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Messages - DoctorClu

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I've asked Defcon to remove the filters, but realize that the referral links from here have caused Agora to become very overloaded.

Doing so may actually flood them more and experience increased downtime.

I personally do not feel that Stealth or any staff member needs to prove anything in regards to Defcon's involvement in SR1.

The ball is in your court, Hiniguel. Proof/evidence of your claims is what everyone needs at this point. Especially when it comes to your level of BTC you say you have.

Just as Stealth has, I have virtually bankrupted myself in my attempts to aid those in danger. Regardless of who ends up being at fault, there are still victims I feel obligated to do my best to keep out of harm's way. If you do in fact have spare money to throw around, provide it to those who receive endless pleas for help so we can help these people.

So who excatly is in danger and how do you know they are in danger?Because they say so!anyone can come begging so how do you or anyone else actually know that the danger is REAL? The world of selling illegal drugs be it on line or in in real life comes with great risks so people know damn well what ccould happen if shit goes down.If the people you are refering to are vendors who have been making shit loads of money from buyers(like myself)then let them cover their own fucking backs!Is Hiniguel a fucking CHARITY or have I missed somthing here?
By the way Hiniguel if you read this I need cosmetic dental work done,a new house would not go a miss,oh and my teenage daughter is in need of her first car,and I nearly forgot DoctorClu's missus needs a fucking boob job cause em babies are starting to sag!

I have not simply paid anyone who just asks. I confirm with with others I am in contact with who then do the same with more people. I ensure their story is %100 credible before I offer aid otherwise everyone and their mother would be asking.

I personally do not feel that Stealth or any staff member needs to prove anything in regards to Defcon's involvement in SR1.

The ball is in your court, Hiniguel. Proof/evidence of your claims is what everyone needs at this point. Especially when it comes to your level of BTC you say you have.

Just as Stealth has, I have virtually bankrupted myself in my attempts to aid those in danger. Regardless of who ends up being at fault, there are still victims I feel obligated to do my best to keep out of harm's way. If you do in fact have spare money to throw around, provide it to those who receive endless pleas for help so we can help these people.

For those threatening violence, I ask that you stop. We do not allow for death threats here. I understand tensions are high, but please refrain from that sort of talk.

Since for some reason EveyHammond is being brought up here, I stopped him from doxing users. No one else.

The only thing I can confirm is that Hiniguel does in fact know things that any old vendor should not. Things above even my paygrade. I don't know how best to respond to this as he is my boss...

I will await the evidence.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Mindblowing Silk Road Charts
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:07:20 am »
Going from DeepDot's screenshots, this looks brilliant. Good work mate. Beyond Gwern's request for download ability (perhaps into a flat file, comma delimited), I would change "Time Vendoring" to "Time Vending".

Yeah that's the one. Unfortunately I have forgotten my completely useless credentials so my millions of fake BTC are lost. Maybe message support? Haha.

Nightcrawler - I didn't know you were a fan. I believe Moffat said that if they gave Matt a fez, he would never take it off hence River's response of shooting it. Since then, it has been a running joke. At least both David and Matt were able to wear it on the 50th. Loved that bit.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: New Link to Silk Road2 from the Hidden Wiki
« on: February 17, 2014, 03:04:23 am »
Assuming this is the same link that I was investigating a few days ago, it is definitely a well done one. I created a random account and started pen-testing it to check things. Using very very simple exploits, I tricked the site into thinking I had roughly 257mil BTC and withdrew a small amount to a fake address. I sent a message to Support and they actually responded.


I've said it before and I will say it again. Defcon is a man of his word. If he promises something, expect him to deliver on it (even if it might be delayed).

clu, Smith was wimpy child. switch it up. we both know you are more man than that....better see no tenant either lol ;) hope you are in better spirits.

Smith was older than Hurt, 400 years actually. My avatar is a bloodied Smith war-torn after a devastating event, yet will prevail in the end. I felt it appropriate. I know I have better things to do than discuss Doctor Who, but at least this raises my spirits a bit.

Shut the fuck up.

May not want to quote me on that. It has bitten me in the ass as of late.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Defcon is a man of his word. If he promises something, expect him to deliver on it (even if it might be delayed).

Like the new pic Clu :)

It is actually my old one. I felt after this recent disaster, I was not worthy of John Hurt's Doctor.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Defcon is a man of his word. If he promises something, expect him to deliver on it (even if it might be delayed).

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Full Disclosure
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:20:24 am »
I tend to agree with a lot of Def's explanation. The Gox software similarity was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, and it offered the thief a perfect "cloak" if you will to mutate tx ID's. I think his candor should be applauded.

Ive worked in certain contract capacties in the past for him, and I can assure you all the guy's heart is in the right place.. but he comes from a technical background, and I've pointed out one of his greatest weaknesses is not being the best @ PR and effective communication.

It is what it is. Let's see how things progress. The thief is living on borrowed time. More on that later.

Several of us proofread this, revised and profread it again. Rinse and repeat. We don't have staff dedicated to PR, but I thought we did well...

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