Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Soma007 on September 10, 2011, 01:31 am

Title: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: Soma007 on September 10, 2011, 01:31 am
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!

Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: Fred Flintstone on September 10, 2011, 01:57 am
Smoking dried banana peals will make you trip your fucking head off. It is incredible.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: redtide on September 10, 2011, 03:18 am
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!


how about some gentle psychedlics like mushrooms or MDMA?
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: vanilla on September 10, 2011, 03:27 am
HA! MJ really is a gateway drug... Seriously try MDMA it's grand. Then mushrooms and or acid are a good time as well. Or any combination of the preceding substances. Good times.  ;D
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: treebeard on September 10, 2011, 03:51 am
these folks have given the same sound advice I'd have given,

especially the bananadrine  ;D
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: 72289 on September 10, 2011, 02:25 pm
Don't try a damn thing until you've researched the effects and are 100% comfortable with it. If you love weed but don't have any idea of another drug you want to take then I'd suggest not trying another one until you figure it out yourself. :)
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: j789745 on September 10, 2011, 04:48 pm
Quote from: vanilla link
HA! MJ really is a gateway drug...


Quote from: Exodus
Don't try a damn thing until you've researched the effects and are 100% comfortable with it. If you love weed but don't have any idea of another drug you want to take then I'd suggest not trying another one until you figure it out yourself. :)

Agreed. Use Erowid as a resource too... its not always accurate since so much of it is user submitted bullshit, but if you really dig around on that site you'll find a lot, especially about the more common drugs.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: DigitalAlch on September 10, 2011, 06:45 pm
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!


Hash, then Hash Oil, Then MDMA, Then MDMA + Shrooms, then Shrooms (this will let you ease into the mindset), then acid, then MDMA + Acid, then 2C-B, then MDMA again, then DMT, then MDMA + Acid + DMT
Each comma denotes a different experience, I would recommend them in this order.

Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: RedDead on September 10, 2011, 09:12 pm
Try MXE while it's legal. I actually prefer it to K.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: Soma007 on September 11, 2011, 01:40 am
Thanks for all of the input guys!  Appreciate the advise....

I agree with what is said about needing to realize what experience I am looking for.... 

I think generally what sounds interesting to me is something to zone out.... (nothing uptown.... downtown is kinda what I am going for.... 

Also the shrooms or acid is something I have been wanting to try for a long time...  what is the basic difference with the two?  What is the advantage of one over the other?

Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: profspudhed on September 11, 2011, 02:22 am
actually the more i try it the more i think 2c-b would be  a fantastic introduction to the world of psychs, its not as serious or deep as acid or shrooms. on the subject of the difference between the two for me at least ive found acid is a lot more visual and also prone to ego death and more profound thoughts than on shrooms, your first experience of which will no doubt be spent almost entirely laughing your arse off for no good reason, youll stop laughing, then youll look at a can of beans or something and itll make you crack up laughing like a fool again. this is of course dose and strain dependant, there are shroom experiences out there that can easily rival the most powerful of any other psychedelic, they are not to be underestimated as a "hallucinogen-lite" if you will. and again experiences differ from person to person but i find shrooms are a fun social thing, great with lots of friends about, where as with an acid trip im rather selfish and like to trip alone away from others, but those are personal things you will learn with experience

for the rest it sounds like the downers are for you, may i recommended to a fellow weed lover the excellent combo of a 2mg clonazepam and a spliff its lovely, maybe explore other benzos too. further than that and as long as you have the will power required to not get addicted then you have the opiates too, its not as big and bad as people make out though, ive personally tried raw opium, morphine, oxycodone, codeine and DHC with no feeling of need to go back to them, in fact in many cases once i felt id got what i wanted out of them i passed them on to friends who were also interested (i seem to do that so much, i buy 10 tabs but somehow i end up only eating 2 and never remember where the rest go i think people have just realised they just need to be around me to get wrecked!)

and please if you are interested in psychedelics do not rule out DMT yes it is a powerful, powerful substance and that scares many away but it can be so awe inspiringly beautiful that there simply arent words to do it justice, it may be one better saved for a little later in your journey when youre a little more experienced but keep it in mind as it really is very very special

so in short get out there and read, find out what sounds like the sort of thing youd like, sites like erowid and bluelight are packed with wonderful information, god how i wished i could have been in your situation, coming here then being confronted by all these wonderful new chems, all that choice for the first time out of nowhere, for me it was years spent reading about others experiencing them thinking that id never get the chance to even meet a person who had actually tried a chemical like say 2c-e, my list was a mighty long one even before i started smoking weed some 15 odd years ago, now im sat here with some of these chems i almost grew up dreaming about by my side as i type this and 2cb running through my brain right now, its amazing how things can change when you least expect it

also as you mention a penchant for zoning out have you considered the dissociatives like ket, mxe and dxm, they may be right up your alley, relaxed, mongy and hallucinatory too but some people arent comfortable with the total dissociation of a k-hole type experience just as there are those uncomfortable with an ego death experience with lsd
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: j789745 on September 11, 2011, 10:54 pm
Mushrooms are pretty mild. I wouldn't start with LSD, but I do like the 2C-B suggestion. A psychedelic seems like your best route.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: Soma007 on September 12, 2011, 12:29 am
Thanks for the suggestions guys....

I think I am going with the MDMA and shrooms...

Shrooms - I think I am going to give a try at ordering one of the kits, Any suggestions on websites that are good for this?

MDMA - Can someone recommend a good seller here?  Dutch the best?

Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: vanilla on September 12, 2011, 12:50 am
Sporeworks and the hawk's eye are both reputable spore vendors. I have used both and had good results. Just depends on what strain you want. Both have a decent selection also but there are a few strains that only one or the other have in stock. They have good tutorials on growing listed at Just search for 'PF Tek'
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: avatar123 on September 12, 2011, 01:38 pm
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!


Hash, then Hash Oil, Then MDMA, Then MDMA + Shrooms, then Shrooms (this will let you ease into the mindset), then acid, then MDMA + Acid, then 2C-B, then MDMA again, then DMT, then MDMA + Acid + DMT
Each comma denotes a different experience, I would recommend them in this order.


+1, very nice list.

You forgot LSD though.

Peace and Love
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: Pillhead on September 15, 2011, 04:06 am
You could try Lyrica (Pregabalin). It's a neuropathic pain medication for people with MS and Fibromyalgia, and has a high similar to being both stoned and shitfaced. It's a mellow, couchlock-y high that potentiates opiates and marijuana very well. Lyrica is one of my favorite drugs, I take a few of them every morning and I'm baked all day. The high just lasts and lasts. You should check 'em out, see what Bluelight and Erowid have to say about it.  If you're interested, I have a listing for them on my SR account.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: jackstraw on September 15, 2011, 04:12 am
What dosage are you taking?   Just curious.  I was given that while recovering from an unfortunate accident but I was on so many pills I couldn't really differentiate.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: Pillhead on September 15, 2011, 04:33 am
What dosage are you taking?   Just curious.  I was given that while recovering from an unfortunate accident but I was on so many pills I couldn't really differentiate.

I have a bit of a tolerance so I take 5 or 6x150mg pills in the morning, and then pop/rail  300mg in the evening, to keep the high going.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: DigitalAlch on September 15, 2011, 04:35 am
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!


Hash, then Hash Oil, Then MDMA, Then MDMA + Shrooms, then Shrooms (this will let you ease into the mindset), then acid, then MDMA + Acid, then 2C-B, then MDMA again, then DMT, then MDMA + Acid + DMT
Each comma denotes a different experience, I would recommend them in this order.


+1, very nice list.

You forgot LSD though.

Peace and Love

I though acid was LSD ;)

Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: avatar123 on September 15, 2011, 02:10 pm
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!


Hash, then Hash Oil, Then MDMA, Then MDMA + Shrooms, then Shrooms (this will let you ease into the mindset), then acid, then MDMA + Acid, then 2C-B, then MDMA again, then DMT, then MDMA + Acid + DMT
Each comma denotes a different experience, I would recommend them in this order.


+1, very nice list.

You forgot LSD though.

Peace and Love

I though acid was LSD ;)


Just testing, congratulations you won.

Peace and Love
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: JM420 on September 16, 2011, 11:03 pm
Try LSD, or some mushies (:

I loveeeeeeeee mushrooms. I need to trip on em soon.
Title: Re: Love Weed... What next??
Post by: Djubrovnik on September 17, 2011, 05:48 pm
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!


Hash, then Hash Oil, Then MDMA, Then MDMA + Shrooms, then Shrooms (this will let you ease into the mindset), then acid, then MDMA + Acid, then 2C-B, then MDMA again, then DMT, then MDMA + Acid + DMT
Each comma denotes a different experience, I would recommend them in this order.


I agree with DigitalAlch almost completely, however i would advise against combining drugs that you haven't tried separately. In this case try MDMA, then shrooms, then acid, and only then should you try candyflip (lsd+MDMA) and hippyflip (shrooms+MDMA).
I'd leave dissociatives for later (ketamine, dxm), they are pretty hardcore (the trip itself is TOTALLY different to an acid trip for instance) and i don't enjoy the body load after you land back on Earth.