Silk Road Discussion / Marketplace Opening Time
« on: December 27, 2013, 07:16:29 am »
EDIT: New target time is 23:45:00 but no promises. Security comes first over meeting deadlines.
Given the intensity of recent events, staff has decided that an extra few hours will help ensure a smooth opening.
The marketplace will re-open at 23:00 UTC on the 28th of December, 2013.
Several long-awaited features will be launched. More details will follow.
I trust that you raised a glass for our fallen crew this holiday. They sacrificed their freedom for the world's first truly free online market. Long live Silk Road!
Given the intensity of recent events, staff has decided that an extra few hours will help ensure a smooth opening.
The marketplace will re-open at 23:00 UTC on the 28th of December, 2013.
Several long-awaited features will be launched. More details will follow.
I trust that you raised a glass for our fallen crew this holiday. They sacrificed their freedom for the world's first truly free online market. Long live Silk Road!