FU*K ALL YOU HATERS!!! I HAVE DONATED OVER 3K to our mods and site!!! Yeah!! Lowlife scum that never gave a dime, putting in there 2 cents talking bad about nomad. nomad is in the clear on this one. I would think that it was a donation too. A real well deserved donation for all he does in our community.
I've never received a donation larger than maybe 100 - 150, and that's one specific donation. Generally they are 2 - 20 dollars. Total donated funds to this day is maybe ~800 and that''s after nearly a year of modding.
I'm not going to take sides. This sitatution's a mess. Here's what stand out -
1. Vendor claims shit was sent nothing shows. - SCAMMER
2. Vendor makes giant fuss on the forum about modding stealing Tens of THOUSANDS of dollars that ends up being ~1000
3. No ones getting there orders. If he just never shipped why not just ship and settle the debt?
4. Nomad gets a giant donation, he usually thanks the forum publicly, never does.
Actual proof that non subjective - dude claims package sent, none arrive, claims large amounts stolen, lied continually about amounts, and hasn't paid nor fulfilled a dime's worth of stuff.
Nomad has spent / isn't paying back anything.
Shitty situation for all involved. USdirect seems to obviously be scammer, just trying to drag people out.