Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: tcobambient on October 29, 2011, 08:47 pm

Title: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: tcobambient on October 29, 2011, 08:47 pm
I placed an order last night and the order appeared in my Orders section.  Today I log in and the order has a 0 and I never got a confirmation of the order from the seller.  I sent a message to the seller but I'm not sure if things are working right or if there's a glitch or if something more sinister is going on? 

Any words of wisdom?
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: tcobambient on October 29, 2011, 08:57 pm
OK.  Just checked and my order was cancelled.  No idea why?  The problem though is that my account balance is 0.00.  If my order was cancelled where is my money?  I think it's bullshit to cancel someones order and not even tell them why it was cancelled.
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: DigitalAlch on October 29, 2011, 09:00 pm
Many Vendors will not deal with people who have no purchase history, as they could just be anew account created to get a item and report it never came.
It does suck however when someone cancels with out telling you why.
Your money should show back up, if not contact the Admin buy using the Contact Us button at the bottom of the main page.

Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: tcobambient on October 29, 2011, 09:01 pm
OK.  So my money was refunded at October 29, 2011, 8:34 am UTC  and then it was withdrawn at October 29, 2011, 8:36 am UTC.

Did I just get hacked?  And it's a little weird that my money would be refunded and 2 minutes later is withdrawn. 

What's my recourse here?
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: DigitalAlch on October 29, 2011, 09:06 pm
Contact the Admin, using the Contact Us button.
He will be able to give you more info.
Hopefully you didn't get here using the Hidden Wiki as everyone seem to just hit password phising clones from there.

Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: tcobambient on October 29, 2011, 09:11 pm
NO.  I"m not that dumb.  I typed in the address everytime I entered SR.  I don't even know where the Wiki is?
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: tcobambient on October 29, 2011, 09:34 pm
I just find it VERY ODD that 2 minutes after my money is refunded by the seller it gets withdrawn.  Should I be looking at the seller as the one who had something to do with this? 
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: LexusMiles on October 29, 2011, 09:40 pm
I just find it VERY ODD that 2 minutes after my money is refunded by the seller it gets withdrawn.  Should I be looking at the seller as the one who had something to do with this?

Same thing happened to another seller a few minutes ago it looks like.. I've seen this happen a few weeks ago too.. Contact SR.

Here the other thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=3549.0
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: scriptkiddie on October 29, 2011, 09:58 pm
I got you.

phish, wait, see order, ask seller to cancel, withdraw.
the seller was very prompt!


Don't remember when you got phished? It wasn't from the wiki........

saw you posting in the forums a lot recently.. knew it would just be a matter of time. thanks for keeping the same pass!
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: scriptkiddie on October 29, 2011, 10:05 pm
n00bs - change your password before you dump funds in. I am watching.
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: tcobambient on October 29, 2011, 10:07 pm
Thanks dude.  I appreciate it.  I'm unemployed and get phished by some cunt.  So, yeah.  Go ahead and tell me how you did it.  I have no clue? 
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: fisher on October 29, 2011, 11:34 pm
Here is how it happened. At some point in time you logged in to a site that was not the real site. you didn't change your password after that.
Unlike what most people here think,n fact I do not  phishers don't always change passwords as soon as we gain access to your account. Ichange the password unless there is a
change passwords unless I find a seller account, that I can either sell or use for my next scam.

the moral of this story is change your password often!

and don't spend your unemployment check on drugs moron!
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: tcobambient1 on October 30, 2011, 12:23 am
New Username.  Same Asshole.

First off, thanks for telling me how it was done.

Second.  I wasn't spending my Unemployment check on drugs.  I'm Unemployed and had Rotator Cuff surgery a couple weeks ago and if you know anything about Dr's in the USA they don't give you enough pain meds to make it all the way through recovery with physical rehab being very painful.  So I didn't spend my unemployment check on drugs.  I spent $60 on pain pills.  Not weed or coke or whatever.  $60 is a lot of money to me right now but with the pain I have I thought it might be a good investment.  If I spent a few hundred bucks on MDMA or Coke or something frivolous I'd say I'd had it coming and I was an asshole for wasting my unemployment check but it's not the case.  To the person who ripped me off it'd be really cool if you were somewhat of a cool human being and just replaced the measly (I'm sure to you) $60.  It's kind of a lot of money to me.   
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: novocaine on October 30, 2011, 12:46 am
cmon sciptkiddie give him his money back :(
i get the concept of phishing and imo not always about the money...
I think he learned his lesson.
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: fisher on October 30, 2011, 04:18 am
I am not the one who took your BTC, and your explanation of what you are doing here satisfies me, so I will send you some coins to make up a bit from what you lost. I don't have enough right now to replace everything that was taken, but PM me your bitcoin address, and I will send what I have over
Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: DigitalAlch on October 30, 2011, 05:53 am
Coming back to seeing people phising so heavily makes me really unhappy.
Simple story, encrypt a small drive throw Tor Brower on there PGP the URL and problem solved.

Also never use a password you have used elsewhere. If it's semi-unique it could be cross checked against password dumps from popular site to find username and internet detectiving can starts there.

Title: Re: First Order Weirdness?
Post by: KingJoey on October 31, 2011, 01:27 am
sometimes they cancel if ur new bro