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Messages - DoctorClu

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I just looked through his feedback and disputes filed against him. There have only been two users that submitted tickets reporting him. He has 24 hours to respond to a message I sent to him. If he does not provide a response or it isn't suitable, his PIN will be changed while we look further into this.

Banning a vendor outright based on posts made on the forum alone is something we will not do. Anyone can register several different accounts claiming they were scammed by a vendor. They could be a jolted buyer or a competing vendor. This does not mean that the claims are ignored though. We put a lot of effort into investigating these and they are not small in number.

OP - PM me with your buyer username on the market.

B4B all over again, they let him rob everyone for few weeks, then seize his money when hes is racked up and save it themselves,

nobody got a refund from B4B when his profile was seized by senior staff here,

where did/do all the scammed coins go that are seized before the vendor can cashout??????

This is a legit question. waiting for Admin and Mods respond.

This has been answered multiple times before, but I will reiterate it again. No one has been refunded from seized vendor accounts, not just B4B. Only the vendor's pending balances can be used to refund buyers (assuming there is enough to cover any incurred losses). This will not be done until the repayment is complete. The logistics of moving pending balances (funds that don't exist yet) from one account to another are not as easy as people make it out to be.

When all users (including vendors that turned to scamming since they no longer have access to the account) are repaid in full, we will begin to refund the buyers that were scammed to the best of our ability.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Has anybody seen BioGen?
« on: April 20, 2014, 08:28:40 am »
He has not been active on either the forums or the market for several days. We have changed his market credentials out of precaution.

At least they are on a Linux system this time. The source is just sad:

"<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="phisher.php"

At least don't call it phisher.php.

« on: April 19, 2014, 02:53:19 pm »
Sorry. No vending on the forum. Especially since you don't have vendor tags.

Off Topic / Re: The Green Camel Night Club
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:02:59 pm »
Alright well Ghost. has proven himself quite well. Henceforth, he shall be the proprietor of The Green Camel Night Club. One rule. Don't start scamming. I believe Calcium345, being the good man/woman he/she is, will be barkeep.

I'll stop by later for a toast. Get some good champagne in stock mates.

Off Topic / Re: Should karma be abolished?
« on: April 18, 2014, 10:37:28 am »
Buddha never accounted for forum trolls.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vice interviews "ACE" of The Scurvy Crew
« on: April 18, 2014, 10:08:30 am »
The Scurvy Crew are no doubt great vendors and i am sure every thing they said is true.
I am not taking sides in saying this..but.. if any other vendor went up to SR staff and said ''look im going to do an interview and i am go to log in right in front of them and show them my orders'' , well i think you know what they would say..
actually you might be surprised. I donĀ“t know if im allowed to say this, and I will remove it if asked. but one of the parties that vetted the vice team was the top level of SR staff, they consented to the interview, and if they had said no I would have not gone ahead with the interview. Whats more Very helpful constructive criticism/editing was provided by the highest level staff on SR with the drought of the article. Unfortunately the small edits did not make it into the final edit due to time constraints.

I can confirm this. They were only small edits, but it was a shame the editor chose not to implement them.

Off Topic / Re: DDOS Service?
« on: April 17, 2014, 08:42:21 pm »
Yes, but DDOSing an onion site does not require you to push that much bandwidth. You hop over 1 node to deliver the attack. Too much will slow down the Tor network. I have two methods that are highly effective for both clearnet and onion sites and require little bandwidth.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Loyalty and trust has to be earned!
« on: April 17, 2014, 08:36:22 pm »
This has been answered several times, but you keep bringing it up. Disputes will be handled after everyone is repaid.  Your order was not in escrow so it will depend on the pending balances of the vendor. Asking this repeatedly will not speed up the process of repayment.

Off Topic / Re: DDOS Service?
« on: April 17, 2014, 06:28:34 pm »
FatherTed - That is not the case. Depending on the attack and to remain anonymous, very little bandwidth can be used to bring a site down (I do it all the time).

Silk Road Discussion / Re: where did this feature come from ??
« on: April 17, 2014, 05:12:35 pm »
I'm guessing you recently upgraded TBB and still are allowing scripts to be globally ran.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Escrow without balances
« on: April 17, 2014, 03:28:44 pm »
The current multi-sig solution we are building is based on a per transaction balance. So:

1. Buyer selects the product(s) they want and adds to cart as usual
2. Upon checkout, the order is totaled for them and a wallet address is provided in which to deposit that amount.
3. The buyer is given key 1, the vendor is given key 2, and Silk Road has key 3. (2 of 3)
4. The keys can be made available if either party wishes so that if we vanish off the face of the planet, their money is still safe.

This is just a general overview of our model as it has been explained to me by the devs, but the main idea is a user-friendly experience where multi-sig is almost transparent to the end-user.

Off Topic / Re: The Green Camel Night Club
« on: April 17, 2014, 06:48:15 am »
Ghost are ye up to the challenge?

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Pending deposits??
« on: April 17, 2014, 02:42:12 am »
No it is not. Please submit a ticket about that.

We are in the process of re-syncing the BTC infrastructure. To minimize variables being entered into the equation, the market was brought offline. Normally the maintenance page would be put up, but the devs wanted to get this taken care of quickly. Sorry for the lack of announcement.

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