Freeman in your plethora of response you seemed to forget me I'm not trying to throw a stick in the gears of your new enterprise, simply posing a friendly contest. But I might add - In this day and age, many have moved away from place like CNET because of the lack of passion. Who would have a more enlightening review of a stereo - a professional reviewer - whose diction and terms come from years of writing and while they may be able to say this feature trumps that (or our case what was obviously cured better, was immature, etc) but they lack something the new type of reviewer has A passionate reviewer some blogger audiophile - these people may not be the most eloquent but they can explain why THIS feature is better, or why when implemented in this fashion is superior (In our example, how far along the trichome development is - how the presence of more than natural UV-B light interacted with Terpene and Phenol inside the secretory cavity to produce more cannabinoids - an is observable by the elevated THCV Not saying you lack this - what I am saying is I write my reviews based of a deep passion for the subject matter. So lets have a contest my friend. Peace, DigitalAlch