Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: rise_against on September 27, 2012, 07:45 am

Title: project mayhem 2012
Post by: rise_against on September 27, 2012, 07:45 am
how many have heard of this? what are your thoughts about it and Tyler? (TYLER is a massively distributed and decentralized Wikipedia-style P2P cipherspace structure impregnable to censorship.)
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: Ballzinator on September 27, 2012, 09:33 am
The idea is awesome. Let's see how they implement it.
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: meatwad on September 27, 2012, 02:32 pm
Will anonymous ever do anything that is actually significant or will they continue to pull off little script kiddie stunts to show how 1337 their h4xing skills are?
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: Caparino on September 27, 2012, 07:07 pm
Will anonymous ever do anything that is actually significant or will they continue to pull off little script kiddie stunts to show how 1337 their h4xing skills are?

They allegedly stole Romney's tax returns and will release it to the public unless they get paid $1 million dollars in bitcoins
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: meatwad on September 27, 2012, 07:53 pm
I also wonder if there are any members of anonymous that lurk these forums or that purchase from the road. 
Romney is not gonna give them shit.  Like he even knows what a bitcoin is....
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: DoctaFeelgood on September 27, 2012, 08:40 pm
Anonymous is just the beginning.

The future is looking brighter and brighter everyday.  ;)
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: MC Haberdasher on September 27, 2012, 08:45 pm
Has anyone considered the possibility that "Anonymous" is controlled opposition?
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: rise_against on September 27, 2012, 10:19 pm
maybe thats why romney recently released 2011's tax returns, so if the rest are released, he can say that they were forged.
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: Caparino on September 28, 2012, 06:46 am
maybe thats why romney recently released 2011's tax returns, so if the rest are released, he can say that they were forged.

Very possible indeed! Question though, it says he donated an amount equal to his taxable income; doesn't that mean he could've donated to a private non-profit organization and gotten away scotch free?
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: rise_against on October 01, 2012, 10:00 pm
maybe thats why romney recently released 2011's tax returns, so if the rest are released, he can say that they were forged.

Very possible indeed! Question though, it says he donated an amount equal to his taxable income; doesn't that mean he could've donated to a private non-profit organization and gotten away scotch free?

he probably donated it to his own non-profit
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: Caparino on October 02, 2012, 05:00 am
maybe thats why romney recently released 2011's tax returns, so if the rest are released, he can say that they were forged.

Very possible indeed! Question though, it says he donated an amount equal to his taxable income; doesn't that mean he could've donated to a private non-profit organization and gotten away scotch free?

he probably donated it to his own non-profit

Duh :P
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: gtrmonkey on October 02, 2012, 06:10 am
Anon didnt steal the tax returns, it was Dr.Evil. and he wants 1 million dollars in bitcoins, Last I heard larry flint was going to pay for it.
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: Caparino on October 02, 2012, 06:35 am
I feel like they should replace Adam West on Family Guy with Mitt Romney with all the recent shit that's been happening
Title: Re: project mayhem 2012
Post by: koooloap27 on October 02, 2012, 01:14 pm
Briefly heard of this. On an off with anonymous. Sounds cool but I dont have anything to leak!  :'( Wish I did!

Has anyone considered the possibility that "Anonymous" is controlled opposition?
Yessss...Well has anyone else considered "Al-Qaeda" is a controlled opposition to the US? Because I mean lol they are... (I'm not laughing but just pointing out the irony.)
The awesome thing about Anonymous is that since it's decentralized anyone could immediately take part and then the next day choose not to forever. They like to put it as an "idea".
So can the "idea" get hijacked? Oh fuck yeah. So I agree with you MC but it doesn't really bother me because the "Anonymous idea" is open and free to everyone. And IMO too many good people are present to see the truth and the setups.

A real example: I remember when anonymous put out a news piece telling people to LOIC (ddos attack) a main wall street site / government or something, but instead the WHOLE REAL anonymous community knew that the LOIC was banned from their operations because members were getting caught and the overall community saw it dangerous to members. Many believed that it was set up by LE.
Either way though, it is something that could unfortunately be easily falsely advertised and operated.