Scrubbing Meta Data from Images in Ubuntu This is pretty vital. I have notice people are uploading images a lot, both for avatars and in posting items. Something you may not know is that most digital cameras add hidden data called EXIF data, and on top of that most computers add in there own metadata such as IPTC and XMP. This data can reveal alot of data you do not want others to have. As such we should scrub this data before uploading. You should all be accessing this website (and all of the DeepWeb) through a VirtualMachine running Ubuntu (I'll write a guide on that later). So launch up Ubuntu, go to shell (Applications -> Accessory -> Terminal) and type: (Press y then enter when asked) This will install jhead, the program that will accomplish this. Once you have installed it you can either find out more info on it by typing: or just get down to businesses. To do this we will move to the directory our images are in: (this moves to folder called pictures) IF you are wondering what folder are in your current directory you can type Now we can either remove the meta data from all images: Keep in mind if you have any .JPG / .JPEG / .jpeg remember to run for each one. Example: Peace, DigitalAlch