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Messages - DoctorClu

Pages: 1 ... 110 111 [112] 113 114 ... 149
Silk Road Discussion / Re: ALL ***SR DOWNTIME*** to be POSTED HERE!
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:57:33 pm »
He has posted about this. http://silkroad5v7dywlc.onion/index.php?topic=5248.0

Silk Road Discussion / Re: An update on the situation
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:35:30 pm »
Thanks Captain. Should we be still attempting to login as much as possible or back off to give the network a chance to breathe?

To be reborn is one thing, but to live a fuller and more vital life is another.

I well and truly hope it will exceed everyone's expectations.

Considering it's competition has turned out to be scammers or wimps, it already has exceeded mine.

Out of those three markets, I see one that was attacked, DDOSd, slandered, and eventually seized. Yet here we are. Trading again. I never lost faith in the road after it went down and now there is a new captain at the helm. He even brought down the market yesterday to make improvements in anticipation of the increased traffic that the BMR and Sheep refugees will generate.

Its not "too new", it is reborn.

Off Topic / Re: +++KARMA
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:43:07 pm »
+1 to the page

Silk Road Discussion / Re: why does everyone trust this place?
« on: December 01, 2013, 10:06:33 am »
There is nothing stopping you from not using any market at all. I understand trust is shaken right now, but sites like the SR are built to help protect buyers and vendors alike while generating new business.

Feature Requests / BMR and Sheep Sub-Forums
« on: December 01, 2013, 09:19:13 am »
With the influx of BMR and Sheep users needing a place to communicate, would it not be wise to create their own sub-forum? I dont know about Sheep but I know that after the fall of SR1, BMR created a forum just for us in order to do the same thing. Seems only right that we return the favor.

Off Topic / Re: chemcat appreciation thread
« on: December 01, 2013, 07:12:38 am »
Missing you in the IRC, Chemmy. You should stop by more often so everyone can share in the peace and hugs if only for a short while.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Forum hidden users?!
« on: December 01, 2013, 06:50:34 am »
There are those of us who choose not to make our online presence known. It is an option you can choose to opt into or not.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: why does everyone trust this place?
« on: December 01, 2013, 06:47:30 am »
Trusting anyone is extremely stupid in my mind. Every top vendor would agree

Escrow service may protect buyers, doesnt protect vendors at all.

It has been clearly shown to be useless again and again and on SR 2.0 this is no exception.

Vendors need a change, a sort of service that ties directly with there wallet or if not that then an escrow service that the admin has no access to. If this is even possible, or even if it could be proven I do not know...but still this is the only way I think escrow could be trusted and a site be fully trusted. Honestly if I knew anything about programming and coding I would create this site for sure. A site where the escrow is not able to be accessed by me - until the vendor gives me authority. And once I have that authority it can only be sent to the vendor or buyers address (sent to buyer if resolution determined in buyers favor)

This is what I would do if I could, but then again I am not even sure if this is possible. But I mean thats the only real way escrow can be fully functional in the dark market. Sorry if my opinion made you offended, just trying to explain what I think. I used to be a vendor on the old SR but gave up vending and was happy to find a non drug dealing related job on Sheep Marketplace. And I can tell you after I saw what had happened to so many people screwed by escrow I cant say that I would ever trust it and I never even got screwed by it in the SR takedown.

Without escrow, the doors open to scams galore. You say that escrow only protects the buyers, but have you considered how much the vendor's profits would decline without it? How many people would even continue to be buyers if they were forced to FE?

Silk Road Discussion / Re: why does everyone trust this place?
« on: December 01, 2013, 06:17:44 am »
The Silk Road was never a scam. The new captain at the helm simply filled a void left by Ross. Sure, a lot of people lost a great deal of money but it wasn't because SR was a scam. It was because the man (allegedly) formerly known as the Dread Pirate Roberts made a series of mistakes that lead to the downfall of our old market. Obviously, you should still take the precaution of storing your coins off the road.

We trust this place because the same admins/mods (Libertas, Inigo etc..) that we had faith in before the site was seized did not scam us then. They have no more reason to scam us now.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Unable to log in / Captcha not showing
« on: December 01, 2013, 12:11:32 am »
DPR is hard at work making optimizations to ensure we handle the traffic smoothly.

Aw are you guys putting in the load balancer I asked for?

Off Topic / Re: I like gay Midget Porn
« on: November 30, 2013, 04:39:44 am »
Good for you, mate.

Off Topic / Re: We are all Gods
« on: November 30, 2013, 04:14:55 am »
On a scale of 1-10, how high are you right now, mate?

BMR times out constantly and SR cant even get the forums not to time out less than half the time at its current microload. Theres two other sketch sites and thats it. Are we fucked?

Silk Road servers can handle the influx just fine.

Do you ever do anything but troll?

His name is Loki. What do you think?

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