Ladies and gentlemen, Let's take a look at the present status of things, shall we? We tend to deal with the vocal minority on the forum in regards to the issues people are experiencing (FE'd and got scammed, lost password on a new account, forgot their PIN etc...). Getting to this influx of users is difficult to say the least. Delays? To be expected. The site has received MASSIVE traffic in recent weeks. Obviously we are load balancing the best we can, but we take security first and above all. I honestly don't care about page load times if it means my users are safe. That is our top priority. Transactions will take time to get to where they need to be, but no money is EVER just lost. It will get where it needs to be eventually. Our infrastructure is top-notch when it comes to security, but load-balancing isn't as easy as simply adding another server somewhere and calling it good. With the fall of Utopia, we can only expect more users to arrive. It will slow things down, yes. Let us handle things and stop bitching about it. Maybe other markets will serve you better. In fact, lets take a look at them. BMR is closed for new registration and last I heard, is in the process of shutting down. They maintain my utmost respect for doing so gracefully and without running off with everyone's coin. My black hat is off to you, Backopy. Utopia lasted mere weeks for reasons still unknown. Sheep stole millions and maybe one day, I will shake hands with them in hell before knocking their teeth in. Tor Market had the worst security I have ever seen and their users suffered from their negligence. Project Black Flag was a scam from the start. Deepbay, Cantina, Atlantis...same thing. The list goes on. Agora and Pandora's fates are yet to be known. I wish them the best of luck and competition is healthy. It allows this movement to carry on. Fact is, We are Silk Road. A service is provided for you all to enjoy safely. If you expect me, Stealth, Chemcat, V, Tang or any other member of staff to apologize for your transactions taking too long, the site being slow, or even bugs not being fixed in a timely manner, we will not. Defcon and the devs are virtually living in a sea of code, working endless hours. The mods are here constantly. DPR is not involved in day to day activities of the market at this point, but he remains to provide much needed guidance behind the scenes. Bear with us though mates. This is NOT an easy service to provide to everyone while maintaining our structural integrity. I REFUSE to sacrifice safety for speed. Everyone can complain about this all they want. It wont change a damn thing and we will take our time to ensure everything is as secure as humanly possible before introducing it to production. This will result in faster page loads and transactions, but it wont be overnight guys. The forums are but a fraction of the userbase on the market and most transactions actually go quite smoothly. So I ask one thing of you all. Be happy you have a trustworthy, reliable market. That we are a damned good community. Be glad that you are free while our friends are awaiting sentence or even sitting in a jail cell. Keep Inigo, SSBD/Synergy, and Libertas in your thoughts. They sacrificed themselves for you all and I miss them more than you know. The bugs are being worked on, load balancing put in place but so many still complain. I will say this only once: We know about the bugs. They are being fixed as you read this post. In these times of uncertainty, you all must remember what I have said before: