Listings will be up tonight! Will start slow - I need to find more bottles.. kinda bottlenecked there (terrible pun). So to make up for it I will be offering a special - The FIRST 10 sold will be sold at $65 a bottle. Serious deal people! Then back to normal prices. I think I will be selling about 20 - 30 bottles so get them while they last! I'm throwing a post up tonight but note that nothing will be sent out till SATURDAY! That's when I will be able to : ) After that any listing will be sent the day after receiving. Each bottle is 55mL with a dropper included. I would guesstamate this around 900 - 1100 drops a bottle. 3 - 5 drops (third of a dropper) - Minimum - This will stimulate appetite - give a sence of happiness - and a slight high 7 - 10 drops (2/3 of a dropper) - Medium - An elongated head high - makes smoking really intense - good euphoria - great on asthma and sore stomachs 10 - 15 (A Dropper) - Medium High - Cerebral High, Muscle/Pain begin to relax, huge anti-anxiety, make smoking AWESOME 19 - 22 (1 1/2 Droppers) High - Very cerebral, great pain reduction, can make smoking overwhelming for some 25 - 30 (2 Droppers) - Very High - Very Strong Medically - Only Smoke if you are an experienced smoker 30 - 45 - (3 Droppers) - Some find this dosage lightly psychedelic - others find it overwhelming 4 - 5 droppers - TAKE AT OWN RISK - for some this is a very trippy weed high - others find it frighteningly overwhelming ANYTHING PAST 5 DROPPERS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK - I do NOT recommend it. As I said before they are Acai - Blueberry but as this is an Alcohol based tincture, you will only notice this slightly. Mostly you will notice the burn of the everclear/vodka/chlorophyll followed by an amazing high : D