Lets jump into this one 1 - being terrible - 5 being average - 10 being best I have had Blue Dream from ListenToTheMusic -- 9.43 / 10 _____________________________________ Taste: 9.3 / 10 (Myrcene and Alpha-Pinene - Floral, with a slightly earthy tail) Cure - 9.2 / 10 Flush - 9.8 / 10 High - 9.4 / 10 (Euphoric yet contemplative, mixing a Sativa focus with just enough CBD to be medicating - Something you can smoke for medicine or just for enjoyment) I would like to note his packaging and professionalism is top-notch. Total - 9.43 /10 I can not wait to order again. Seriously. Really looking forward to that Juicy Fruit now. Haahaa wow, DigitalAlch