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Messages - DigitalAlch

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26] 27 28 ... 49
Product offers / Re: DigitalAlch's BOMBastic Berry Tinc
« on: September 07, 2011, 04:14 am »
MEH - Due to the thefts I am on forced hiatus. I restocked and after having sunk my money into one basket nice and effectively had that basket stolen.
Luckily I still have the Tinctures left in my freezer. 4 -5 bottles. After that until I can figure out what to do (assuming I can) my shop of love is closed.
Not sure when I am going to put them up - I'm at a bit of a loss. So looks like I should be modding lots more.


Rumor mill / Re: Calling nomad bloodbath out! ie; BEING SELECTIVE!!!
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:47 am »
 what more you got for me DR. Acidopopolous?
Need some more magic bean - almost to that giant in the sky.
NB - seriously his stuff is great ;)


Rumor mill / Re: Listentothemusic Reviews
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:45 am »
Hey guys - lets clear some shit up. I got off my Vacation officially today - talked to LTTM.
S/he had some personal shit to take care of - we all have time like this. When s/he gets back they will be taking care of the issue with legit2quit.
Indeed it would seem  a package got fucked up. They will take care of this when they get back.
I know s/he is planing on tightening up their ship when they get back - I would bet my shit stuff like this won't happen again.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road wiki
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:29 pm »
I think Kind Bud and I would do a very good job. Others should be able to submit pages that can be approved as well.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Invite only SR/Pulling a Farmers Market
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:16 pm »
A private area of the forum would be nice.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Kezenaren Asking For FREE DONATIONS???
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:48 pm »
  Everyone who wants this substance needs to study the history of the recent vendors.  Illy, Keasy, IP.  All the behaviors are warnings.  We must avoid the vendors who display them.  The magical effect of this substances that you've alluded to in other threads, is mainly on the demand side.  Don't let desire cloud your judgment through wishful thinking, cut slack, accepting excuses, etc, etc.  Compare everyone to your trusted top vendors, who are often the first to warn us.  CP, McGillaCutty, etc. 
   One day a vendor of this substance will emerge with a launch like what pharmville just did, followed by plenty of positive feedback.  THAT  is the day we must wait patiently for.

Awesome advice no matter the substance : ) + 1


We also do not allowing selling of real personal information. Ban Hammer!


Product offers / Re: DigitalAlch's BOMBastic Berry Tinc
« on: August 25, 2011, 02:23 pm »
Onto Vacation - See You Friends Later.


Mine magically fixed. Woohoo.


Security / Re: Move Slow - ignore/distrust deadlines
« on: August 23, 2011, 05:02 pm »
Good advice. +1 People if you need stuff for festivals thats on you not the vendors.
Order ahead of time.


Product offers / Re: DigitalAlch's BOMBastic Berry Tinc
« on: August 23, 2011, 04:53 pm »
My neighbor's cat just received a bottle. He told me the packaging was ok, but the wrapping around the bottle was wet, and the package smelled of blueberry when opened. He told me the bottle did NOT leak.
He said the liquid was clear with some sediment on the bottom. Tasted good, with a sharp burn from the alcohol.
He tried 6-7 droppers full, and said the buzz after 20 minutes or so, was nice and controllable. He strongly disagrees with the dosing schedule, or he is a cannabis heavy weight.  However the buzz was unique to say the least, and adds to any smoking one may do.
He thinks this is great patent medicine, just wished the dousing was more accurate.
This morning he woke up,shook the bottle, then he told me he tried 5 droppers before work in juice. He thinks juice is a very nice idea.
Very light  nice buzz, takes cares of morning body aches. Tomorrow will be 7 droppers
He would recommend this to his felines friends in the neighborhood.
Fast delivery too.
Thank you for the wonderful review.
I will be getting new bottles soon as the thin plastic seems to cause a lot of transpiration in some cases. To use up the last of the bottles will begin placing a small cloth around the bottle to wick this away. Also it would seem tinctures can be very variable in perceived strength - my guess is people are expecting a smokers high. My thoughts - in order for people to find more "kick" as they may be looking for I will make sub-lingual tinctures my first priority upon arriving back from Vacation - this should provide perhaps the "kick to head" edibles and smoking sometimes does.
I will continue making these tinctures as well for any who enjoy this one more.
So I guess - New Bottles, Second Formula, And Perhaps no more Dosing Chart. Thank you guys for being so helpful/supportive; I will make sure my service and goods responds in kind.

I will also try to get rid of these bottles - so I'm putting up some for sale cheap-

Remember folks I leave tomorrow night for Vacation - so orders must be made today or first thing tomorrow morning. I'll be back around  3rd - 5th.

I do not think that there will be serious efforts to close down SR by LE. The impact of this side, compared to the street drug business does not justify the resource needed to be spent to take this side down. Also, drugs are not stigmatized like CP so the general public does not care about us, so there is no real pressure on LE to take action.
Nonetheless, they are watching this site for sure!

If we start seeing shit about drugs being sold on webistes we have reason to fear (as the DEA may decide they could get more funding by creating a scare related to this site). But outside of that were good. Too international, too small-scale.


Rumor mill / Re: GreenCo - Reviews - Feedback - Announcements -
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:58 pm »
Glad to see you guys back : )


Happened to me - someone changed from 4/5 to 5/5 and the gltich set it to 0/5..

Contacted SR.

Silk Road discussion / Re: What happened to BTC value?
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:00 pm »
Thank goodness woke up this morning and nearly shit myself seeing that. Whew.


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