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Messages - DoctorClu

Pages: 1 ... 129 130 [131] 132 133 ... 149
Off Topic / Re: Deep Web is on the cover of TIME magazine
« on: November 11, 2013, 07:43:23 am »
The three letter agencies would prefer a populace without knowledge of where they can go for real privacy. Exposure in this case, is good.

Perhaps a Silk Road PAC could be created...Maybe open an office on K Street? To those asserting that the BBC is independent of UK policy, should really pay attention more to the narratives of their articles. If anything, I find it interesting that the governments have begun to wind down the Drug War. Maybe soma for the masses?

A PAC would be great, but the feds took all of our money mate.

Pretty good, I should hope. Been speaking it all my life (+ Spanish). Why?

Shut your whore mouth! :)

Clu, you ass. Shit-talking someone who can't even speak English. For shame.

Yeah...How is your English?

I think the launch of the platform should be in the foreground. Aesthetic adjustments can wait in my opinion.

You shut your whore mouth!
Where is your problem, boy? I have only expressed my opinion. And anyway, why are you going to abusive, smoked brixed weed or what?

I apologize. It can be tough to convey sarcasm over the internet. Most in this thread, including myself, wholeheartedly agree with you.

I think the launch of the platform should be in the foreground. Aesthetic adjustments can wait in my opinion.

You shut your whore mouth!

"Ohlord" has been outed as 'coachella420' and has been removed.

He obtained an invite key from DPR's release of keys so it seems he sits there and refreshes the page constantly just to get invite keys so he can troll some more. Very odd behavior, but such is life.


So...Maybe people stop posting the keys publicly?

The invite chain will be looked at, I'm sure. What I wanna know is how did one man manage to become the boogie man of the silk road?

Hi amish mafia, you are not alone here, SR staff has been acting very childish and i think they will find that even the good name of SR will not rally the people behind them when they are too busy mouthing off to people more powerful than them. lol at the 30 or so people who live on here, you hit it spot on.

If it's all so bad then why don't you trot on over to BMR or SMP instead of continuously whinging about how this place is failing to meet your expectations. That is of course unless all you are really interested in doing is listing to the sound of your own voice complaining.

I hope you can look back at this one day and listen to how you sound.

Just reached a threshold reading your moaning that's all, if you're that unhappy about everything why stick around? you have choices so why not use them or even better try to contribute something positive. You arm chair critics are all the same, plenty to say but nothing to contribute. I shall look forward to the day you open your own market place to bring something to the people but in all honesty I doubt you would have it in you.

lol, im not complaining, just observing the digging of a grave. Go team!

No you are complaining. If you want to observe anything, it doesn't require posting stupid shit like this.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: silkroad hasa link
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:59:30 pm »
Doesn't every .onion have an proxy link?
teh admins can remove it like there supposed to because its kinda like a backdoor its a unprotected link

No its not...
Any traffic through the .to link is unencrypted by tor that means it can be monitored.

Yup which is why you don't access it that way. The old road had the exact same thing. Its on every Tor link.

You can feel the passion that Syn has for this favicon. I feel bad that he hasn't slept since the post was generated, but it is for a good cause. Only together will they be able to bring such a crucial feature back to the forums. Godspeed gentlemen...

>>> UPDATE <<<

All work on the bitcoin tumbler has had to be ceased, men and good men at that have been working around the clock on the favicon, so far it has thrown up some serious challenges, should it be green? should it be a different color? clearly difficult choices are having to be made but please be patient whilst we struggle with these hurdles and rest assured we will get this feature happening, I just hope we don't lose too many men on the way, it is an arduous journey not for the feint hearted.

Now back to it!

Truly inspiring. To hell with the tumbler, Syn. This is where the real work is done. You get that camel back up. It's dangerous to go alone. Take this +1 with you.

Alas I am unable to give you the +1. You might be fucked...

Silk Road Discussion / Re: silkroad hasa link
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:49:16 pm »
Doesn't every .onion have an proxy link?
teh admins can remove it like there supposed to because its kinda like a backdoor its a unprotected link

No its not...

You can feel the passion that Syn has for this favicon. I feel bad that he hasn't slept since the post was generated, but it is for a good cause. Only together will they be able to bring such a crucial feature back to the forums. Godspeed gentlemen...

Off Topic / Re: Has anyone ever been arrested due to not using PGP?
« on: November 10, 2013, 10:45:34 pm »
The PRISM program wasn't meant to spy on an average internet user. The FISA court simply authorized it to be used that way. Anything that would be found by PRISM that didn't have probable cause in the first place would not be admissible in court.

Bug Reports / Re: any captcha is valid?
« on: November 10, 2013, 10:37:22 pm »
Wallets for deposit and purchasing will be rolled out shortly yes.

Brilliant!! Thanks again.

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