Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: neo67 on August 07, 2013, 07:56 pm

Title: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: neo67 on August 07, 2013, 07:56 pm
I am only thinking about dealing small time on the streets, i would specialize in XTC pills, MDMA and ketamine.

The pills and  MDMA would be bought from here then sold, as where i live it is very hard to find good pills and good MD, so i could maybe charge quite a bit for the drugs.

So yeah, any advice for me guys and girls? Like what i should look out for to keep me safe.

Thanks in advance peeps.

Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: mary666 on August 07, 2013, 08:03 pm
Yeah, don,t give layons, money for product :) I would also say you can get it from a guy so no one actually knows its coming from you and then you need the cash up front ;)
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Meerkovo on August 07, 2013, 08:04 pm
   Pro-tip #1 - Never give shit on credit, nothing, zilch, every word out there that means nothing on tick, borrow, credit, buy-now pay-later. You do a transaction right there and then. This is one way to avoid problems and keep the buyer-seller relationship healthy.

Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: colorblack on August 07, 2013, 08:27 pm
Be certain you want to do this.

And always have some kind of drug in your system. If you ever get caught, a good lawyer will be able to work the "he needs help, hes a druggie" angle. I guess.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: JayGatsby on August 07, 2013, 08:30 pm
buy a glock 30
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: danconia on August 07, 2013, 08:32 pm
Some relevant threads, especially with regards to MDMA:

http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=101959.0 : "best way to sell actual mdma in the united states"
http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=182372.0 : "Topic: Brokering Locally Instead of Selling Locally (Thoughts?)"

Once you start building up a decently large client-base you should seriously consider the second thread.  Selling on the street can be very risky if you do it for a long-time (it's a numbers game).  Hope this helps.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Transcend Reality on August 07, 2013, 09:38 pm
I would advise you to only do this if you know you can get rid of a lot in a short amount of time, that you can take a huge financial hit (multiple thousands of dollars or all of your product / money), and the people to distribute it for you. Don't do small sales.. Ever, I mean unless you want probation / jail time...
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: DrMDA on August 07, 2013, 10:00 pm
My advice:

1. Don't.

If you do my advice is:

1. Don't ever ever front (you will never get paid... I'm still owed on well over 10kgs)

2. Bury your excess in the ground

3. Understand there is just a sea of informants and snitches out there, A FUCKING SEA

4. And I will hold off on giving my last piece of advice for fear of being labeled a racist
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: coglac on August 07, 2013, 11:07 pm
haha good advice DrMDA
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: MissNatural on August 07, 2013, 11:46 pm
If you sell to random people you WILL get caught. Simple. Not by accident by the police, but when selling those products someone will get busted who wont give a shit about you and will flip. Those things you are talking about selling carry a high penalty, especially MDMA/Ex.

Even selling to people you trust is risky business because you never know someones true character until they're looking at 10 years in prison which they could get dropped by flipping on you and they'd never see you again.

Be careful. Get some customers you TRUST. Don't get greedy, or you WILL get caught. Always revise your methods. Never become predictable. Don't tell anyone anything they don't need to know. If at all possible, act as a middle man, and regard yourself as one, not as a dealer. If you're known as the middle man instead of the dealer theres a less chance people will think to flip on you.

Use common sense. I could go on, but these are things you gotta think up yourself. Whatever you do DON'T get a gun. If you're worried about getting robbed, you are much better off losing some money then adding another 10-15 years to your sentence. If you are worried about getting shot, then you might wanna rethink were you are selling.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: tbart on August 08, 2013, 01:14 am
I've toyed with the idea of developing a local market, just toyed mind you, but how i'd do it would be to advertise in college papers, etc, explain you're trying to develop a reputation, and use the silk road business model - ie, they pay with bitcoins, then you'll leave the product hidden at a drop spot that you'll email them the location AFTER you've left it there. Obviously use PGP for email, and find some anon email svc , definitely not the library computers if they've got cameras there

Some kids won't want to go thru the hassle, some will prefer not having to meet "freddie on the corner" - but it sure would add a layer of insulation between you and your customers. Maybe mail some flyers to the fraternities - and even mention SR, that your service means quicker delivery and no customs or US Postal inspector hassles, with "controlled deliveries". Maybe (and that's a big maybe) if you've got a bud on campus, have him talk it up to a couple of his friends, but not mention he knows you, that he's bought from you - in marketing, there's an old axiom, initially, you've got to fake it make it - ask any realtor, when he wrote his first contract, he made like he'd written dozens (or let them assume he had) - who would want to buy from a realtor, knowing this is his first RE contract or home sale?

otherwise, i'd be real leary of face to face sales - you think you know who your friends are, and who you can trust - they get busted they will roll over on you like a cheap tijuana hooker - hell, people in general will do that without the pressure from LE and a jail term

Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: ImTylerDurden on August 08, 2013, 04:46 am
I am referring mainly to people to sell in medium - larger size quantities to, but can also be applied to local sales.

Just be careful who you sell to. I've seen a someone flip on my friend that was selling bud because he got pulled over and caught with a bowl with some resin in it. Fucking pussy ass bitch got scared and let LE convince him to flip on his dealer (my friend). My friend knew this kid for like 10 fucking years. Went to the gym with him.  Hell, they even lived in the same fucking neighborhood.  I think its good to find a solid medium. Dont sell to some preppy, spoiled college kid that wears abercrombie and fitch every day of his life. These are the people that will flip before LE even insists on it. But I wouldnt be selling to the shady nigger that lives on the west side, that doesnt even own a vehicle. This is the person that may not snitch, but will definitely try to rob you at some point if you do not demand the level of respect you deserve (Yes, I am racist. You Europeans dont have to deal with the kind of nigs we deal with here, and the mass volume of them. Deal with it).

Find the happy medium. Someone that has friends and has respect among others, locally. Someone that doesnt have too many enemies. Someone that would rather have their ass whooped than have their shit taken without putting up a fight. And possibly most important in my opinion: someone that has goals for their life. Don't sell to the 40 year old junkie thats had 3 DUI's, 8 kids, and a 10th grade education. People that arent desperate. They should have a job, and always looking to better their life. As long as you're selling in quantities under 100g, they should not be living off their profits from drug dealing. This should be a means of supplemental income to them, not whats paying their rent.

just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: rrrop on August 08, 2013, 05:08 am
Keep your circle small. Work with only those you know and trust. Don't need to do this. Always present yourself as smaller than you are.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: comsec on August 08, 2013, 05:22 am
A guy I knew with no fear would venture out into the entertainment district and approach people waiting in club lineups and standing around smoking if they wanted mdma. He sold a shitload every night under the cops (and bouncers) noses until some gangsters jacked him and said it was their turf. He then would go to artist cafes and gallery nights, concerts and raves/after parties and approach people standing around outside and made a shitload of money yet again. A month or so yet another group of gangsters jacked him violently and he did a week in the hospital.

Bonus was he had enough phone numbers to keep his biz going but never sold on the street again, that's all usurped by organized crews. To start dealing you just need to find consistent customers, then do it all via a dial a dope delivery operation with a hidden compartment in your car to stash the drugs. You grow by word of mouth

Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Praetorian on August 08, 2013, 05:46 am
1. Receiving address should be different from where you stash your drugs.  Excess money that you don't need immediately can be safely sealed in multiple layers of vac, wrapped tightly, put in a hard container(non metal) and buried somewhere you can remember.  Drugs that need to be accessible in a home should NEVER be 'scattered' about.  Make sure everything is in one spot, and you can operate some form of a panic-system.   Flush only what 'can' be flushed.  Destroy (chemically) what you can.  Etc.

2. Deliver or Pick up, never from home.  Once again, it's about not shitting where you eat..

3. Do all 'dealing' contact from a Burner.  A $20-$30, 100 minute throw-away phone.  Destroy everything each time you toss.  The more often you do this, the safer. 

4. Do not tell your friends where you keep your drugs or money.  Desperate people, and opportunists will rob you.  Locked doors keep honest people honest.  Just like Escrow keeps honest vendors honest!

5. Always be firm about your prices, and receiving cash-in-hand.  If people beg, be more firm.  Never cave, or you'll get run over.

6. Depending on your state, having a gun in the same facility as your drugs can mean a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in Prison.  If you're literally dealing in the streets, it's actually advised to have some kind of protection.  If doable, have a near-by 'grab spot' for your gun where no one would find it for a while if you had to run out of your area from LE.  But somewhere you can easily grab it if some punks try to run up on you.

7. Beat everyone else's price, but don't gloat about that.  Just let it be known to your buyers by way of price; they will not mention this to their current dealer.  If you go around yammering about how you're beating everyone elses prices, and that gets back to someone who lost some business to you; that could be concerning.  With the drugs you intend to sell, this doesn't look like an issue you'd have, but you never know!

8. Always try to think like a cop.  "If I were a cop who knew just a little about this... where would I start?  What evidence could I find?" ... seriously ask yourself these questions; it could save your ass.  And it does NOT mean you're paranoid.  Just safe, and not silly. ;0

9. Don't short your customers.  They will check on your accuracy.  The more reasons you give people to dislike you, the higher the chance someone will want to hurt you; take your money.

10. Godspeed!
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Remediless on August 08, 2013, 05:51 am
I am only thinking about dealing small time on the streets, i would specialize in XTC pills, MDMA and ketamine.

The pills and  MDMA would be bought from here then sold, as where i live it is very hard to find good pills and good MD, so i could maybe charge quite a bit for the drugs.

So yeah, any advice for me guys and girls? Like what i should look out for to keep me safe.

Thanks in advance peeps.


If you're going to do this, you'll need a very highly attuned sixth sense and street smarts.

Best thing is to only ever carry enough on you that you can pass off as personal if you get caught. Don't sell from your house & don't keep your stash/ large amounts of cash at your house.

Remember: If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck you are not being paranoid, get the FUCK out of there.

Also: Don't get high on your own supply- that is when fuck ups happen because you lose your edge.

Watch out for people watching you- whether that's by CTV or club bouncers or street kids who see you as an easy mark and as I said before: Trust your gut- don't sell to anyone who you feel is off or doesn't seem right.

The best advice of all though is: Don't do it. I've never really seen it be worth it.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: comsec on August 08, 2013, 06:08 am
The way organized street dealing mainly works here is jail cover (junkies. hobos, street punks) hold a small amount of product and take the money. They've already been busted thousands of times and are usually out of jail pretty quick because they are junkies and only ever hold possession weight in baggies and restock when needed. They walk up and down the entertainment and tourist areas and offer it to you as you walk past them "Rock? Bud?" then do a cash trade on the spot. The security guy watching the junky is a thug with a gun hidden somewhere within reach and there's at least 3 more thugs with radios acting as lookouts/halcones for heat and competitors, or as extra security. To resupply they usually have a room in a derelict hotel somewhere nearby or a car w/hidden compartment they can walk to and restock plus hidden stashes on the street. The guy who runs the business never has anything incriminating on him and pays the junkies a pretty good salary, being that they can't get a job anyways since they crawled out of the gutter. I see them frisk and arrest the ringleader security all the time and he never has anything on him so they let him go.

Somehow these guys have operated for years and years without being busted I've seen the same security guy in the same spot since 2008 except now he's covered in tattoos and wears $4,000 outfits and drives a baller mobile

They now have a weed store they operate where jail cover (prospects into the gang) are doormen watching like a hawk for cops and the guy in the back handles the weed, which is never more than a few ounces at a time to avoid significant sentence. People buzz the door, are let in one at a time, go buy dope, and they have lookouts all over the street. The weed guy has a surveillance system in front of him to see cops coming in. They've been busted a few times but the jail cover prospects always cop to the dope and the main guy never sees any time. They just keep moving stores around and are thugged right the fuck out so nobody messes with them. When they need more weed a guy arrives with a backpack of dope to drop off. There's probably hidden compartments in the building so they can stash the money and drugs if cops come in too.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: danconia on August 08, 2013, 06:57 am
5. Always be firm about your prices, and receiving cash-in-hand.  If people beg, be more firm.  Never cave, or you'll get run over.

This is a good one that I learned the hard way.  If you are willing to drop the price down at all they will continue to try to drop it down further (hey it worked that one time when they asked!).  A lot of the customers who continuously try to drop the price down further are, in my opinion, not even worth the hassle and I tend to drop them as customers I get a chance.

Another good idea is to use underwear with secret compartments (near your crotch) when necessary.  I don't know if it would "definitely" keep cops from finding your stash but you typically want every line of defense you can get.

If you know how to find decent MDMA on here then you will find that your customer base will grow quickly.  I personally don't like the idea of going up to strangers and asking if they want some gear... and wouldn't recommend doing it for more than the first week or so (at most!).  The MDMA we get on here is consistently higher quality and purity than the stuff on the street and therefore word of mouth will help you to acquire new customers.

First time a guy buys a couple, a few hours later his friends want an additional ~6, next weekend they want 20 and he asks you if you could hook up his other friends who want 10+, a few weeks later they're both buying 60+ every week (and you're acquiring more customers).  I'll let you guess what happens when music festival season comes around hahahhaha.

Don't quit your day job either, if you have one.  Selling drugs can be notoriously inconsistent.  SR can go offline for a week at a time, your favorite vendor(s) can go on vacation for a few weeks or even go rogue.  Try to save some money at some point in case the shit ever hits the fan, and if things really every do start getting too hot then take a month break and consider taking a vacation.

Hope this helps and good luck.  Without giving out too many details I went from selling a few caps of MDMA a night to clearing ~50g every weekend in the town I used to live in.  SR MDMA in general provides an opportunity for someone with some know-how to make the competition look like amateurs.  Being a dealer with bad drugs is terrible for one's reputation, but being a dealer who consistently has good drugs will bring a useful reputation with it... and if you play your cards right it can even make things a lot more fun and easy in the girl department hahahhaha (wrap it up though).
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Darktime on August 08, 2013, 11:44 am
Learn to run like Mo Farah ;D
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: TheCostelloGroup on August 08, 2013, 11:50 am
Listen to Biggie Small 'ten crack commandments'

By street do you mean, in the street as on the corner? Or just mean in real life?
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: neo67 on August 08, 2013, 12:07 pm
wow...thanks for all your replies! I've read every single one and took the advice on board.Its all been noted :)

Ok here's what i've noted;

1. NEVER loan,offer credit or put drugs on 'tick'. I have considered doing this,as i know from a buyers point of view how grateful i was to be given credit for drugs,however, i know a few coke dealers who always tell me to never ever offer credit.One dealer even told me how a customer asked for credit as his brother had stolen 2 grand of him. Only to see them happily walking down the street the next week together! lol so yeah i will never offer any kind of credit to difficult to collect the money i gather-- only to a select few of my best friends who i know best and trust maybe?

2. Any dealing will be done away from my home.Only a few of my closet friends know where i live and i think it's in my best interests it stays like this.So anyone who gets caught and 'flips' will only have a name to give.(One of the coke dealers got raided a few months ago, and it shit him up big time--so i know it does and can happen locally.)

3.I will try and stash my main hoard of drugs outside of my home, like bury it somewhere(Obviously it will be well protected from the elements.) Any advice on stashing drugs inside and outside the home guys? I know theres a link in one of the replies somewhere so i'll have a look at that.

4.As far as carrying a gun goes,i don't think that will be needed where i live (lol),it's not exactly as gang plagued as say LA LOL but maybe some kind of protection is needed if someone cottoned on that i had sell drugs and tried to rob me...say mace or pepper spray or a tazer of some sort? what do you guys think?

5.When it comes to prices, they'll be set in stone. Praetorian mentioned beating everybody elses prices....well if my customers want cut, low quality product and to be sold short i will be able to offer them the low prices. However, if they want high quality, uncut products that are maybe a little OVER weight then they can get that off me--albeit at a higher price. Higher quality at higher prices will be my motto. Some people won't like the 'higher prices' part but some will love the no bullshit approach and will be willing to pay the higher prices for good gear. I am also considering a refund policy to my most trusted customers--if they don't think it is high quality product they can return it for a set refund amount(not sure what that will be yet)--Obviously if they try to scam me (returned product will be kit tested and probably tested by me aswell :) ),they'll sure find themselves on the blacklist. Is this a good idea to offer a refund policy on the street do you think?

Any tips on increasing ones clientele? I was at work the other day and i overheard a guy saying how he had just smoked a spliff before work. I thought it was an ideal opportunity to ask him if he wanted any pills.He said no but his friends might want some, so we exchanged numbers and went on our way--with me hoping i had set up a new customer 'avenue'. Is this a good idea to approach people in this way. He wasn't a complete stranger i had talked with him before and he seems a chilled out, cool guy-- who's into  certain drugs so i thought why the hell not!! lol

Thanks again peeps, more ideas are welcome.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: neo67 on August 08, 2013, 12:15 pm
Listen to Biggie Small 'ten crack commandments'

By street do you mean, in the street as on the corner? Or just mean in real life?

IRL my friend. Not literally on the corner of a street dealing haha
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: TheCostelloGroup on August 08, 2013, 12:36 pm
Listen to Biggie Small 'ten crack commandments'

By street do you mean, in the street as on the corner? Or just mean in real life?

IRL my friend. Not literally on the corner of a street dealing haha

Try find other people who want to waste there time selling single g's and want not and supply to them. Find 3 or 4 loyal guys who can keep their mouth shut, if each takes an ounce a week, you'll make plenty of $$$ and you will only be doing 4 deals a week, and if the guys are loyal and you befriend them then you don't have to deal with any dick head addicts or anything.

I've done both, and dealing individual grams and the likes is bullshit and not worth the hassle. Find loyal people with tight lips that want to do the work and then supply to them.

Over time, these guys will want more. So, get them more. But set yourself a target, an amount of cash to have saved up before you walk away. As soon as you meet the target, W A L K. Don't get greedy. Thank the guys for what they've done and leave the game and never sell drugs again. Try to get in and out of this as fast as you can.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Rocknessie on August 08, 2013, 01:45 pm
Quite some good ideas here.

wow...thanks for all your replies! I've read every single one and took the advice on board.Its all been noted :)

1. NEVER loan,offer credit or put drugs on 'tick'. CORRECT. "No Cash, No Hash"

2. Any dealing will be done away from my home. CORRECT. Unless they are personal friends.

3. Stash the stash. CORRECT. Not always possible, but always preferable.

4. GUN. TASER. MACE. No. No no no. Read my advice.

5. When it comes to prices, they'll be set in stone. CORRECT. The phrase will be "REASSURINGLY EXPENSIVE".

6. Any tips on increasing ones clientele? YES.

2. You need to examine your home and decide WHO you are hiding them from. Flat mates? Random robbers? Targeted robbers? Home invasion robbers? The police?

You will find it difficult to hide from a very thorough LE search, especially if they have dogs. But for the rest you should look at the likes of false walls, loose floorboards, sideboards/furniture you can stash in (e.g. a hole in the bottom of your sofa, back of your chest of drawers).

Another tip is to have a small fraction of your stash in an "open" hidden place (sock drawer, small safe, etc.) but put the bulk of your stash into the secondary, much more secure place. That way a robber will think they've cleaned you out when really all they've done is skimmed you.

If you use a third-party storage location then you need to start using counter-surveillance, otherwise it's just a hassle and you'll drag LE there anyway if they're onto you. That means changing your routine and route. Doubling back. Watching trailing cars. Knowing you might be being trailed by as much as five cars or people. You have to ask yourself is it worth it.

4. Taser. If you're asking - fucking forget it. Carry whatever you can afford to lose and hand it all over. Like (2) one tip is to have some drugs/cash in one pocket and some stashed out of the fucking way somewhere on your body. Like the "dummy wallet" (but with a few bills in and a a few business/restaurant cards). Most robbers want to rob and then fleet the fuck away, so give 'em something and run in the opposite direction. If you're not a tough guy don't act like a tough guy - a tough guy will fuck you up just for stepping up.

6. More clients. Friends and friends of friends. If you're selling great gear at a great price their friends will want in. Let them know that's fine. For XTC I found the best way to sell was to go there, without drugs other than personal, get fucked out of my face for hours and when people start asking simply give them my (prepaid cash) mobile number.

You do not want lots of little random scores. You want a regular group of people - look for those with jobs, the more professionals the better - who'll buy their gear from you week in week out.

Networks take time to establish. Be patient, be careful.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: TheCostelloGroup on August 08, 2013, 07:48 pm
One thing about drug dealing in the real world is, if someone fucks you up, robs you, threatens you - you have to do something about it. If you get walked all over once, you know what the rest of the scum out there are going to think? Easy target. Then they will go for you again, and again.

Someone robs you, find out who they are. Break their legs, scare their families,make them beg, do what you have to do. Never kill them, you don't want a murder on your hands.

Now, I don't in anyway console violence, I hate it in fact. But thats the way real world drug dealing goes, and that is specifically why I will not take part in it.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: neo67 on August 08, 2013, 07:58 pm
Listen to Biggie Small 'ten crack commandments'

By street do you mean, in the street as on the corner? Or just mean in real life?

IRL my friend. Not literally on the corner of a street dealing haha

Try find other people who want to waste there time selling single g's and want not and supply to them. Find 3 or 4 loyal guys who can keep their mouth shut, if each takes an ounce a week, you'll make plenty of $$$ and you will only be doing 4 deals a week, and if the guys are loyal and you befriend them then you don't have to deal with any dick head addicts or anything.

I've done both, and dealing individual grams and the likes is bullshit and not worth the hassle. Find loyal people with tight lips that want to do the work and then supply to them.

Over time, these guys will want more. So, get them more. But set yourself a target, an amount of cash to have saved up before you walk away. As soon as you meet the target, W A L K. Don't get greedy. Thank the guys for what they've done and leave the game and never sell drugs again. Try to get in and out of this as fast as you can.

very good advice,thank you. I know 2 people who already deal mephedrone(m-cat), 1 person who deals ketamine and another who deals coke( all IRL). I bet them all apart from the coke dealer will be interested in doing business together. This model makes ALOT of sense to me--they already have a clientele ,or customer base if you prefer, set up, (who i presume they trust and vice verse), they do all the donkey work when it comes to dealing small amounts and all i do is provide them with a largeish amount (say a 50 to 100 pills for example) hopefully every week if they can shift it and if i can front the money for those amounts.Those amounts will probably need to worked up to in my case.i'm only on a low paid job atm and have never dealt before in my life,but fuck it i need to do this shit,i'm sick of earning fuck all from my job.Most of money goes on drugs anyway for personal use,so why not provide a service (of the best kind IMO) and get everybody fucked! hehe

Peace,keep those replies coming, more knowledge the better i guess. :)
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: CannabisCrusader on August 09, 2013, 12:03 am
Listen to Biggie Small 'ten crack commandments'

By street do you mean, in the street as on the corner? Or just mean in real life?

IRL my friend. Not literally on the corner of a street dealing haha

Try find other people who want to waste there time selling single g's and want not and supply to them. Find 3 or 4 loyal guys who can keep their mouth shut, if each takes an ounce a week, you'll make plenty of $$$ and you will only be doing 4 deals a week, and if the guys are loyal and you befriend them then you don't have to deal with any dick head addicts or anything.

I've done both, and dealing individual grams and the likes is bullshit and not worth the hassle. Find loyal people with tight lips that want to do the work and then supply to them.

Over time, these guys will want more. So, get them more. But set yourself a target, an amount of cash to have saved up before you walk away. As soon as you meet the target, W A L K. Don't get greedy. Thank the guys for what they've done and leave the game and never sell drugs again. Try to get in and out of this as fast as you can.

very good advice,thank you. I know 2 people who already deal mephedrone(m-cat), 1 person who deals ketamine and another who deals coke( all IRL). I bet them all apart from the coke dealer will be interested in doing business together. This model makes ALOT of sense to me--they already have a clientele ,or customer base if you prefer, set up, (who i presume they trust and vice verse), they do all the donkey work when it comes to dealing small amounts and all i do is provide them with a largeish amount (say a 50 to 100 pills for example) hopefully every week if they can shift it and if i can front the money for those amounts.Those amounts will probably need to worked up to in my case.i'm only on a low paid job atm and have never dealt before in my life,but fuck it i need to do this shit,i'm sick of earning fuck all from my job.Most of money goes on drugs anyway for personal use,so why not provide a service (of the best kind IMO) and get everybody fucked! hehe

Peace,keep those replies coming, more knowledge the better i guess. :)

No. Did you not listen? DO NOT FRONT. ANYONE. One of my good friends at the time I fronted him a gram, fool still owes me $50 from it 6 months later and I never see him because those $50 were more important than our friendship to him.

Never fronting is the biggest rule, because if, like you said, you don't have a lot of money then your business takes a huge hit when someone doesn't pay you back. And what if they get robbed? That's not your fucking problem but if they can't pay you back now it is.

And I don't know how well you know the drug community there, but I never had to go looking on the streets for my connects. I supplied one roll party that my friends threw and my business exploded immediately to the point of where I never have enough to not sell out before I get more.

Use a burner phone, as well, and replace it often.

And be paranoid. I'd rather feel slightly paranoid than feel like my ass hole has been slightly violated.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: eguy85 on August 09, 2013, 12:40 am
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: neo67 on August 09, 2013, 05:56 pm
Listen to Biggie Small 'ten crack commandments'

By street do you mean, in the street as on the corner? Or just mean in real life?

IRL my friend. Not literally on the corner of a street dealing haha

Try find other people who want to waste there time selling single g's and want not and supply to them. Find 3 or 4 loyal guys who can keep their mouth shut, if each takes an ounce a week, you'll make plenty of $$$ and you will only be doing 4 deals a week, and if the guys are loyal and you befriend them then you don't have to deal with any dick head addicts or anything.

I've done both, and dealing individual grams and the likes is bullshit and not worth the hassle. Find loyal people with tight lips that want to do the work and then supply to them.

Over time, these guys will want more. So, get them more. But set yourself a target, an amount of cash to have saved up before you walk away. As soon as you meet the target, W A L K. Don't get greedy. Thank the guys for what they've done and leave the game and never sell drugs again. Try to get in and out of this as fast as you can.

very good advice,thank you. I know 2 people who already deal mephedrone(m-cat), 1 person who deals ketamine and another who deals coke( all IRL). I bet them all apart from the coke dealer will be interested in doing business together. This model makes ALOT of sense to me--they already have a clientele ,or customer base if you prefer, set up, (who i presume they trust and vice verse), they do all the donkey work when it comes to dealing small amounts and all i do is provide them with a largeish amount (say a 50 to 100 pills for example) hopefully every week if they can shift it and if i can front the money for those amounts.Those amounts will probably need to worked up to in my case.i'm only on a low paid job atm and have never dealt before in my life,but fuck it i need to do this shit,i'm sick of earning fuck all from my job.Most of money goes on drugs anyway for personal use,so why not provide a service (of the best kind IMO) and get everybody fucked! hehe

Peace,keep those replies coming, more knowledge the better i guess. :)

No. Did you not listen? DO NOT FRONT. ANYONE. One of my good friends at the time I fronted him a gram, fool still owes me $50 from it 6 months later and I never see him because those $50 were more important than our friendship to him.

Never fronting is the biggest rule, because if, like you said, you don't have a lot of money then your business takes a huge hit when someone doesn't pay you back. And what if they get robbed? That's not your fucking problem but if they can't pay you back now it is.

And I don't know how well you know the drug community there, but I never had to go looking on the streets for my connects. I supplied one roll party that my friends threw and my business exploded immediately to the point of where I never have enough to not sell out before I get more.

Use a burner phone, as well, and replace it often.

And be paranoid. I'd rather feel slightly paranoid than feel like my ass hole has been slightly violated.

sorry dude, i think you misinterpreted my words.I probably didn't help matters lol with the way i worded it.I meant to say 'if i can GET the money'......not 'if i can FRONT the money'.Sillly me. I will NOT front anything, especially not that amount.'My' dealers will have to pay cold hard cash for the goodies then sell, then come back for more,etc. As i said my coke dealer warned me of fronting anything, even a gram. He told me of the fucking frustration one goes through in trying to recoup the monies. He said ' even if its a gram you fronted and not had the money back for it, it feels like you've been raped!Hard! lol'  I don't want to be metaphorically raped, so no fronting.

Also, it's not worth your friendship as you said right? not worth the drugs IMO.

Thanks for the advice regarding a burner, will get on to that. At the mo only my closet friends know my cell/mobile phone number.

And about being paranoid to keep safe, don't worry friend i suffer from psychosis!I'm paranoid 24/7 LOL


Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Mangoes on August 09, 2013, 06:16 pm
My advise : be in good shape, just in case of running... and wear comfy clothes
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: neo67 on August 09, 2013, 08:38 pm
My advise : be in good shape, just in case of running... and wear comfy clothes

why the comfy clothes? lol
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: The Missus on August 09, 2013, 11:26 pm
Don't tell anyone you're real name. Make sure you have a customer base. NEVER deal at where you lay your head/ where you work. Don't involve you're family. Don't sell shit when you're drunk. Keep those bitches at a distance.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: danconia on August 09, 2013, 11:30 pm
My advise : be in good shape, just in case of running... and wear comfy clothes

why the comfy clothes? lol

IMO you'll want to balance being comfortable with looking like a non-drug dealer.  I think he means comfy in the sense that if you ever need to run and / or hide, you will be able to do so.  I'd also recommend, as mentioned, wearing shoes that you are able to run in if necessary.  This is last-resort stuff though, and an oz of preventing these situations from arising is worth a pound of you running away from danger.

There are a lot of variables that determine how at-risk you are of getting in trouble.  Recognize those variables and try to figure out how to minimize each of them.  For instance when I would cap my MDMA sand it would take a couple of days and during that time my MDMA would literally be on the coffee table in my living room.  I would hide that sand at night but having sand on a tray (on which you are mashing and capping) makes it very obvious that you are dealing drugs if the cops were ever to find a way into your apartment.  To minimize this risk I started paying a friend of mine $0.50 per cap to put the sand into caps as fast as possible, and I also gave discounts to people who bought it as sand.  Capping MDMA might not seem like it'd take long but the bigger the package the more of your time you'll spend weighing them out and capping them.

Plus this process is just incredibly boring.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: CannabisCrusader on August 10, 2013, 09:10 am
My advise : be in good shape, just in case of running... and wear comfy clothes

why the comfy clothes? lol

IMO you'll want to balance being comfortable with looking like a non-drug dealer.  I think he means comfy in the sense that if you ever need to run and / or hide, you will be able to do so.  I'd also recommend, as mentioned, wearing shoes that you are able to run in if necessary.  This is last-resort stuff though, and an oz of preventing these situations from arising is worth a pound of you running away from danger.

There are a lot of variables that determine how at-risk you are of getting in trouble.  Recognize those variables and try to figure out how to minimize each of them.  For instance when I would cap my MDMA sand it would take a couple of days and during that time my MDMA would literally be on the coffee table in my living room.  I would hide that sand at night but having sand on a tray (on which you are mashing and capping) makes it very obvious that you are dealing drugs if the cops were ever to find a way into your apartment.  To minimize this risk I started paying a friend of mine $0.50 per cap to put the sand into caps as fast as possible, and I also gave discounts to people who bought it as sand.  Capping MDMA might not seem like it'd take long but the bigger the package the more of your time you'll spend weighing them out and capping them.

Plus this process is just incredibly boring.

Really? Capping it is kind of fun for me. I think of it like $10 every time I put a cap away, and then I remember when I used to work a real job.... :)

But I do feel that, I prefer when people buy 1g+ at a time...
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: FearTheReaper on August 10, 2013, 09:25 am

1.  Don't get greedy. 

2.  Don't shoot your mouth off. 

Violate either one and it will get you busted ever time.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: VHSplayer on August 10, 2013, 04:38 pm
I been in this game for years, it made me a animal
It's rules to this shit, I wrote me a manual
A step by step booklet for you to get
your game on track, not your wig pushed back
Rule nombre uno: never let no one know
how much, dough you hold, cause you know
The cheddar breed jealousy 'specially
if that man fucked up, get your ass stuck up
Number two: never let em know your next move
Don't you know Bad Boys move in silence or violence
Take it from your highness (uh-huh)
I done squeezed mad clips at these cats for they bricks and chips
Number three: never trust no-bo-dy
Your moms'll set that ass up, properly gassed up
Hoodie to mask up, shit, for that fast buck
she be layin in the bushes to light that ass up
Number four: know you heard this before
Never get high, on your own supply
Number five: never sell no crack where you rest at
I don't care if they want a ounce, tell em bounce
Number six: that god damn credit, dead it
You think a crackhead payin you back, shit forget it
Seven: this rule is so underrated
Keep your family and business completely seperated
Money and blood don't mix like two dicks and no bitch
Find yourself in serious shit
Number eight: never keep no weight on you
Them cats that squeeze your guns can hold jobs too
Number nine shoulda been number one to me
If you ain't gettin bags stay the fuck from police (uh-huh)
If niggaz think you snitchin ain't tryin listen
They be sittin in your kitchen, waitin to start hittin
Number ten: a strong word called consignment
Strictly for live men, not for freshmen
If you ain't got the clientele say hell no
Cause they gon want they money rain sleet hail snow
Follow these rules you'll have mad bread to break up
If not, twenty-four years, on the wake up
Slug hit your temple, watch your frame shake up
Caretaker did your makeup, when you pass
Your girl fucked my man Jake up, heard in three weeks
she sniffed a whole half of cake up
Heard she suck a good dick, and can hook a steak up
Gotta go gotta go, more pasta bake up, word up, uhh
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 10, 2013, 04:45 pm
Get into great shape, get a pistol to carry (and know how to hit your target) , NEVER front, and keep your re-up times totally private tell  NO ONE when you're re-upping.  And never sling from your house.  Good luck be safe
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Croskin on August 10, 2013, 04:59 pm
If you can, only sell to friends.  If not, form a solid client base and then do not sell to anyone else.  People will come to you saying that they heard about you from so and so, just tell them that you will sell directly only to so and so.  Don't take random calls from numbers asking for goods.  I literally had a 50 year old guy (trying to talk like he was a teenager) ask me my full name and if he can make a large purchase.  Just use common sense for most things.  You are going to be a little known, but don't put yourself out there on purpose if you don't want LE attention.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Dingo Ate My Drugs on August 10, 2013, 11:10 pm
   Pro-tip #1 - Never give shit on credit, nothing, zilch, every word out there that means nothing on tick, borrow, credit, buy-now pay-later. You do a transaction right there and then. This is one way to avoid problems and keep the buyer-seller relationship healthy.

Yes I would agree with this. I have been allowing ticks / fronts to people for years, but I have noticed that people don't give a shit anymore and it got up to $15,600.
Now down to $7,000, but it is getting increasingly difficult to obtain as the number gets smaller because those people remaining are the more selfish and scummiest people around.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: Dingo Ate My Drugs on August 10, 2013, 11:13 pm
If you sell to random people you WILL get caught. Simple. Not by accident by the police, but when selling those products someone will get busted who wont give a shit about you and will flip. Those things you are talking about selling carry a high penalty, especially MDMA/Ex.

Even selling to people you trust is risky business because you never know someones true character until they're looking at 10 years in prison which they could get dropped by flipping on you and they'd never see you again.

Be careful. Get some customers you TRUST. Don't get greedy, or you WILL get caught. Always revise your methods. Never become predictable. Don't tell anyone anything they don't need to know. If at all possible, act as a middle man, and regard yourself as one, not as a dealer. If you're known as the middle man instead of the dealer theres a less chance people will think to flip on you.

Use common sense. I could go on, but these are things you gotta think up yourself. Whatever you do DON'T get a gun. If you're worried about getting robbed, you are much better off losing some money then adding another 10-15 years to your sentence. If you are worried about getting shot, then you might wanna rethink were you are selling.
Yea you will notice it brings out the worst in people. You will get fucked over by people you trusted.
Trust nobody. The faster you learn that, the better off you will be.
Title: Re: I'm considering dealing on the street.Any advice to keep me safe?
Post by: billiken on August 10, 2013, 11:58 pm
NO guns.

NO greedy.

Have confidence in yourself.

NEVER BE A FUCKING SICK BASTARD, if you are a small dealer the police is not going to look for you, they have slow budgets, there are bigger problems than a person selling 5 tabs of Lucy or 5 gr of MDMA.

DON'T storage your stuff in your home.

Sell only to people you know, friends of friends.

Try not selling in a big club, there are always FEDs there. The party is to enjoy, the bussiness happen outside the party.

If you don't trust a buyer, prices up for him until you get to know him better. Also this will make the bad buyers run away. People that knows that you are selling the good stuff will pay the price.

Never use bank accounts.

DON'T use cellphones to talk with customers, the same for SMS. Use whatsapp or line or apps like that, the feds can't get an order to look for logs in the servers from the companies.

Put a limit to yourself. For example: I want to buy a home for myself, travel and have a good start for my life. I don't want a mansion, with bitches and a ferrari.

Don't talk the prices, where you get your products, how much are you winning, and that things.

Keep all this in mind and you will be okay.