back and think about the bigger picture. We have been dealt some bad hands recently, but have we given up? No. The fallout of the attack is still echoing into the every day lives of the users that placed their trust in us. I never wanted any of this, but it happened. It occurred and cannot be undone. All we can do is try and recover. Feel free to abandon ship if you don't believe in the leadership of Silk Road. I cant and wont try to stop you. Fact is, you are stuck with the likes of me as a moderator. Someone you seem to think needs to earn it. If only I could tell you what I have sacrificed for this community since the events of December. There is no going back now. I'm in this until the end. Bluntly put, the decision isn't up to you. I'm sorry if this comes off as rude or unkind, but that's the truth of it.