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Messages - DoctorClu

Pages: 1 ... 96 97 [98] 99 100 ... 149
Silk Road Discussion / Re: We are online
« on: December 13, 2013, 07:19:44 am »
Relax guys, let the team catch a breathe, if I was in their shoes I'll be much more frustrated then I am now. Sure I'm missing out in some orders and all, but eventually this site will be back up and it'll be smooth sailing, until then why not let them FIX problems so we won't have them in the future. I'm in no rush, take your time boys.

and girls :). true

There are no girls on the internet. Everyone knows that...

Silk Road Discussion / Re: The Road Ahead
« on: December 13, 2013, 05:42:11 am »
Cheers, mate.

Off Topic / Re: The TorMarket is weird
« on: December 13, 2013, 12:51:14 am »
Haha I will be actually pretty happy if he is successfully navigating and commenting on a phishing site.

Security / Re: i Preffer Bitcoin but this could be a new escrow idea
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:32:24 pm »
Brilliant. Hand over control to JP Morgan. Think things through next time, mate.

Off Topic / Re: Plus side to site being down..
« on: December 12, 2013, 10:18:18 pm »
Oh hooray. I've been meaning to get that up.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Under attack *UPDATE #3*
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:10:46 pm »
DPR if you didnt have a huge fat wallet sitting on your servers then people wouldnt be trying to attack you for it.

In other words your hoard of coins is sinking your ship, time to go multisig, swim or sink.

Loki, your posts are built around the premise a random has been demanded. What makes you so sure that is the case?


Silk Road Discussion / Re: Standye under ddos attack again!
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:06:18 pm »
Manned the guns! Forward aft! Or port to starboard! Or.... actually I don't know what the fuck I'm saying.

Neither the fuk do i but have some of my rum and join me on my ship fighting the good fight against these ddossers and we can shag some mermaids on the way!!!

FACT: Almost all DDOS attacks are stopped by drinking rum.

It is known.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: anyone notice old forum is down or gone?!
« on: December 12, 2013, 07:28:05 pm »
Edit: Apparently the mods combined the threads. I have nothing more to add.

TorMarket is pristine. Easy search/categories, great UI that is currently better than SR's, way more vendors, and way better deals. I placed four orders, all went through without a hitch and I currently have no money on the site. Could easily navigate with no lag and no downtime ANY time I went on.

Yes, in a month the admins will probably run with everyone's money, but just keep the dealings small and quick and you'll be safe. As was the case for Sheep, Atlantis, etc... I mean, what's the alternative for getting drugs right now? SR is broken, at least for now. While people here have been posting whether SR is up or down every minute trying to get orders through or their money out, I've already handled getting a bunch of products I wanted to before the holidays.

SR 2 should've waited another month before going live, now it has to deal with people trying to use it while it's being worked on which, as you can tell, has been a nightmare.

And regarding trust... alright I will admit I trust SR 2 more than TorMarket or any other new marketplace that will spring up. However, we all lost a bunch of money when SR was busted. And why was it busted? cause DPR 1 made a bunch of mistakes, did unsecure shit, etc... There really is no difference if a scammer has our money or the FBI. So you trust that DPR 2 is not a scammer, but do you trust him to not fall to the FBI? Cause I really don't, and you shouldn't either.

And how would your trust in that market look knowing that it is running ~%90 of Sheep's code?

Off Topic / Re: +++KARMA
« on: December 12, 2013, 07:22:07 am »
+1 to this and the previous page.

I Do!   ;D

How are ya DoctorClu?  :)

Holiday Hugs to ya  8)



I'm good mate. Quite well indeed. Holiday cheers to you as well. ;)

I have a jelly bean in my sock  :o

Oh you poor dear. Need a hug?

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Under attack *UPDATE #2*
« on: December 12, 2013, 05:13:24 am »
The attack is no doubt automated and any distribution channel can easily be monitored by the attacker.  By the time anybody found the URL it would almost certainly be useless.  Though when I really think about it, sure, you might have a handful of minutes if you were vigilant about it... but honestly that much effort for minutes to such a small portion of users really isn't worthwhile.  It's time better spent on fixing things rather than playing whack-a-mole.

We've getting minutes at a time anyway so, yes, it seems that a URL change wouldn't be an enormous help.

Question....  Is it like the site is frozen while its under a ddos attack?  Like will orders end up auto finalizining after awhile if god forbid it lasts that long? Or will the btc price,product prices,time,listings,updates,etc,etc,etc stop or will the site go on like a ghost town while this shit goeson.      Wondering cause I got orders I'm gonna need to finalize on and of course first of all want my vendors to get there escrow ASAP but I like to keep my buyer stats spotless. But I'm guessing since the site is inaccessible....... ????????   Hence my question about what happens on the site while this is going on.   
Anybody feel like making me learn my one thing for the day?

It sounds like the server has been operating normally aside from having Internet communications blocked. This means that finalisations will probably time out as usual.

Ahhh... I suspect a truce has probably been negotiated :D

Why would you think that?

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Tor Market down?!
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:55:01 am »

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