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Messages - DigitalAlch

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26 ... 49
Security / Re: Mr.DdroMcGillacutty- Keep an open mind
« on: September 12, 2011, 01:13 am »
I look forward to observing the changes, though I am slightly saddened that I do not know all ready. Oh well.


Security / Re: The Danger of speeding up TOR.
« on: September 12, 2011, 01:11 am »
TOR is already vulnerable to traffic analysis by an observer with global network monitoring capacity. TOR only functions in it's current capacity because it is considered that no entity with such resources cares to expend them, or exists.

An overwhelming majority of TOR nodes are very bandwidth limited volunteers setting up their personal Broadband. These volunteers limit I/O to tens of kBps, sometimes less. Most are not exit nodes, just relays.

By eliminating them, one no longer needs global resources on the network. If you get the users to stop using the slows, you don't have to watch the slows to watch traffic...  Your scope of observation becomes small enough for even an individual with one computer to observe. Match the ins to the outs, that's traffic analysis.

Also, the latency of the TOR network is an unintentional, but very beneficial factor in hindering traffic analysis, as well. The slow is a good thing, and too numerous for observation and correlation. The fast is very limited in quantity and easy to see...

It's simple math. Restricting your pool so severely reduces your possible routes and makes you easier to watch both for the fewer routes and the increased speed. TOR still isn't throwing ghost data well enough to obfuscate on the full network, much less the tiny faction of it people limit themselves to by using this 'trick.' If it did, guess what? It'd be even slower... While the ability to do so exists, it is held back deliberately, lest the added latency of the obfuscating packets crush the network and make it unusable.

Makes sense. Good info. Thanks.


Rumor mill / Re: Listentothemusic Reviews
« on: September 11, 2011, 10:49 pm »
Legt2Quit - Seriously this needs to stay out of here. Things take a while to work through. There is no immediate solution.  He has offered half, I would recommend talking that cause throwing a tantrum wont do anything. Now if I were LTTM I would offer half plus some goodies, but as mseller said that is at his discretion. You bypassed the main feature of SR so there is nothing anyone here can do for you. The only point of re-posting the conversation now would be to try to rep-wreck him - we know the story this is ENOUGH.


Rumor mill / Re: Listentothemusic Reviews
« on: September 11, 2011, 06:51 am »
legit, please post as soon as LTTM refunds you any amount at all

Agreed please let everyone know I would like to order from LTTM out of escrow but wouldnt dare think of it if this is how it would end up, all vendors should be using escrow regardless hard to believe anyone with coast2coast goldismoney and hopefully not LTTM.

I would put my name on you not needing to worry about LTTM. Shit happens. I have no question in my mind that s/he will refund the amount s/he has stated.
  Glad to see you back LTTM. I anxiously await the return of your Sativas friend. I will by without a bit of fear of getting ripped off. His/Her shit is wonderful.
And to Nerf - keep in mind when you try to discuss the quality of her/his weed, as I keep a review of each strain I smoke. From the terpenes, to the heading of the trichome, to examination of the pistillate.
This guy is legit.


Rumor mill / Re: 420med4u
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:46 am »
He may have canceld your order or it may have jsut slipped through the SR cracks.
420med is a brilliant vendor - his Sativas do me right ;)


Silk Road discussion / Re: Missing transaction history
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:59 pm »
My first few transactions are missing as well.


Nothing we can do but buy BTC.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Creepy New Captcha's?
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:48 pm »
I got hashs929 and have yet to get a weird one.


Yeh, we have all been hit hard. It's a paper loss until you sell of course, but 50% is pretty huge amount.

Yup I had 90 BTC when the ship began to sink. There goes that money.


Off topic / Re: Love Weed... What next??
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:45 pm »
Hey kinda new here to this scene....  Love the herb....  haven't tried any other highs... 

What do you guys suggest to "expand my experiences" as a next thing to try?

Give me your suggestions!


Hash, then Hash Oil, Then MDMA, Then MDMA + Shrooms, then Shrooms (this will let you ease into the mindset), then acid, then MDMA + Acid, then 2C-B, then MDMA again, then DMT, then MDMA + Acid + DMT
Each comma denotes a different experience, I would recommend them in this order.


Off topic / Re: How to get a medical marijuana card?
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:42 pm »
If you live in Colorado - tincures help with Asthma, you can even claim Anxiety attacks..
Cali is even easier.


Off topic / Re: demographic (age)
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:40 pm »
No option of us Immortals.. so biased.

That really intense, I didn't know there flat currency had that much Volatility.
I'm thinking within two weeks we will be seeing 8 -9 though not for long.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Upgrade Tor 10x better browsing
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:24 pm »
Hmmm I wonder why they switched.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Current state of the BC market
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:22 pm »
Everyone go out and buy BTC at this new low rate then buy lots of drugs - prices will go back up. Quickly smoke a bowl do your part to fix the BTC economy.


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