Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: GreenGiant on March 06, 2012, 01:22 am

Title: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: GreenGiant on March 06, 2012, 01:22 am
OK so on another place i hang out we have a "vent thread" so thought i would start something similar over here!

customer buys product today - customer lives in country i require him to finalize as mentioned in my profile - customer finalizes but leaves feedback bitching about this - I tell him he should not have ordered if he did not agree with finalizing early - customer then questions why my refund policy is only 25% and tells me it should be 50% - I tell customer again if he was not happy with my terms he should not have ordered, I explain why i offer 25% & not 0% (not that i should need to explain) then I ask customer if he wants his BTC back.

this is just one of the many annoyances I've had to deal with today, still smiling though :)   
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: jollygiant on March 06, 2012, 01:33 am
you can add them to the bad buyers thread.
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: opi on March 06, 2012, 01:35 am
That's not really bad buyer just a noob that can't read....
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: jollygiant on March 06, 2012, 01:41 am
That's not really bad buyer just a noob that can't read....

By that logic, I could say I thought I ordered 1 gram of coke but really ordered MDMA and when I got it, I was pissed because it wasn't coke, so I left the vendor bad feedback.
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: GreenGiant on March 06, 2012, 01:51 am
That's not really bad buyer just a noob that can't read....

By that logic, I could say I thought I ordered 1 gram of coke but really ordered MDMA and when I got it, I was pissed because it wasn't coke, so I left the vendor bad feedback.

They guy was no Noob, as he said in his feedback he has 600BTC+ spent on SR, so does not agree he should finalize early.
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: PriscillaMarie90 on March 06, 2012, 03:23 am
You damn kids and your drugs....
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: DigitalAlch on March 06, 2012, 09:39 am
That sucks, your a stand up dude.

Newbs will never cease, but in perfection we find peace.
They continue to rant, try to bring us down, but they can't.
Just another day on the road, people acting like their owed.
But remember we travel together,
No matter if there's sun or just bad weather.

Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: TheKindestDaze on March 06, 2012, 08:59 pm
That sucks, your a stand up dude.

Newbs will never cease, but in perfection we find peace.
They continue to rant, try to bring us down, but they can't.
Just another day on the road, people acting like their owed.
But remember we travel together,
No matter if there's sun or just bad weather.


Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: missunshine143 on March 06, 2012, 10:57 pm
(this isn't related to your post but I thought that I'd point it out)

GreenGiant. When I went to your vendor page from your link in your sig, it told me that you have been a member of SR for 42 years, and you were last seen on Sr 42 years ago. Made me lol.
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: microRNA on March 08, 2012, 07:51 am
none of the numbered user id urls work anymore... all user id are now hash codes

awesome freaking post DA, nearly brought a tear of union and pride for the community

GG, sorry to hear about your encounter with the unfortunate kind. I agree it is pompous and arrogant to assume a vendor's rules do not apply to one, simply given the fact one thinks one is established enough to be above such requirements. That is some BS someone then left negative feedback probably just cause one was too lazy and irresponsible to read all of your profile.  And then to try and tell you how to run your business and what refunds to offer!? Certainly a buyer I would not want to deal with if I was a vendor
Title: Re: Vendor Pointless Rant thread!
Post by: shock1171 on March 08, 2012, 08:01 am
im not even a vendor and that stuff annoys me! why cant people just understand what they are getting themselves into before they get into it.. its really not that hard.

read read read. so easy. sorry thats my rant. im done.