Glass Jars hold many advantages -> Plastic on a whole, generally "grabs" at trichomes, and makes it quite easier to break open the capitate stalked trichomes (the mature, and overall main constituent of high quality cannabis), which leads to the degradation of THC into CBN. (Also why all you people sending weed need an air bubble! ). Glass Jars can be used to further cure the weed and avoid molding, by jar curing as normal (open jars for about 30 minutes in a well ventilated / slightly windy area that is dark and dry. Closet with small fan works well. Then close the jar and let sit another 6 - 12 hours depending on the cure needed. Remember once harvested UV light will contribute to degradation of THC as well. Once cured, airtight is a must to avoid further breakdown. Amber glass jars are the best as they block UV light. Curing weed is essential, it helps convert THC-A to THC. Important! ~Digi