Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: dance4life on July 10, 2011, 02:24 pm
Just randomly popped into my mind. I was one of the members that were displaced a long while ago. I still can't believe that place got shut down..
+1 karma point for that post my friend...
Not a bad idea for implementation around here, IMO.
considering the police seized the overgrow servers, i wouldnt be bragging about being from there on here.
considering the police seized the overgrow servers, i wouldnt be bragging about being from there on here.
+1 Intelligence - Seriously people, this isn't a game, its your own well being. People are getting way too comfortable.
I don't really see the problem, that is unless you were a grower and have the same username + uploading pictures to that site. Then it is pretty obvious that you wouldn't say you were a member.
Probably only 10% of the membership grew anything that would make a LEO take another look. The rest was just basically a BB community. It wasn't illegal ( obviously ) to be a member of the website.