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Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: toxin on July 07, 2011, 04:07 pm

Title: Quick question: heart rate and mdma
Post by: toxin on July 07, 2011, 04:07 pm
I had some methylone and quite some alcohol day before yesterday, and quite heavy work (mental) yesterday.. worked till 1AM, and slept quite badly, all night thinking about this problem... Today, all day i felt like shit (like i feel when i'm sleep deprived).. my smart-phone shows that i have ~85 bpm heart rate.. and I'm planing on a mdma trip tonight. I know it's stupid, but with my work, if I miss this window of opportunity, next one will come in more than a month, and probably 2 or more... So will mdma will worsen the situation or it's no prob (knowing how I feel I'm planing on max 150mg dose).. Halp;)
edit: I have ~1.5h to decide;)
I want it, and think that maybe the whole 'feeling-like-shit' situation is a bit fueled by my inner anxiety (I allways have it before mdma;)
Title: Re: Quick question: heart rate and mdma
Post by: braves821 on July 07, 2011, 04:22 pm
i would say go for it, but it is on you, or maybe leave it up to george washington.   Anyone got a qtr?
Title: Re: Quick question: heart rate and mdma
Post by: toxin on July 07, 2011, 04:42 pm
went for a short walk to the shop, felt normal, decided to go for it:) If I won't replay to this topic till Saturday - be warned, that taking mdma with elevated heart rate and sleep deprivation is not recommended;)
Title: Re: Quick question: heart rate and mdma
Post by: DigitalAlch on July 07, 2011, 07:24 pm
150mg? Yea dont worry what so ever. Nothing is going to happen there, I mean yea you will have mild rate increase but that happens anytime you do MDMA; But at that dose, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I thought you were going to be dosing a few time for a total of G or something when I read the title.

Title: Re: Quick question: heart rate and mdma
Post by: toxin on July 08, 2011, 08:45 am
I survived ;). And strangely I feel awesome today -  no depression, no elevated blood pressure, no nothing. Except my inner chin (duno how it's in English;) is destroyed and eaten from bruxia ;).. and feel a bit light headed (forgot my phone on my way from home, came back, almost forgot my coffee etc;)... But overall - no nasty aftereffects that were after xtc. I can recommend koekwous23 as a awesome dealer with awesome product:)