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Messages - DoctorClu

Pages: 1 ... 143 144 [145] 146 147 ... 149
Silk Road Discussion / Re: you don t stop a countdown timer
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:07:30 pm »
Some people would complain if they got fucked with a golden dick.

To be fair, unless i got to keep it afterwards, I would totally complain. That doesn't sound pleasant at all.

1. Not celebrated.

2. People mark it for the idea, not the man.

3. The idea that one man can change the world.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Question for DPR, or any of the mods...
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:46:45 pm »
dpr ur sig is making my pussy wet

+1 That's brilliant.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: you don t stop a countdown timer
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:34:05 pm »
do not set up a  countdown if you aren t 100%

I don t care if market launches in another week but stopping a countdown clock  is just ridiculous.

What the fuck do you think this is? The opening of a new Apple store?

well if it isn t why set up a countdown and act like if it was?

just forward the link to the market when its ready,period

Did you pay DPR or something? Does he owe you a god damn thing you fucking little twat?

Silk Road Discussion / Re: you don t stop a countdown
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:17:25 pm »
agree, bad marketing move. it's better anticipate than delay, customers are happier.

if it count something on here :D

This isn't Wal-Mart, mate. If he needs to fix something, I would prefer he go ahead and do it instead of opening the flood gates and discovering a bug later. He cant exactly go consult Ross now can he?

Hate hospitals...Kidney stones...Pain meds...please...

If the current dpr practices good opsec and keeps his severs secure then the only thing that will bring him down is NSA breaking tor.

NSA not going to reveal if they can break tor cause too many terrorist on the network to monitor.

Government isnt going to shoot itself in the foot over a stupid tiny part of the drug market.

Question is if his dusty p4 in his grandmothers basement is running mysql from '04 or if he upgraded to '06 edition.

MySQL upgrades are not noted in years like SQL. It is iterations i.e 4.0, 4.1, 5.1...I think you get the point that you should stop talking about things you have no clue on.

I honestly expected a different view of Anonymous on these forums.

I think the road aligns with their political ideas just fine.
We have some people here that are members.

As for performance of the old SR.  It worked fine for the majority of the time,
and only really suffered during the sales days, the attacks and of course it was slow as shit when they were imaging the servers.  What do you want from a VM anyhow?

I'll have faith this new guy knows what he's doing, so far it's looking good.

+1. The Silk Road does not serve to do harm to others. No CP or weapons are allowed. It provides an alternative avenue to obtain drugs without the violence that stems from purchasing on the streets. Buying from a gang could in turn get them a gun that could be used to injure the innocent. The Silk Road has nothing to fear from Anonymous.

Our market and our forum are on different servers, but we will not discuss further our technical organization for security purposes.

I wouldn't have even said that much!

It's not SR's servers that concern me, it's Anonymous and the NSA and if you are up to the challenge set forth before you...

Good luck!


May I ask, why does Anonymous concern you?

Security / Re: Help Installing TrueCrypt on USB
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:43:36 pm »
Well thats way over my head that the only way you can run Tails?  I didnt see any of that in the tutorial from the forums...

Yes that is the only way. It's not over your head, you just need to take some time to learn it. It is a very valuable skill and its not like you need to be a dev to work with bash. Get a tails distro on a USB drive and then play around. What is the worst that can happen while you learn? Break it? If you somehow manage to do something that really screws up the OS, the just format the drive and do it all over again. Do not mistake lack of knowledge for apathy.

Security / Re: Help Installing TrueCrypt on USB
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:30:21 pm »
FDE = Full Disk Encryption

Tails is a Linux based OS. You can operate it within a windows-like shell, but you will find that you will need to execute bash commands.

Security / Re: Help Installing TrueCrypt on USB
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:50:38 pm »
It will be a volume that the OS will not be able to utilize until it is mounted through truecrypt. If you want FDE and plan on running on only that USB drive, I would suggest Tails but you will probably want at least a little bit of experience with Linux.

Security / Re: Help Installing TrueCrypt on USB
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:35:29 pm »
You will need to install TrueCrypt on whatever machine you are  plugging the USB device into. From there, go to to the volume creation wizard after you have the USB drive plugged and select the second option "Encrypt a non-system partition/drive". Go through the wizard to select your USB drive and encrypt it. Then after everything completes, you will need to plug in the USB drive and open Truecrypt every time you want to access it. Click on Select device and hit your USB drive. Enter the key and the system will mount it.

That should take care of it.

Security / Re: SSD vs HDD
« on: November 04, 2013, 04:54:42 pm »
Today I learned.

More to the point, if you don't understand SSD tech enough to trust it then don't. Understand though, as I stated before, that if you have ever stored sensitive information on a flash drive or SD card, you have already done so. So long as the data is encrypted, you are as safe as you want to be.

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