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Messages - DoctorClu

Pages: 1 ... 68 69 [70] 71 72 ... 149
Blue Sky is run by a 15 year old. Just saying...

I think you are confusing Blue Sky with Flomarket.

Apologies. You are correct.

It doesn't have to be valid. I think I used The address must simply be in the proper format.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: SR disguised RIPOFF (4%) UPDATE
« on: January 15, 2014, 11:07:26 pm »
DoctorClu, I have a lot of respect for you, despite past conflicts we may have had. But we both know there's a lot more to it than that.

It would take a mere few minutes to make a post about the commission, or pass the information and authority to explain the situation , on to one of the mods

I don't give a fuck about the commission 4-8% I will adjust my listings as I need to. You are 100% right. What isn't good is that everyone is trying to play it off like we misunderstood the meaning of cumulative. That's a bunch of bullshit.

Even you thought it was cumulative until Defcon jumped in and said to disregard anything the moderators said as they were not informed on the subject....

I agree there is a high level of confusion regarding this obviously, but at the moment we need to focus our energy on marketplace functionality.

It wouldn't take mere minutes to have this conversation as you saw in the VRT. There is a lot of debate and ultimately it's something we will need to discuss when we don't have more pressing matters to attend to.

Bug Reports / Re: Silk Road Known Bugs
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:53:58 pm »
Has the quantity counter problem been considered yet?   The current inventory counter for listings doesn't keep an accurate count, so customers can purchase whatever quantity they want, even if it's not in stock.  If I had unlimited quantity of everything, it wouldn't be a problem.  But unfortunately I don't :)

Makes for a lot of pm'ing back and forth, cancelling orders, placing again with correct count, etc.

Thanks for what you've done to speed up the deposits/withdrawals today.

Good point. That is definitely a bug and I will add it in. Since there is a workaround in place (i.e raising the price to an extreme amount), I will place it as P4 as something to be worked on but not affecting overall usability of the site.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vendor Verification for Round Table Access
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:45:52 pm »
verification for vendor GeoffreyGiraffe
Date of first transaction Dec 4, 2013
number of sales (no specifics for security reasons, but can be seen by admins on account): Greater than 30
total $ of sales (no specifics for security reasons, but can be seen by admins on account): Greater than $1500USD

vendor page: silkroad6ownowfk.onion/users/geoffreygiraffe

dr clu, please feel free to pm me if any of this information is insufficient, or the vendor page is not in the proper format.

I can see all that, mate. Please decrypt:



Geoffreygiraffe - opmqu8hifm47gh

All set.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Slow deposits (my) solution
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:44:31 pm »
Better yet if you are depositing, wait until your transaction has at least 3 confirmations on the blockchain and then click "Check deposit addresses for new deposits". Not a fix, but it has been known to speed things up. Realize though that the problem stems from excessive traffic. Having a few thousand users hitting that every 10 seconds wont help matters. Hit it once. Wait 10-15 minutes. Hit it again.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vendor Verification for Round Table Access
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:38:36 pm »
Please check my profile again. Link in the sig. Best regards!

Your oldest transaction is 35 days. You must be vending for six weeks.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vendor Verification for Round Table Access
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:36:18 pm »
verification for vendor GeoffreyGiraffe
Date of first transaction Dec 4, 2013
number of sales (no specifics for security reasons, but can be seen by admins on account): Greater than 30
total $ of sales (no specifics for security reasons, but can be seen by admins on account): Greater than $1500USD

vendor page: silkroad6ownowfk.onion/users/geoffreygiraffe

dr clu, please feel free to pm me if any of this information is insufficient, or the vendor page is not in the proper format.

I can see all that, mate. Please decrypt:



Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vendor Verification for Round Table Access
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:30:37 pm »

No rush. I know how boring the vendor round table is. Not really missing out on much :-P

But I would love for buyers to be more confident when they see me with a vendor tag on the forums.

Peace & Bacon grease.

I think the system must be bugged.

Oldest feedback is 10 days old, mate. Not even close.

Maybe the display is bugged.... In the last 10 days alone, I have 37 finalized orders. Please look into this when you get the chance. Thanks.

That may be the case, but you need to be vending for 6 weeks as well as at least 30 transactions. You have been vending for 10 days.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vendor Verification for Round Table Access
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:27:24 pm »


You don't have enough in sales.

I checked and we are definitely above the 1500USD limit. Could you check that again please?

You do now. Please decrypt:



Klaymen - osdn8f2i9jro90

All set.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: SR disguised RIPOFF (4%) UPDATE
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:20:15 pm »
We are also running a business. The priority is ensuring it is running up to expectations which is not an easy task and fixing various bugs.

Tragically Hip - I know you want an answer and solution to whatever you have decided to target on any given day, but let me ask you this. If it came down to getting the resolution center/ support UI in place or settling this commission argument, which would you prefer Defcon spend his time on?

They announced it is subject to change, and that is fine, its their market....but they need to annoucnce IT HAS CHANGED>

You say you only want an answer so which affects the marketplace as a whole more? Please take the time to think about how much Defcon/Staff have going on right now before making such statements.

Bug Reports / Re: Silk Road Known Bugs
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:06:20 pm »
I really do consider the negative balance bug to be more of a P1 problem considering it does affect the usability of the site as in you cannot buy anything!

It's been like that on mine for 1 week now and it's still not fixed... I have the btc in my account I can't spend because of this bullshit.

We only have that labeled as P2 since it is affecting less than %1 of the userbase.

Should be cool, I'll register...I read your post in my head in Alfred's voice too hahaa!

Everyone does that. With every post. Its the only proper way to read Alfred's posts.

Customer Support / Silk Road Known Bugs
« on: January 15, 2014, 07:06:06 pm »
Please check here for all known bugs and their priority


Bug Reports / Silk Road Known Bugs Updated 4/4
« on: January 15, 2014, 07:03:27 pm »
To aid in stemming the flow of duplicate questions in Customer Support and the support queue, I will be placing all known bugs as well as their priority in this thread. If you believe that you are experiencing a bug that isn't listed blow, post here and we can decide if we need to look into and determine it's priority. Please do not clutter this thread with your experiences regarding known bugs. This serves not only to provide transparency on what is being worked on with priority, but also the devs will be using it to see emerging/outstanding issues.

Redirects will be placed in the Round Table as well Customer support to consolidate our efforts to this thread. Thank you all again for your patience as we work through these. This post will be updated as bugs are fixed or updates are provided on them.

P1 (Known/ Impacting Usability)
P2 (Urgent/ Under Investigation)
P3 (Not affecting usability/ In progress)
P4 (Not affecting usability/ Not in progress)
P5 (Known Fix/Workaround)

--------- Known Customer Bugs ---------

P2 - Deposits made around the time of the hack are not showing up.
Cause: Failed API calls not being re-queued. Fix is in process.

P2 - Negative amounts are being displayed in the balance field.

P2 - Many users reporting inaccurate Pending wallet amounts. Some are not seeing the field at all.

P2 - High number of logins fail due to "Captcha Incorrect".
- Workaround: Right-click on the Captcha and select "View image Info". A new window will open displaying the correct captcha for the session.

P2 - Various accounts having intermittent credential failures

P2 - Orders going missing from both the vendor and buyer's list of transactions.

P3 - New accounts are not given wallet addresses
Workaround: Click on "check deposit addresses for new deposits" from the account page.

P3 - Delayed Deposits
- Suspected cause: Lagged bitcoin system
-Update: Delays are much shorter, but there is still lots of room for improvement.

P3 - Delayed Withdrawals
-Update: Delays are much shorter, but there is still lots of room for improvement.

P3 - Support response time is slow
Cause: Market Support UI not yet complete
Update: Support UI is in place. The team is working through a backlogged queue.

--------- Resolved Bugs ---------

P1 - Buyers are unable to leave feedback following the completion of a transaction.

P1 - Bitcoin floating points displaying improperly
- Symptoms: ฿NaN (Not-a-Number) and ฿Inf (Infinity) displays in place of a Bitcoin number amount. A zeroed amount.

P2 - Bitcoin Rate is Incorrect
- Resolution: Two of our rate providers have been providing inaccurate numbers, rewrote approach.

P5 - Vendor status is lost when vendor cancels open vendor bond order
-Update: All those who cancelled their bond and have repaid it have had their accounts upgraded.

P5 - Vendor status is lost when vendor cancels open vendor bond order
-Workaround: Do not cancel open vendor bond order

--------- Known Vendor Bugs ---------

P4 - Bond is not automatically repaid when threshold is met

P4 - When items are edited, images are not updated immediately

P4 - Quantities of listings not updating to reflect current amount in stock.

P5 - Vendor accounts are not activated automatically, require admin intervention

P5 - Unable to delete shipping options

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